Electronics & Communication Engineering

The Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) Department is one of the oldest of the departments of the institute and was established in 2001.

The initial journey was concentrated towards setting up the UG program (B. Tech. in Electronics and Communication Engineering) followed by M. Tech Programs in two specializations (M. Tech. in VLSI and Embedded Systems and M. Tech. in Communication Engineering).

The B. Tech and M. Tech students are admitted under APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.

Our institute is an approved research center of APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University and the ECE department offers Ph.D. programs in different frontier areas of research. The Department excels in External Funded Research and Industry driven consultancy projects. It is actively involved in organizing conferences, short courses, workshops, and seminars for practicing engineers and also in curriculum development activities.

The journey, so far, has been the result of hard work put in by the faculty, the staff, and the students with the support of the Institute level administration.

The Department is well-equipped with laboratories i.e. Digital IC lab, Communication Lab, Electronic circuits Lab, Systems Lab, Project Lab, and Simulation lab which cater to program needs. Adequate numbers of computers with the required software are available and along with the Central Internet Lab, the Department has internet access on a few other computer terminals. The Department has a highly competent and devoted faculty with vast teaching and industrial experience, qualified from highly reputed institutions.

An excellent academic environment is available for creative and productive work both for faculty as well as students.

Department Highlights

UG Program

  • B.Tech Electronics & Communication Engineering (Started in 2001) with a current Intake of 90 students.

PG Program

  • M.Tech VLSI and Embedded Systems (Started in the year 2012) with a current Intake of 18 students.
  • M.Tech Communication Engineering (Started in the year 2013) with a current Intake of 18 students.

Ph.D Program

  • The Department provides a Ph.D Program designed to foster research and innovation in Electronics and allied fields.

                         March 2018 - June 2021 (Ref  -  F.No.26-56-2016-NBA, Dt : 29/03/2018)

                         Extension (1 Year)  (Ref  -  F.No.26-56-2016-NBA, Dt : 02/07/2021)

                         Reaccreditation till 30.06.2025 (Ref  -  F.No.26-56-2016-NBA, Dt : 26/08/2022) 

Approved Research Centre – APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 

                         Approved Ph.D. Guides/Supervisors : 3 (Ac. Yr : 2021-22)

                         No of Research Scholars                     : 13 (Part Time)

                         No. of Ph.Ds Awarded                           : 1               

Dedicated Research Laboratories


 Internet of Things (IoT) lab

(Texas Instruments, India supported)

Advanced Communication Lab

(MODROBS Funded)


  • Annual International Conference – ACCESS

                    (Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems) 

                                    ACCESS '20                 ACCESS '21                 ACCESS '23   

  • Functional MoU with Industries – 7
  • 9 PATENTS Published
  • AICTE grant of  18.17 Lakhs – MODROBS for Communication lab
  • Sponsored Projects and Consultancy Works of  about 30 lakhs (Last 3 Years)
    • Funding Agencies  – AICTE, APJAKTU CERD, KSCSTE, IEI, KSUM   
  • 300+ NPTEL/Coursera – MOOC
  • Best Project Awards.
  • Best NSS Volunteer Awards (State level –  KTU)
    • 2021   --  Lakshmi Nandana N R (2018 - 2022 Batch)
    • 2020  --  M Gowri  (2016 - 2020 Batch)

DEPT. WEBSITE - (Click here to know more)

Department Brochure (1)                              Department Brochure (2)


  • To be recognized at the national and international level for excellence in Education and Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering.


  • Inculcating leadership qualities, adaptability, and ethical values.

  • Imparting quality education in the field of electronics, communication, and related areas to meet the challenges in the industry, academia, and research.

  • Nurture the growth of each individual by providing a dynamic and conducive learning environment.

What Our Students Say
Lieutenant Sreerang Prakash
Indian Navy

"You can build a strong building only on a strong foundation” and this is being ensured by the faculty of E. C Department that their students are strong in their basic knowledge. Traditional learning methods are replaced by interactive classroom sessions by highly qualified and experienced faculty which will bring the best out of you. The M. O. U with Indian Navy is one of the greatest achievements which will help Armed Force aspirants to join as technical officers. Joining EC department is as much as about finding out who you really are as it is about getting that degree.

Lieutenant Sreerang Prakash
Sarath V ( Apple Inc, California , USA)
Software Engineer

Here, the teachers provide a friendly atmosphere to the students. The department provides an innovative culture to the students which enables us to bring more innovative projects. The teachers are very motivational. The department also encourage social activities.

Sarath V ( Apple Inc, California , USA)
Reshmi G Bhatt
Indian Air Force -flying officer

Reshmi completed her flying officer course under Indian Air Force ; becoming the first Malayali flying officer...... 2011-2015 ECE Passout

Reshmi G Bhatt
Program Specific Outcomes (PSO)

After successful completion of the course,

PSO1 :
The student will be able to Identify and solve engineering problems related to analog and digital electronic systems and to design and implement them.

PSO2 :
The student will be able to Model a real world communication problem and to design and implement a suitable solution / system for the same.

PSO3 :
The student will be able to Solve complex engineering problems on signal processing and to design and simulate a suitable system using advanced tools.

Programme Outcome (PO)

PO1. Engineering knowledge :
Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.

PO2. Problem analysis :
Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

PO3. Design/development of solutions :
Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

PO4. Conduct investigations of complex problems :
Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

PO5. Modern tool usage :
Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

PO6. The engineer and society :
Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.

PO7. Environment and sustainability :
Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

PO8. Ethics :
Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

PO9. Individual and team work :
Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

PO10. Communication :
Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

PO11. Project management and finance :
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

PO12. Life-long learning :
Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Course Outcome

Faculty Details
Electronics & Communication Engineering

Academic Research

  • Recognised & Approved Research Center under APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University

  • External Funded Research and Industry driven consultancy projects

  • Offers Ph.D. programmes 

  • Major Areas of Research Work: 

   Wireless Communication | IoT | Fiber Optics & Photonics | Antenna

   Design | VLSI | Image & Signal Processing | Machine Learning 


Journal Publications*

2023-24 (Click here to see the list)

2022-23 (Click here to see the list)

2021-22 (Click here to see the list)

2020-21 (Click here to see the list)

2019-20 (Click here to see the list)

2018-19 (Click here to see the list)

2017-18 (Click here to see the list)


Click here to see the list

Ph.D Supervisors/Guides 

Dr. Ajay Kumar

Dr. Bobby Mathews C

Dr. Bipin P R

Ph.D Scholars

Click here to see the list

Externally Funded Projects

Click here to see the list

Consultancy Projects

Click here to see the list

Dedicated Research Laboratories

Center for AI - IoT Innovation -Sponsored By Ministery of Electronics and Information, Govt of India

Centre for Antenna Design (CAD)

Internet of Things (IoT) lab - Texas Instruments, India supported

Advanced Communication LabAICTE MODROBS Funded




  • Computer Vision, an essential discipline encompassing the automatic analysis and comprehension of images and videos, holds immense significance across domains such as security, healthcare, entertainment, and mobility. The profound achievements of deep learning techniques have brought about a paradigm shift in the realm of computer vision, propelling novel breakthroughs to the verge of practical implementation for the benefit of end users. This course will commence by acquainting students with conventional computer vision concepts, subsequently unveiling the realm of deep learning techniques tailored for computer vision. The curriculum will encompass fundamental principles and contemporary advancements within these domains, empowering students to grasp the fundamentals and adeptly apply these methodologies to real-world scenarios.

For more details Click Here


  • The course offers a hands-on experience for beginners to delve into the world of IoT. Participants will get an opportunity to work with Node MCU and Raspberry Pi, and grasp the cutting edge IoT technologies and protocols. The course fosters a deep hands-on experience in designing IoT based systems focussing on data transfer to Thingspeak server, utilizing MQTT on the node, digital and analog sensor interfacings.

For more details Click Here


  • The Certificate Course on “HFSS for RF and Microwave: Antenna Design, Simulation & Testing” is a specialized program aimed at providing participants with in-depth knowledge and practical skills in the field of antenna design and simulation, specifically using the High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) software. This course covers a wide range of topics including antenna theory, electromagnetic principles, antenna types and characteristics, RF/microwave design principles and hands-on experience with HFSS software for simulation and optimization of antennas. Participants will learn to design various types of antennas such as microstrip antenna, planar antenna, arrays and more, while also gaining proficiency in analyzing and optimizing antenna performance parameters like radiation pattern, gain, bandwidth, and impedance matching.

