Mathematics Club

Mathematics Club

The Mathematics Club at ASIET is a vibrant and dynamic community for students passionate about mathematics. Our club is dedicated to fostering a love for mathematics and providing a platform for students to explore, discuss, and engage with various mathematical concepts beyond the classroom.


To motivate and engage students in the subject by providing opportunities for informal and enjoyable mathematical activities


The objective of the Maths Club is to provide a platform for students to engage in mathematical activities, to enhance their problem-solving skills, and to develop their interest in mathematics.

The club aims to achieve the following objectives:

  • To provide an opportunity for students to explore mathematics beyond the classroom.

  • To enhance students' problem-solving skills through interactive sessions.

  • To organize workshops, guest lectures, and quizzes to promote mathematical thinking and reasoning.

  • To provide a platform for students to participate in mathematical competitions and Olympiads.

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Members of Mathematics Club

1 Sajitha Saseendran, BSH Coordinator
2 Savithry K S, BSH Cordinator
3 Anjali Nair, S5 ECE Chairperson
4 Meenakshi M Menon, S3 EBE Vice-Chairperson
5 Devananda Anil, S3 CSE Event Coordinator
6 Adith Pradeep, S5 RA Event Coordinator
7 Anamika Biju, S1 ECE Publicity Team
8 Nandhu Krishnan, S1 ECE Publicity Team
9 Subha Sankar, S5 RA Technical Coordinator
10 Christina Jisso, S5 ECE Content Team
11 Anusree B, S1 CSE Content Team
12 Devika T R, S5 ECE Design Team
13 Greeshma Rajeev, S5 ECE Design Team

For more details see

PI Day Celebration 2024

Mathematics Week Celebrations 2023

Mathematics Club Inauguration

Mathematics Day Celebration 2021

National Mathematics Day Celebration 2019