UHV Cell

Universal Human Values

The purpose of education is to help the student develop the right understanding, so that, by a certain age, he/she will be able to gain clarity about happiness, prosperity and how to ensure their continuity at the individual level and contribute meaningfully to the family, society, and the entire nature for the wellbeing of all.
The objective of the cell are:

  • To equip the faculty to provide holistic, value-based education to the students.

  • To help the faculty also lead a fulfilling life by maintaining harmony at the individual, family, society, and nature- levels.

  • To conduct a weekly meeting of UHV cell members along with other faculty members, staff, and students interested in UHV.

Members of UHV Cell

1 Prof. Suja C K, BSH Coordinator
2 Gripsy Paul, CSE Member
3 Nimal Namboodiripad, MBA Member
4 Hima T, EEE Member
5 Neema M, ECE Member
6 Dr. Vinay T V, ME Member
7 Harshnanda T N, CE Member
8 Winnie Ann Thomas, EBE Member
9 Sabitha MG, CSE AI Member
10 Dr. Julia T J, RA Member
11 Eldhose P Sim, CSE Member