For more details Click Here


  • The course on Introduction to VLSI Testing & EDA Tools offers a comprehensive exploration into the field of Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) testing and Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools. Students will delve into the fundamental concepts of VLSI testing, learning the intricate methods employed to ensure the reliability and functionality of complex integrated circuits. The curriculum also includes an in-depth examination of EDA tools, equipping participants with the skills to efficiently design, simulate, and verify electronic systems. Through a blend of theoretical knowledge and hands-on practical exercises, students will gain a solid foundation in VLSI testing strategies and become proficient in utilizing state-of-the-art EDA tools, preparing them for the challenges of modern semiconductor industry practices.

For more details Click Here

Month & Year Activity Name Details
July 2024 Faculty Development Program Next-Generation Wireless Communication and Hands-on Session in HFSS for RF and Microwave
June 2024 Workshop "LSSUW 2024: IoT and Antenna Dynamics - Bridging the Wireless World
May 2024 Project Exhibition  Aavishkar’ 24
April 2024 Workshop Mastering LaTeX: A Student Guide's to Effective Report Writing and Paper Publication
March 2024 Faculty professional enrichment program A Guide to Publication, Indexing, and Funding
February 2024 School Outreach Program Career guidance program for Diploma students
February 2024 Workshop Uddyotana 2024
January 2024 School Outreach Program Abhyudaya 2023 - Phase II
December 2023 Talk Career Opportunities and Higher Education
November 2023 School Outreach Program Abhyudaya 2023
November 2023 Seminar Engineering on a Global Stage: Discovering Abroad Opportunities
September 2023 Value-added course Python programming
September 2023 Talk Placement Preparedness
September 2023 Workshop Resume Writing
September 2023 Certificate Coueses Reaserch Interest Group (RIG) Certificate Coueses on IoT, Lighting the Path: Skill Enrichment in Optics and Photonics, VLSI Design Flow and Deep Learning for Computer Vision
August 2023 Talk Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Awareness
May 2023

Faculty Development Program

Antenna Design and Measurement

May 2023 Conference

ACCESS’23 – IEEE 3rd international conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems

April 2023 Talk

Patent Awareness

March 2023 Workshop

Workshop on Digital Marketing

February 2023 Talk

My Story- An Interactive Talk Session

February 2023 Workshop

Hands-On Workshop on Raspberry Pi and Arduino

January 2023 Faculty Development Program

KTU-sponsored FDP On Ml and DL Applications In Computer Vision

October 2022 Workshop

HAM Radio Workshop conducted by  IEEE

November 2022 Workshop

Gnu Radio Workshop conducted by IEEE

September 2022 Workshop Python Programming Workshop conducted by IEI for Final Year Students
May 2022 Webinar “How to plan for Start up-Legal and Ethical steps” , Dr. Nishad V.M., Project Director of People's Foundation & Visiting faculty of TBI NIT Calicut
May 2022 Workshop Cyber Security And Ethical Hacking, Mr.Dhanoop R, Cyber Security Expert at Appin Technology Lab, Kochi
May 2022 Webinar “Introduction to Virtual reality/Augmented reality”, Mr. Shyam Pradeep Alil, Infusory future tech labs Pvt Ltd,
May 2022 Work Shop on PCB Design Organized by IIC,Dept. of ECE conducted by Mr. Albins Paul, ASIET, Kalady
May 2022 Idea pitching competition Organized By IIC

December 2021

Technichal Talk : Millimeter Wave Communication & Antenna Design at 60GHz

Organized by IEI within our esteemed institution ADI SHANKARA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, ERNAKULAM through Google meet on 10 December 2021.

November 2021

MY STORY - Motivational Session by a Successful Entrepreneur.

Department of Electronics and Communication in association with IIC cell and IEI Students Chapter organized an interactive session titled " My story" handled by Mr. Paul Alex, Cofounder and Chief Technology Officer at Hound Mobility, serial entrepreneur, and Ted- Ex speaker. This motivational session was held on 26th November 2021

September 2021


Career Opportunities Of Engineers In

Business Development

Department of Electronics and Communication organised a webinar “Career Opportunities of Engineers in Business Development” on 27/9/2021. Mr.Vineeth R Nair, Director Sales, Byju's interacted with the auidence through google meet.

September 2021


 AICTE Sponsored International Conference

ACCESS ’21 (AICTE Sponsored 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems), technically sponsored by IEEE, commenced on 2nd September 2021. This is the second edition of ACCESS.

ACCESS '21 is provisionally Recommended by AICTE (Reference : AQIS Application Id: 1-9250803471) with a grant of INR *4 Lakhs under *Grant for Organizing Conference (GOC) scheme.

The keynote address was delivered by Dr. Uttam Ghosh, Vanderbilt University, USA and Mr. Bejoy Pankajakshan from Mavenir, Texas, USA on 2nd September.

The paper presentations were organized under 5 tracks: Communication & Networking, Computational Intelligence, Computer vision and Signal processing, Robotics and Biomedical Engineering, and Security& Computing Technologies. All the accepted and presented papers are published in IEEE Xplore.

Apart from paper presentations, 9 renowned speakers interacted with students and participants during the preconference meetings as well as for the tutorial sessions. The Conference was enriched with informative sessions by eminent personalities from academia and industry.

September 2021




The FDP on AI Enabled IoT Networks covered the topics such as Intelligent IoT, Challenges and opportunities in AI, Machine learning concepts, deep learning based distributed compression, machine learning in cognitive IoT framework during the 5 days. (13/9/2021 - 17/9/2021)

September 2021

Technichal Workshop

Prevailing Technologies In VLSI, Embedded Systems, Photonics & Fiber Optics And IoT

Dept. of ECE organized a one week online Workshop for S7 students on "Prevailing Technologies in VLSI, Embedded Systems, Photonics & Fiber Optics and IoT" from 20/09/2021 to 24/09/2021). As part of the 2 day workshop, three online sessions by industry experts were conducted. Ms. Lakshmi M, Analog Layout Engineer, Tessolve Semiconductors, Mr. Abhilash Surendran, Hardware Design Engineer, Smart Inforce Computing and Dr. Deepak P M, Lead Research Engineer, Centre of excellence in wireless Technology, IIT Madras campus handled the sessions. The rest of the sessions were handled by the faculty members of ECE Dept

June 2021


Event Abhyudhaya 2K21, was conducted by the ECE department from 04/06/2021 to 05/06/2021 with an aim to bridge the technical gap between the school and college level academics. The program is organized with an obligation to develop design mindset skills, inculcate computational thinking in young minds and also to help the students to learn and understand machine learning approaches, scaling up machine learning techniques focusing on industry applications. The workshop was conducted as a part of the school outreach program under the Department of ECE.Students from various reputed schools all over India participated in the workshop and the resource persons were the faculty members from the department.

June 2021

Talk on

Speak Out And Reach Out At Your Goals

The Electronics and communication engineering department of Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology organized a webinar on “TALK ON SPEAK OUT AND REACH OUT AT YOUR GOALS ”. The speaker for the session was Ms. Unnikrishnan S. He is the Cluster Head at Extramarks Education India Pvt Ltd.

May 2021



Uddyotana 2K21, version 4, was conducted by Department of ECE from 27/05/2020 to 28/05/2021 with an aim to enlighten the higher secondary mathematics teachers with modern engineering tools and applications. The workshop was organized by the Department of ECE as a part of the school outreach program. Teachers from various reputed schools all over Kerala participated in the workshop. Active participation of the participants led to exchange of ideas in the area of “Applications of mathematics in Engineering”.

April 2021

Webinar On

Higher Education

The placement cell of the Department of Electronics and communication engineering organized a webinar on “Learning Pathways in higher Education abroad” on 27th April 2021 2.00 PM-3.30 PM. The speaker for the session was Mr. Gabriel Sebastian, a Research student at University West, Sweden.

February, 2021 Research Seminar Presentation Research seminar series has been started in ECE on 23.02.2021. The series is conducted under the supervision of Prof. K G Balakrishnan, Advisor and Dean Research. Dr. Ragesh G K presented a topic titled " Cluster Computing" 
February, 2021


(Lab Staff Skill Up gradation Workshop) 2021

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering & Technology, Kalady organized a 3 day Technical Staff Skill Up gradation Program “Python programming for beginners with an introduction to IoT ” on 10th , 11th and 12th February 2021. The sessions were online through google meet. Technical Staff members from all over Kerala were invited to attend the Workshop
February , 2021

Introduction to  


Mr. Albins Paul conducted an introductory session on
NIRF & ARIIA for the faculties of Electronics & Communication  Engineering Department,
ASIET on 18/02/2021 at ECE seminar hall.
January 21, 2021


" Employability of B.Tech Graduates"

Electronics and Communication department in association with IIPC and IIC has organised a webinar on the topic " Employability of BTech graduates" for final year graduates on 21-1-2021. The Speaker  was Mr John Mathew Sebastian, head of talent acquisition, V-Guard Industries ltd.
December 18, 2020 Project Exhibition Conducted an exhibition of projects done by the lab staffs of department of ECE on 18/12/2020 afternoon at the IOT Lab of ECE department. 8 projects done by our six lab staffs were exhibited.
December 9, 2020 Industrial Visit Dr Ragesh G K, Er Ajay Kumar, Er Arya Paul, Er Albins Paul and Er Prasanth P Menon visited Nest Cyber Campus at Aluva. The objective of the visit is to start a PG Diploma Course (course duration: 6 months to 12 months) on Electronics and related areas for our Pre- Final and Final year Students.

The Institution Innovation Cell (IIC) in association with the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kalady, Kerala initiated an IIC session- My Story-Motivational Session by Successful Entrepreneur, with an objective to encourage students towards Entrepreneurship and also to kindle the skills of the young minds aspiring to be successful entrepreneurs.

Speaker: Shri. Santhosh George Kulangara is an Indian entrepreneur, traveller, publisher and media person. He is the founder and managing director of Safari TV, a channel dedicated to travel and history-based programmes, which is a unique experiment in the Indian media industry. The Speaker discussed about various Entrepreneurship opportunities, the Risks faced by an entrepreneur and emphasized about the importance of Critical thinking. He shared his experiences as an Entrepreneur, the challenges he faced in the early stages of his enterprises and motivated the students by describing how his TV Channel- SAFARI broadcasts quality programmes without any paid commercial advertisements.

November 13, 2020 MY STORY- MOTIVATIONAL SESSION BY SUCCESSFUL ENTREPRENEUR The Institution Innovation Cell (IIC) in association with the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kalady, Kerala initiated an IIC session- My Story-Motivational Session by Successful Entrepreneur, with an objective to encourage students towards Entrepreneurship and also to kindle the skills of the young minds aspiring to be successful entrepreneurs.Speaker: Mr. Joy Sebastian, Chief executive officer and co-founder of Techgentsia, who won the “Grand Innovation Challenge for Video Conferencing Softwares” conducted by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (Meity) under Govt. of India’s search for a Make In India Video Conferencing Software. He also won the Emerge 50 award of 2020, by NASSCOM India for the most promising companies from India which was announced in November 2020. The Speaker discussed about various Entrepreneurship opportunities, the Risks faced by an entrepreneur and emphasized about the importance of Critical thinking. He shared his experiences as an Entrepreneur, the challenges he faced in the early stages of his start-up and motivated the students by describing how his company- Techgentsia won the prestigious Grand Innovation Challenge.
November 8, 2020 “WEBSECURITY AND BLOCKCHAIN” A talk on “Websecurity And Blockchain” was held on November 8, 4.00pm-5pm for IETE members, the students of S5 Electronics And Communication at Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering And Technology by Mr Harikrishnan M ,[2014-18 batch Alumni, ECE department] Entrepreneur, Blockchain Architect And Research Fellow, Ciirc, Banglore.
November 2020 MoU Two MoU's were signed- Digital Core Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (Kochi based Embedded System Technologies and having 8 to 35+ years of system design and Product Development Experience).  and with AIC- Indian Institute of Information Technology ( Institute of National Importance), Kottayam.
October 13, 2020 ‘Career opportunities for electronics graduate in Canada’ A webinar on ‘Career opportunities for electronics graduate in Canada’ was taken by a former ASIET alumni Mr. Akhil Sivaram B who is currently working as electronics technician at Radwell International in Canada.
October 12,2020 Alumni Talk_ First year Induction program Abhinav Subhash Jayarishnan [2019 ECE], Gokul Krishnan [ 2019 ECE ] and Renjitha C Nair [2018 ECE] delivered a talk to first year students as a part of their induction program.Abhinav Subhash Jayarishnan and Gokul Krishnan are the members of Fab Lab. They delivered talk on entrepreneurship. Er Renjitha C Nair is working at Tessolve. She gave a motivational talk to the students
October 12,2020 Industry expert talk_First year Induction program Er Anuroop K B, Fablab in charge and Assistant Professor, ECE department delivered a talk on Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
September 7 to 11,2020 FDP The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology, successfully organized an ATAL AICTE sponsored five days faculty development program on Robotics & Industrial Revolution on 7th September to 11th September 2020.
August 3, 2020 onwards "Geogebra for Higher secondary Mathematics Teachers " 15 hours Online training Program on "Geogebra for Higher secondary Mathematics Teachers "
August 3, 2020 onwards 'Computer Programming for Robotics'

16 hours Online workshop on 'Computer Programming for Robotics' from 3rd August 2O2O onwards. The Program  is  intended  for  students  who  have  completed  their  Plus two  in  2O2O  in  science  stream.  

August 23, 2020 “Embedded System Design “

A webinar on the topic “Embedded System Design “ by Mr.Kurian  Thomas,  Senior  Engineer,  Tata  Elxsi  LTD. 

August 21, 2020 " IoT,Smart devices and home automation" Webinar on "  IoT,Smart devices and home automation"by Mr.Sreehari P L, Software engineer,Kimball electronics
August 5, 2020 " Sensing with Nerves of Glass"  Webinar on "Sensing with Nerves of Glass" by Mr. Srijith K,Assistant Professor,IIITDM,Kancheepuram
August 6, 2020 “ Machine Learning in Healthcare and Agriculture” Webinar on "  Machine Learning in Healthcare and Agriculture"  by Dr. Biji C L, Lecturer, Department of Computational Biology an Bioinformatics,University of Kerala
August 8, 2020 "Challenges in industry jobs on the verge of 4th industrial revolution" Industry Institute Partnership Cell (IIPC) ,Electronics and Communication department organized a webinar on the topic " Challenges in industry jobs on the verge of 4th industrial revolution" in association with Institution's innovation council(IIC) on 07/ 08 /2020. The speaker was Mr Gopakumar M G,Qatar civil defense approved engineer, Instrumentation& Fire alarm system
June 31-August 1,2020 “Introduction to Machine Learning using Python”( A Hands-on approach)  Department of ECE and CSE organized an online two day STTP on “Introduction to Machine Learning using Python”( A Hands-on approach) on 31/07/2020 and 01/08/2020

June 21, 2020

“BASICS OF FACE DETECTION” Signal Processing Society of IEEE Student Branch ASIET organized a webinar on “BASICS OF FACE DETECTION”. The session was handled by Mr.Dennies Rocky[S8 ECE], Former Chairman, IEEE Student Branch ASIET
July 19, 2020 “BOT: A New Interface” Webinar on “BOT: A New Interface” by Mr.Shekhar Kumar – Technical Head at Talentas Technology Pvt Ltd [ ECE 2008-12 batch , ASET] was organized under IEI on 19th July 2020
July 12, 2020 “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence” Webinar on “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence” by Mr.Karthik K – AI Engineer at Innovation IncubatorandIndustrial Relations Coordinator at IEEE CS SYP was organized under IEI on 12th July 2020.
July 11, 2020 “Career opportunities in Robotics ” Webinar on “Career opportunities in Robotics ” by Dr.Rahul Sharma K
July 16,2020 “Career Prospects for Electronics Engineers in India” Department Placement cell organised a talk on “Career Prospects for Electronics Engineers in India” by Mr. Anish Gopinath –Scientist/Engineer ,Avionics, VSSC, ISRO Trivandrum.
June 13, 2020 “The Art of entrepreneurship: Turning dreams into ideas” ECE placement Cell organised a webinar “The Art of entrepreneurship: Turning dreams into ideas” on 13/6/2020 by Mr.Arjun R Pillai, Founder and CEO,, USA .
June 28, 2020 “Engineer’s voyage to Indian Navy” ECE Placement cell coordinated a webinar on “Engineer’s voyage to Indian Navy” by Lieutenant Sreerang Prakash (2012-16 batch) on 28th June 2020 as a part of Enlight-Alumni Talk Series.
June 7, 2020 "Test your "C"Skills" ECE placement cell organizes weekly online placement trainings on core subjects, aptitude and programming with the objective of helping the students to easily crack both the company recruitment and competitive exams such as ‘GATE’. The course provides the best comprehensive study materials focussing on enhancing the capability of candidates to solve thought provoking questions easily. The live training sessions and the course materials are uploaded in YouTube for fast access.
May 25,2020 “Career options and opportunities for Electronics Graduates”

Department Placement Cell organised  a talk on “Career options and opportunities for Electronics Graduates” on 25th May 2020 by Mr.Renjith  C V, Electrical Architect- Medical Imaging, Philips Healthcare to 2016-2020 and 2017-2021 Batch students.

January 28 to February 5 , 2020

"App   Development workshop using Flutter”

SPS chapter of IEEE  SB in association  with  our department conducted  a workshop on  “ App   Development workshop using Flutter” from January 28 to February 5 , 2020 to final year students


January 28 to February 5 2020

NI LabView  and USRP

From  January 28 to February 5 2020,  organised a workshop on  NI LabView  and USRP as quality enhancement program for final year students.


January 25, 2020 "Uddyotana 2K20 version 3"  one day workshop for Mathematics teachers, "Uddyotana 2K20 version 3" on January 25, 2020


Cyber security facts and tools

A one day workshop on ‘Cyber security facts and tools’ by Prof. Anju George, ECE department which is opened to first year students.


26/09/2019 to 01/10/2019

Electronic Product Building

Mr. Antu Dominic, Truetek world conducted a workshop for second year students( 2018-2022 Batch)



Talk and hands-on session on ‘Electronics in Ship Design’

Talk and hands-on session on ‘Electronics in Ship Design’ was taken by Mr.Anish S, Asst General Manager design, Cochin shipyard for final year students . (2016-2020 Batch )



Hands on workshop on NS2

A hands on workshop on NS2 was organized by Prof. Ajay Kumar, ECE department which is opened for all IEI members


25/07/2019 to 26/07/2019

‘Introduction to Deep Learning’

A handson workshop on ‘Introduction to Deep Learning’for IEEE members was taken by Prof. Neema M, ECE department



“Introduction to rapid prototyping”

One day workshop, on “Introduction to rapid prototyping”was organized by Prof. Anuroop K B, ECE department for second year students (2018-2022 Batch)


24/07/2019 to 28/07/2019

‘Python programming’

Five day workshop from 24/07/2019 to 28/07/2019 for 2015-2019  batch students was taken by Mr.Arun and Team, BITSFORGE EMBEDDED SYSTEMS.


25/06/2019 to 27/06/2019

LSSUW -2019- Lab Staff Skill Upgradation Workshop

Main Objective is to give intense hands on training to technical staff of Engineering/science colleges in kerala. Training to keep staff updated on the skills needed to meet changing industry trends, and use new technologies is a mission-critical component of any lab-based organization. The workshop was on the fundamentals of System Design using Microcontrollers for IoT and Robotics

17/06/2019 to 21/06/2019

FDP on ‘Industry 4.0- Technological Advances & Implications’

It was funded by Kerala Technological University.


Uddyotana-- Workshop for Physics Teachers

It was attended by various teachers from schools near and far. Both lecture and hands-on sessions were held for the participants.

20/03/2019 to 23/03/2019.


A workshop was conducted on ‘Embedded-IOT’ by AESTER INDIA PVT LTD for 2014-2018 batch students

27/02/2019 to 2/03/2019


Four day workshop on Robotics , for 2015-2019 batch students was taken by AESTER INDIA PVT LTD.


25/02/2019 to 26/02/2019

Workshop on PCB Designing

A two-day Workshop on PCB Designing was held  for ECA Semester 4 students. It was conducted by RR Consultants and Trainers, Chennai.

05/01/2019 to 06/01/2019

Abhyudaya 2019

2days hands-On training for VHSE students and this was attended by students of VHSS, Marampilly.

14/12/2018 to 19/12/2018

FDP on “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning”

 Organised a 5 Day Faculty Development Program on “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning” from 14-19 December 2018. The programme is co-sponsored by The Institution of Engineers (India) (IEI)


‘Artificial Intelligence’

Workshop based on ‘Artificial Intelligence in Health care’ was taken by Ms Sruthi Krishna, Asst Professor,ECE,Amritha ,Kollam for final year students. (2016-2020 Batch )



“Opto Electronics and Communication -Recent Trends and approach”

One day workshop was taken by Mr.Saaju Joseph, Project co-ordinator, training Divison, NEST , Kakkanad based on “Opto Electronics and Communication -Recent Trends and approach” for 2015-2019 batch students.  



‘VLSI Design flow’

Workshop on ‘ VLSI Design flow’ was conducted by Mr Praveen Kumar T, Principal Consultant ,Wipro Technologies,Kochi.



QUIZ Competition

A QUIZ Competition was conducted by Albins Paul for first year students


One day workshop on “PSPICE/Livewire/PCB Design”

One day workshop was organized by Albins Paul, ECE department “PSPICE/Livewire/PCB Design” for first year students .(2019-2023 batch)




‘Robotic workshop’

Fourth year students conducted a ‘Robotic workshop’ for first year students(2019-2023 batch)


‘3D Modelling’

A workshop was conducted based on ‘3D Modelling ‘ by  Mr. Anuroop K B for  second year students (2018-2022 batch)


‘C Programming’

On 23/1/2018 a workshop on ‘C Programming’ was conducted by  Ms. Arya Paul, Ms. Savitha R & Ms. Anju Mary Joseph  for  second year students (2018-2022 batch).



‘Robotics Workshop’

A ‘Robotics Workshop’ was conducted by third year students for second year students(2018-2022 batch)









Month & Year

Student Name


May 2024 Saniya Geo,Jyothika T P, Sanjana Ann Abraham Got NPTEL certificate for "Introduction to Internet of Things"
May 2024 Aarya Vinod, Adhithya Krishna, Kevin Joghnson, Noel Shillog Mathew , Raymond V Joseph Roy Paced in Granteq
May 2024 Avin Sony,Jaison T Poulose Placed in Nava Design Pvt. Lt.
May 2024 Adithya Shaju Got NPTEL certificate for "English Language for Competitive Exams"
May 2024 Abhini Ramesh Got NPTEL certificate for"Foundations of Wavelets and Multirate
Digital Signal Processing"
May 2024 Alfiya M S, Aneesa Salim Got NPTEL certificate for "Design and Analysis of VLSI Subsystems"
May 2024 Gautham V G,Noel Martin Got NPTEL certificate for "CMOS Digital VLSI Design "
May 2024 Gaea Titus, Annmaria poulose,
Fathima Muhasina, Aswathy Manoj
Second Prize in Aavishkar’ 24, Final year B.Tech Project
Exhibition is organized by the IEI Students
chapter of ASIET.
May 2024 Akshay Krishna, Alvin Antony
Lopez, Anujith T P, Athul Krishna KS
First Prize in Aavishkar’ 24, Final year B.Tech Project
Exhibition is organized by the IEI Students
chapter of ASIET.
April 2024 Aparna Prasad  Got second prize in Couture- Theme Show conducted as a part of Brahma’24
April 2024 Anandhu Krishnan R,Adithya satheesh,Bahanam varghese,Chacko christopher Got second prize in short film competition conducted as a part of Brahma’24
April 2024 Anandhu Krishnan R Got second prize in Asiet Talkies conducted as a part of Brahma’24
April 2024 Anit Sunil Got second prize for poster making competition conducted by NSS unit of ASIET
March 2024 Anal CD, Adithya Sathesh, Gautham, and Akshay Suresh 1st runner up in the KTU D Zone Cricket Tournament and have qualified for the Inter Zone Cricket Tournament
February 2024 Avin Sony, Akshay Krishna, Udith G Menon, Alvin Antony Lopez,Athul Krishna ,Titya Ramchandran  and Swetha P Mallaya Students Selected For Intership at Centre for Materials for Electronics Technology
February 2024 Abhijith A Pillai,Jaison T Poulose Students Selected For Intership at Sunlux Technovations Pvt Ltd
February 2024 Malavika S Menon (2020-24 Batch) Placed in Manappuram Finance
February 2024 Jaison T Paulose, Alvin Antony Lopez, Aditya Arun and
Abhijith A Pillai (2020-24 Batch)
Placed in  KP Reliable Technique.
January 2024 Swetha P Mallaya, Radhika Radhakrishnan and Raymond V
Joseph Roy  (2020-24 Batch)
Placed in Pentagon space
January 2024 Raymond V Joseph Roy, Sreehari L, Udith G Menon and Sreekarun A (2020-24 Batch) Placed at ESAF Bank
January 2024 Raveena Anil andSreehari L (2020-24 Batch) Placed at Dhoot Transmissions,
December2023 Swetha P Mallaya(2020-24 Batch) Placed in Planet Spark, Gurgaon.
December2023 Aparna Prasad (2021-25Batch) Selected for Republic Day Parade Camp 2024.
December2023 Amarnath (2023-27 Batch )
Secured First Prize for quiz on 'The History and Contributions of Indian Mathematics'  organized  by Maths Club at ASIET,
November 2023 SEREEN SABU (2020-24 Batch) Got NPTEL certificate for"Essential Mathematics for Machine Learning " by IIT Roorkee
November 2023 ASHIK PAUL (2020-24 Batch) Got NPTEL certificate for "Industrial Safety Engineering" by    IIT Kharagpur
November 2023 AVIN SONY,JAISON T POULOSE,LIYA SAM,SOORYA S PAI (2020-24 Batch) Got NPTEL certificate for " VLSI Design Flow : RTL to GDS"  by IIIT Delhi
November 2023 Anusree P and Keerthana M (2023-27 Batch) Selected for KTU Women’s Volleyball University
November2023 Sreyas Kumar C V(2021-25 Batch) Selected for the internship program at Suyati Technologies.
October 2023 Swetha P Mallaya(2020-24 Batch) Placed at Intellipaat
Semptember  2023 ALVIN ANTONY(2023-27 Batch) Winner of Digital Poster Making Competition organised by EEE Department
Association ENLYTUS
Semptember  2023 Aparna Prasad (2021-25Batch) Selected for the next round of the Republic Day Parade Selection Camp.
July 2023 N Sneha Das (2020-24 Batch) Got NPTEL Certificate for "Introduction to embeded system design"
July 2023 Jaison T paulose(2020-24 Batch) Selected for the paid internship at Suyati Technologies.
July 2023 Abhijith A Pillai, Adithya Krishna M, Adarsh Vinod, and
Arjun J of (2020-24 Batch)
Project titled 'Landslide Prediction, Detection, and Early Warning System using AI' shortlisted for the Grand Finale of IGNI.T.E Darsana 2023.
June 2023 Manikandan
A R, Sona Paul, Sabarinath M Sand Katharin P Jose
Project titled "Integrated Intelligent Surveillance using Deep Learning" won the best project award from the department in Project Exhibition ASPEREN'23
May 2023 Abhijith surendran Placed in Codelynks Software Solutions Pvt Ltd
May 2023 D KEERTHANA PRASAD,VISWESH PARAMESHWARAN(2019-23) Batch Placed in  MyCaptian
May 2023 AMRUTHA V,ANJANA RAVEENDRAN (2020-24) Batch Completed Course on "Introduction to embedded system design"  Conducted by NPTEL
May 2023 SREELAKSHMI PM (2021-25 Batch) Completed Course on "Principles of signals and systems"  Conducted by NPTEL
May 2023 VYSAKH PRADEEP,SEREEN BABU (2020-24) Batch Completed Course on "Deep Learning"  Conducted by NPTEL
March 2023 Abhirami K B,GOPIKA RAJEEV,DEVIKALEKSHMI J SHENOI,D KEERTHANA PRASAD  (2019-23 Batch)  Selected for funding of Rs. 18250 from Cerd SPS for their
project, Implementation of 2 - Way Interactive Digital Notice Board.
February 2023 Viswesh Parameswaran (2019-23 Batch)  Selected as the Media Manager of IEEE PIE Kerala
Section and being appointed as a Committee Member for the IEEE
Bombay Section Membership Development Committee.
February 2023 Hrithika S Pai  (2019-23 Batch)  Placed In Federal Bank
February 2023 Viswesh Parameswaran,Nirmal V Babu,Mohit Manoj,Sinu Damodaran  (2019-23 Batch)  Placed In Intellipaat
February 2023 D Keerthana Prasad,Dominic Davis,Abirami K.A,Govind R,Aravind Sreedhar,Nima T A ,Nima T A,Joyal Joy,Sidharth A J,Rahul V R,Sangeetha Prasad (2019-23 Batch)  Placed In Nebula Cloud
February 2023 Atulya G Nair,Arya Shivan,Devikalekshmi J Shenoi,D Keerthana Prasad (2019-23 Batch)  Placed In Sutherland
February 2023 Amrutha P.P(2019-23 Batch)  Placed In Jobin and Jismi
December 2022 Narayan Seshan,Nikhil Krishnan,Preethesh K (2018-22 batch) Patent Published on Project  titled "VEG DOC”
December 2022 Manikandan R(2019-23 Batch) (2019-23 Batch)  Placed in EY
December 2022 Amal K Roy (2019-23 Batch) 

Won the silver medal for the 67 kg category in the Inter-zone Karate

Tournament held at MA College, Kothamangalam.

RAMACHANDRAN (2019-23 Batch) 
Completed Course on" Essential
mathematics for
machine learning" NPTEL-IIT Roorkee
November 2022 SIDHARHTH AJ,SONA PAUL,MANIKANDAN AR,VYSHNAV CJ (2019-23 Batch)  Completed Course on "Deep Learning" Conducted by NPTEL-IIT Madras
November 2022 Mr. Akhilkumar A (2018-22) Awarded the Outstanding
Student Volunteer 2021 award by IEEE PES Kerala Chapter.
November 2022 Anna Mary Jose, Ashily Shibu(2019-23 Batch)  Team won the runners-up trophy in the KTU D-Zone Women's Volleyball
Tournament held at Viswajyothi Engineering College, Vazhakulam.
November 2022 Sneha V Iyer(2019-23 Batch) Placed inQburst
November 2022 Swetha S(2019-23 Batch) Placed inSuyati Technologies
November 2022 Ashily Shibu(2019-23 Batch) Placed in 6D Technologies
November 2022 Ashily Shibu,Gayatri M,Amal Krishna V,Abijith K,Abhirami Muraleedharan,Hritika S Pai (2019-23 Batch) Placed in Quest Global
October 2022 Clenitta Joseph M( M Tech VLSI) Completed NPTEL courseon Python for Data Science
October 2022 Devadutt P G,Gopika Rajeev,Samuel Sabu
Thomas (2019-23 Batch)
Placed at Mu Sigma
September 2022 Manikandan A.R,Sona Paul,Sneha V Iyer,Vivek Shankar(2019-23 Batch) Placed in IBS.
August 2022 Aparna Mohanan (MTech VLSI and Embedded systems) Placed in HCL.
August 2022 Nirmal V Babu (2019-23 Batch) First prize in 2 Day Idea pitching competition
August 2022 HRIDAYA U MALLIA (2018-22 BATCH) Best outgoing student award.
August 2022 AISHA MEHRIN K I ,PARVATHY S KUMAR (2018-22 BATCH) Received the award for class toppers.
June 2022 JAGANNATH U Placed in ZOHO Corporation
June 2022 Nikhil Krishnan (2018-22 Batch B TECH) Placed in Kalitech
June 2022 Hasna Hameed (M Tech-CE). Bagged best paper award for the paper titled”AN IOT- BASED SYSTEM FOR HEALTH
Conference on Materials, Computing & Communication Technology ICMCCT 2022 held
at Annai Vailankanni College of Engineering, AVK Nagar, Pottalkulam.
MANJOORAN,AISHA MEHRIN K I( 2018-22  B Tech Batch)
Completed a NPTEL course titled "Introduction to industry
4.0 and
industrial internet of
April  2022 M G Sukanya (MTech, VLSI & ES - 2020-2022)                                        Parvathy S Kumar, V U Anakha, Krishnapriya Bobban and Malavika J (B.Tech - 2018-2022) Project "Mixer Design for GlobalNavigation Satellite System"; bagged II prize at SRISHTI '22, Saintgits College of Engg, Kottayam.
April  2022 Aisha Mehrin K I, Aswani M Ravi, Aushin Jose Manjooran, Farhan Najeeb and Finto Shajan

Project - “MED-MATE” Selected for student project under CERD funding by KTU (Rs. 12000/-)

April  2022 Gokul G Pillayi (2018-2022) Placed in 6D Technologies
April  2022 Hridaya U Mallia (2018-2022) Placed in Insemi Technology
April  2022 Navaneeth Shajan  (2021-2025) Completed a course on Ethical Hacking
April  2022 Sreeerag   (2021-2025) Completed a course on Linear discriminantanalysisapplications
March  2022 Noel Mathew Shillow (2020-24) Completed  5 day internship on Introduction toAutocad
March  2022 Gayatri Viswanath (2021-2025) Completed a course on Deep leaning
March  2022 Uthara C P (2021-2025) Completed a course on Data Science for Beginners
March  2022 Nazila K N (2021-2025) Completed a course on Data Science
March  2022 Sreyas Kumar C V(2021-2025)

Completed a courses on Data Science for Beginners & Responsive Web Design

March  2022 Sreeerag   (2021-2025) Completed a course on Cyber security

March  2022

Manikandan A R and LibinLuvis(2019-2023)

Got selected for a paid internship for the next phase of the project with Suyati Technologies under the industry-institute interaction program.

February 2022

Suman Menon (2019-21 M Tech VLSI)

Placed at Tata Elxsi

February 2022

AdeebAbubacker, FintoShajan, Sivanjana K K, Aswin M B, Farhan Najeeb and Megha Jose(2018-2022)

Placed at Sutherland

January  2022

Narayanan Seshan, Christy K Shilly, Aswani M Ravi, Ananthakrishnan S Babu and Kavya G Padiyar(2018-2022)

Placed at Aspire Systems

December 2021

Devika Rajan and Pankaj Kumar Dwivedi (2017-2021)

Adjuged as Best outgoing students 2017-21 BATCH

December 2021

Manikandan A R (2019-2023)

Selected to the APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University Football Team.

December 2021

Bob Jacob Benny(2017-2021)

Selected to Ola Electric as Graduate Engineer Trainee

December 2021

Ashna Biju(2018-2022)

Completed an Online Internship on "Internet of Things" at Enfono Technologies on 12/20/2021

December 2021

Lakshmi Nandana N R, Kavya G Padiyar, Abin P Saviour, Aravind Narayanan, Aisha Mehrin and Chris K Shilly(2018-2022)

Placed at Suyati Technologies.

December 2021

Akhil Kumar A and Rahul G Krishna

Placed at Tech Mahindra

December 2021

AswathyBabu, Devapriya S, Harshit Kumar and Hridaya U Mallia(2018-2022)

Placed at Wipro

December 2021

Ashna Biju and Daniel Besant (2018-2022)

Placed at IBS Software

December 2021

Ajmal Ali K M(2018-2022)

Placed at Experion Technologies.

December 2021

Jayakrishnan, Preethesh K, Harshit Kumar, Safar K Naizam, Govind V J, Ajaml Ali K M, Anna Paul, AthulyaMathews, Aswathy Babu, Krishna Priya Boban, Divya D Menon, Varsha T R, Devapriya S, Hridaya U Mallia and Jagannath U(2018-2022)

Placed at UST Global

December 2021

Hridaya U Mallia(2018-2022)

Placed at Marlabs

December 2021

Anjana V P (2018-2022)

Placed at Gadgeon Smart Systems

December 2021

Narayanan Seshan, Neaha Rose Noble  and Ajmal Ali K M (2018-2022)

Placed at Qburst

November 2021

Ann Mary Paulose(2018-2022)

Power Quiz (College Level) competition Winner conducted by KSEB officer’s Association on October 31st 2021

November 2021

Megha Sunil(2017-2021)

Placed at TCS

November 2021

Hridaya U Mallia,Neha Rose Noble,Pranith S Prabhu,Parvathy S Kumar,Sneha Varma D and V U Anagha(2018-2022)

Placed at MuSigma

November 2021

Anagha K Wilson,Neelima Sunil ,Aushin Jose Manjooran, Parvathy S Kumar,Sneha Varma D and V U Anagha(2018-2022)

Placed at TCS

November 2021

Malavika J ,Mishal C Jand Parvathy S Kumar

Placed at Quest Global

November 2021

AkshayKrishna,GaeaTitus,LiyaSam,NoelShillo,SonuRajesh,Sreelakshmi Sreekumar(2020-2024)

Secured  SGPA 10  in KTU S1 Examination

November 2021

M G Sukanya(2020-2022 M Tech VLSI)

Secured SGPA 9.74,in KTU S1 M tech University Examination

November 2021

Vismaya, Hasna Hameed  and Syethima K.R(2020-2022 M Tech Communication Engineering)

Secured SGPA above  9,in KTU S1 M tech University Examination

November 2021

Aswani M Ravi and Anjana V P(2018-2022)

Successfully Certified NPTEL Course on Introduction to internet of Things By IIT Kharagpur

November 2021

Vysakh Pradeep(2020-2024)

Successfully Certified NPTEL Course on Rapid Manufacturing by IIT Kanpur.

October  2021

Lakshmi Nandana(2018-2022)

Won the State Level Award for Best NSS Volunteer,2021

October 2021

Vyshnav C J and AbhiramiMuraleedharan (2019-2023)

KTU S3 Examination December 2020 Toppers-With SGPA 10

October 2021

A V Vinayak(2017-2021)

Placed at Sinergia Media lab LLP.

October 2021

Aleena Varghese and Abhishek Anand(2017-2021)

Placed at UST Global

October 2021

Sumayyabeevi V A(2019-21 M-tech-Batch)

Placed at Qburst

October 2021

Sinu Damodaran, Manikandan.A.R, Nikhil R Bhat, Hrithika S Pai, LibinLuvis and Devadath PG (2019-2023)

Got selected By SUYATI technologies for doing Project

September 2021

Sona Paul (2019-2023)

Attended Blockchain Foundation Program by Kerala Blockchain Academy

September 2021

Vysakh Pradeep (2020-2024)

Attended Workshop on  Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security by Blackhat  Academy, IEEE


September 2021

Jaison TPoulose(2020-2024)

Attended course on Machine Learning andImage Processing by Cisco ThingQbator

August 2021

Devika Rajan and Pankaj Kumar Dwivedi(2017-2021)

Secured SGPA   10 In KTU S8 Examination

August 2021

Vyshakh V Namboothiri(2017-2021)

Placed at Quest Global, Trivandrum

August 2021

Anna Isabel John, Sneha V P, Surya Paul(2017-2021)

Placed at Pear Data Direct ,Pvt Ltd

August 2021

Santhosh Sivan (2017-2021)

Placed at Capgemini

August 2021

Sreejith S Nair(2017-2021)

Placed at VVDN

August 2021

Nikhil George,Roopak J(2017-2021)

Placed at  Nila Infotech

August 2021

Anantha Krishna Bhat G(2017-2021)

Placed at  Cognizant

August 2021

Titya Ramachandran

Completed four weeks training on Advanced Excel from Internshala

July 2021

Austin Francis, Anila Shenoy, Dilna Vinod & Anusree S M (2017-2021)

Their project "DRIXPA: An automated intravenous drip system" selected to the K-DISC YIP State level contest.

July 2021


Secured SGPA-10 in KTU S3 ExaminationDecember  2020

July 2021

Sreeram P, Austin Francis(2017-2021)

Placed at Accenture

July 2021

Devika Rajan and Rahul Menon(2017-2021)

Placed at Capgemini

July 2021

Brijith B Gopal and  Aquin Jose(2017-2021)

Placed at PKJ Technologies

July 2021

Goutham Sankar, Dhanush Damodaran, Sreejith S Nair(2017-2021)

Placed at Q wave

July 2021

Jaison T Poulose(2020-24)

Secured 3rd Position in AD-MAD advertisement making by IEEE JSSATEN NOIDA

July 2021

AKHIL KUMAR A(2018-22)

 Attended WITI International Conference,

July 2021

Soorya S Pai(2020-24)

Attended WITI International Conference

July 2021

Bibin Varghese  and Ananthakrishnan S Babu(2018-22)

Completed Internship Programme on Robotics & Embedded Systems

(TECHBYHEART India private limited, 2021-01-04)

July 2021

Vyshnav C J(2019-23)

Completed Coursera course on  “Getting started with AWS Machine Learning”

June 2021

Krishnaraj R, Megha Sunil, Nihala Suman M N and Rose Mart Benedict(2017-2021)

Fund Received - Rs.16,500 under the Student Project Scheme of APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University

June 2021

AnilaShenoy, DevikaRajan, Santhosh Sivan(2017-2021)

Placed at Accenture

June 2021

Pankaj Kumar Dwivedi, TaniyaEldho, Sankalp Mohan K K and Akshay Divakar(2017-2021)

Placed at Infosys

June 2021

Balakrishna R, DevikaRajan, Anantha Krishna Bhat, LizbethShaji, TaniyaEldho(2017-2021)

Placed at PoornamInfovision

June 2021

SreeramP, Balakrishnan R(2017-2021)

Placed at Nest Digital

May 2021

Hrithika S Pal(2020-2024)

KTU Unversity Exam Topper(S2)  with SGPA-10

May 2021

Titya Ramachandran(2020-2024)

First Poetry Book Titled " Break Out" Got Published on Amazon, Apple I Books And Kobo Books.

May 2021

Anila Shenoy(2017-2021)

Placed at UST Global

May 2021

Akshay K S(2017-2021)

Placed At OSPYN Technologies Pvt. Ltd.,Technopark, Trivandrum

May 2021

V.U Anakha,Parvathy S Kumar,Hridaya U Mal l ia, Rahul G Krishna, Krishnapriya,Sneha Varma D,Malavika J, M.G Sukanya(2018-2022)

Students of 2018-2022 batch got selected for internship at Silizium Circuits, Ernakulam.

April   2021

Anita Shaji and Archana T(2017-2021)

The exceptional talent and performance by the women entrepreneurs from Fablab, AdiShankara Institute of Engineering & Technology, Kalady was featured in Sambrambaka(National Level) program by Flowers TV.

April   2021

Gaea Titus(2020-2024)

Elite Certification for the NPTEL Course “ Data Science for Engineers” offered by IIT, Madras.

April   2021

Lakshmi Nandana N R(2018-2022)

Selected from APJAKTU NSS Cell forInternational Youth exchange program

of Ministry of Youth affairs and sports. She was selected based on the interview

conducted at MES college Kuttippuram

April   2021

Amitha M, Anjitha S ,Ann Maria Santosh ,Austin Francis, Harikrishna P A, Livin Varghese, Rahul Menon A, Minnu Priya Joseph(2017-2021)

Placed at UST Global

April   2021

Swetha Vinayakumar, Linza Mary Varghese,Greeshma K V(2016-2020)

Placed in EY

April   2021

Balakrishna R(2017-2021)

Placed in Coditas

April   2021

Deepak N(2017-2021)

Placed in Byjus

April   2021

Jishnu S (2017-2021)

Placed in Resemble Info Systems

March 2021

Viswesh Parameswaran(2019-2023)

Selected in the IEEE Indian Council Newsletter Team 2021

February 2021

N.Jithin, Devika Rajan, 

Pankaj Kumar Dwivedi, 

Livin Varghese (2017-2021)

Got Placement in QuEST Global.

February 2021

Mr.Sreejith S Nair (2017-2021)

A sum of INR 2 Lakhs was sanctioned for the Project Asegurar Vida from KSUM. This project is mentored by Asst Prof. Anuroop K B

February 2021

Athulya R(2018-2022) 

Attended National Level Mapping conducted by NSS on 22/2/2021.

February 2021

 Aleena Antony (2020-2024)

Attended "OSM training attendance" conducted by NSS on 31/1/2021.

Attended C++ Course conducted in August and AICTE course

February 2021

Ann Maria Poulose, Athira B, Gaea Titus E, 

Dilna Davis, Gadha S, Anjana Raveendran (2020-2024)

Attended "Open Street Map Training Program" conducted by NSS on 31/1/2021..

February 2021

Viswesh Parameswaran(2019-2023)

Received Outstanding Volunteer Award conducted by IEEE SB ASIET

February 2021

Aswathy Babu(2018-2022) 

Selected as IEEE WIE Chairperson

February 2021

Akhilkumar A(2018-2022) 

Selected membership development coordinator of IEEE ASIET SB on 10/2/2021.

Selected as electronics communication coordinator of IEEE PES KERALA CHAPTER on 2/6/2021.

January 2021

Anna Paul(2018-2022) 

Secured First Prize for Disaster Management & Reduction Hackathon organized by iEDC NSSCE Palakkad

Secured second prize for Legus 21-#1, Virtual Treasure Hunt

Participated as a mentee in the Flutter Course organized as a part of the Outreach Resources in Engineering Program

Participated in the National Student Professional Awareness Congress

Successfully completed a coursera  course on 
" Cloud Computing Basics"

January 2021

Harshit Kumar(2018-2022) 

Successfully completed a coursera  course on 
" Cloud Computing Basics"

January 2021


Successfully completed a coursera  course on " Machine learning Foundation"

January 2021

Anirudh D Pai, Finto Shajan(2018-2022) 

Successfully completed an NPTEL course on " Python for Data Science" by IIT Madras from Sep-Oct 2020

January 2021

Balakrishnan R, Devika Rajan, PANKAJ KUMAR DWIVEDI, Anagha Mohan(2017-21)

Successfully completed an NPTEL course on " The Joy of Computing using Python" by IIT ROPAR from Sep-Oct 2020

January 2021

Aiysha Meharin (2018-2022) 

Got 10 CGPA in S4 university examination

January 2021

Aswani M Ravi and Athulya R (2018-2022) 

National Level Best Performers in National Level Mapathon Organised by APJ AKTU NSS CELL

December 2020

Jaidev Vinod Panicker, Akshay Divakar, Nanditha P, 

Pankaj Kumar Dwivedi, Livin Varghese, Karthik M Pai (2017-2021)

Placed in TCS

December 2020

Karthika Vijay (2016-20)

Placed in IQVIA

December 2020

Ajay Antony (2017-21)

Attended an Idea Pitching competition conducted by Saintgits college of engineering, Kottayam.

December 2020

Anagha Mohan (2017-21)

Attended a course on "Introduction to web development" conducted by Coursera

December 2020

Narayanan Seshan (2018-22)

Attended "30 Days GCP" program conducted by GOOGLE. Attended a course "RS and GIS application" conducted by ISRO.  Attended a course "Front end developers workshop" conducted by Prograd

December 2020

Parvathy S Kumar  (2018-22)

Attended "30 Days GCP" program conducted by GOOGLE. Attended a course "RS and GIS application" conducted by ISRO.  Attended a course "Front end developers workshop" conducted by Prograd

December 2020

Preethesh K(2018-22)

Attended "30 Days GCP" program conducted by GOOGLE. Attended a course "RS and GIS application" conducted by ISRO.  Attended a course "Front end developers workshop" conducted by Prograd

December 2020

Ajmal Ali K M (2018-22)

Participated in "Babylon Project" conducted by World Blockchain Hackathon

December 2020

Farhan Najeeb (2018-22)

Attended "Hero campus challenge season" conducted by Hero Motocorp

December 2020

Malavika J (2018-22)

Attended a course "RS and GIS applications" conducted by IIRS, ISRO (Dehradun)

December 2020

Sneha Varma D (2018-22)


November 2020


Got second prize in “Article Writing- Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning in wireless Communication” Conducted by IEEE ComSoc Kerala Chapter

November 2020

ANNA PAUL (2018-22)

Grabbed 2nd prize  in “Cryptics-2020” ,quiz conducted by IETE Students forum Vidya Academy of Science and Technology

November 2020


Grabbed 3rd prize  in “Cryptics-2020” ,quiz conducted by IETE Students forum Vidya Academy of Science and Technology

November 2020


Project titled "UV DISINFECTION BOX STERILIZE MOBILE LAPTOPS,MONEY ETC." shortlisted for IIC innovation contest mentoring phase mentored by Er.Anuroop K B,Asst Prof DEPT ECE

November 2020

Sreejith S Nair(2017-21)

Project titled "HANDHELD UV PORTABLE DISINFECTION SOLUTION" shortlisted for IIC innovation contest mentoring phase mentored by Er.Anuroop K B,Asst Prof DEPT ECE

November 2020

Malavika J (2018-22)

Project titled "IOT AND ML BASED TRASH BOOTH WASTE MANAGEMENTANDSEPARATION" shortlisted for IIC innovation contest mentoring phase mentored by Er.Anuroop K B,Asst Prof DEPT ECE

November 2020

Anantha Krishnan Potty(2016-2020)

Project titled "BALTEMGYRATE: PARKINSON'S SPOON FOR TREMORCANCELATION" shortlisted for IIC innovation contest mentoring phase mentored by Er.Anuroop K B,Asst Prof DEPT ECE

November 2020

Vyshnav CJ (2019-23)

got 1st prize in "Collage making Competition conducted by Department of Civil Engineering on 10/28/2020

November 2020

Pranith S Prabhu (2018-22)

Attended "30 Days of Google Cloud Training Program" conducted by Google on 11-05-20.

October 2020

Akshay Mohan and Abhishek S Dinil (2016-20 batch)

The project titled ‘IoT based Smart Inhaler’ has been certified as ‘Completed’ by The Institution of Engineers (India) (IEI) under the guidance of Ms. Arya Paul and Ms. Divya V Chandran

October 2020


Placed in CYBROSYS

October 2020


Done " Excel Automation " by Internship Studio

October 2020


Done Campus ambassador internship, conducted by cvDragon

October 2020


Completed  "Cybersecurity and the Internet of Things"conducted by Coursera

October 2020


Completed " Python For Everybody "conducted by Coursera

October 2020


Completed " Python For Everybody "conducted by Coursera

October 2020


Completed " Introduction to artificial intelligence"conducted by IBM

October 2020

ANNA PAUL, 2018-22

Completed " IT Fundamentals for Cybersecurity"conducted by Coursera

Became a Google Cloud Fascilitator conducted by Google

October 2020


Became a Google Cloud Fascilitator conducted by Google

October 2020

HRITHIKA, 2018-22

Completed " Python basics"  conducted by Coursera

September 2020

Sri Vaishnavi K, Krishna Balachandran [2016- 2020]

UG project entitled “IoT Based Plant Monitoring System” bearing Project ID UG2020029 has been successfully carried out and completed by Sri Vaishnavi K, Krishna Balachandran [2016- 2020 ECE] Institutional Member of IEI under the guidance of Mr. Ajay Kumar, Assistant Professor, ECE Department during the FY 2019-20 through funding under IEI R&D Grant-in-Aid Scheme.

September 2020

Anagha J (2017-21)

Completed " 1.Machine learning foundation:A casestudy approach 2.AI for everyone"  conducted by Coursera

September 2020

Sangeetha Prasad (2019-23)

Completed "1.AI For Everyone 2.Collaborative Robot Safety:Design & Deployment 3.Digital Image Processing 4.A Crash Course in Data Science " conducted by Coursera

September 2020

SIVANJANA K K(2018-22)

Completed the internship on Machine learning  from Internship studio

September 2020

Rahul G Krishna(2018-22)

Completed “Python for everybody” conducted by Coursera

September 2020

Aswani M Ravi(2018-22)

Completed “Programming for everybody-getting started with python” conducted by Coursera

September 2020

Lakshmi Nandana N R(2018-22)

Attended " Python with Django Basics" Conducted by Camino Infotech, CUSAT P O, Kalamassery

September 2020

Anantha krishnan S babu,Bibin Varghese  (2018-22)

Participated for ozone day quiz conducted by NSS Adishankara

September 2020

Malavika J (S5 ECB), Suman Menon(S3 M.Tech VLSI),

Gokul Krishnan (Alumni ECE dept.) and Deepu Ajay(Alumni ECE dept) .

The team of ASIET FAB LAB received “TOP PERFORMER AWARD 2019-20”, from Kerala Startup Mission

September 2020

Viswesh Parameswaran(2019-2023)

Secured 398 th rank in first years' category of National Engineering Olympiad (Basic Science) in final round.

August 2020

Mr. Ajay Antony, Ms. Anila A Shenoy(2017-2021)

Patent application titled : "User-Device Interfacing Technology with EEG and 3D eye tracking" has been published.Patent Application Published, Application Number- 202041033062, Journal Date- 21/08/2020

August 2020

Arjun S Kumar, Siddharth A J ( 2018-2022)

scored MTA certficiation in Introduction to programming using Python

August 2020

Vyshanv C J (2019-2023)

Got first prize in Independance day quiz competition conducted by UC College, Aluva

August 2020

AkhilKumar A (2018-2022)

Selected as MDC Student ambassador IEEE SPS Young Professional Kerala

August 2020


Completed “AI for everyone” conducted by Coursera

August 2020

Pankaj Kumar Dwivedi (2017-2021)

Attended “RF MIND QUIZ(5th)” conducted by GEC Barton hill Thiruvanathapuram

August 2020


Completed “Python Programming”, ”Satellite Communication",“G Suite” , ”Cybersecurity” conducted by Coursera

August 2020

Jagannath U(2018-2022)

1)Completed “Programming for everybody-getting started with python” conducted by Coursera 2)Completed “Introduction to Machie Learning using Python” conducted by EC Dept ASIET

August 2020

Divya D Menon(2018-2022)

Completed “IEE Artifact” conducted by IEEE FISAT

August 2020

Pranith S Prabhu(2018-2022)

Completed “Python Data Structures” conducted by University of Michigan(Coursera)

August 2020

Arjun S Kumar

1)Completed “MTA 98-381 EXAM INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING USING PYTHON” conducted by CERTIPORT 2)Completed “Programming for everybody (Python)” conducted by University of Michigan(Coursera)

August 2020

Sneha V Iyer

1)Completed “Programming for everybody(Python)” conducted by University of Michigan 2)Completed “Data Scientst`s Toolbox” conducted by John Hopkins University(Coursera)

August 2020

Siddarth A J

1)Completed “MTA:98:381 Introduction to programming using Python” conducted byMicrosoft Technology Associate 2)Attended “Freedom Quiz” conducted by UC college

August 2020

Sinu Damodaran

1)Attended ”Quiz” conducted by NSS unit no:68 of MES College Marampilly ,Aluva,Ernakulam 2)Completed “Programming for everybody(Getting started with Python)” conducted by University of michigan(Coursera)

August 2020

Sangeetha Prasad

Completed “Programming for everybody(getting started with Python) conducted by Coursea

August 2020

Sourav Krishna

Completed ”Introduction to Industry Cybersecurity tools and Cyber attacks“ conducted by IBM

August 2020

Sneha V P

Completed “Introductio to Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet of things” conducted by NPTEL

August 2020

Sankalp Mohan K K

Completed “Campus Ambassador internship)” conducted by Techfest.IIT BOMBAY

August 2020

Vishnu V R

Completed “Programming for everybody (getting started with python)” conducted by Coursea

August 2020

Parvathy S Kumar

1)Attended “Chakravyuh Quiz” conducted by ASIET 2)Attended “Independance day quiz”conducted by NSS cell KMEA college 3)Completed “IOT,smart devices and automation” conducted by Dept of ECE,ASIET

August 2020

Hrithika S Pai

Completed “The bits and bytes for computer networking” conducted by Google,Coursea

August 2020

Swetha S

Completed ” Programming for everybody(getting started with python)” conducted by Coursera

August 2020

Seethal Benny

Completed “programming(getting started with python)” conducted by Coursera

August 2020

Nima T A

Completed “programming fundmentals conducted by Coursera”

August 2020

Sangeetha Prasad

Completed “Introduction to HTML5” conducted by Coursera

August 2020

Anagha J

Completed “AI for everyone” conducted by

August 2020

Nikhil R Bhat

Completed “Programming for everbody(getting started with python)” conducted by Coursera

August 2020

Aisha Merin K I

Completed “Wireless communication for Everybody” conducted by coursea

August 2020

Ashna Baiju

Completed “Coursea on Introduction to cloud identity by google cloud” conducted by google cloud(coursera)

August 2020

Athulya R

Completed “Google IT automation with python” conducted by Coursera

August 2020

Christy K Shily

Completed “Introduction to Blockchain” conducted by UpGrad

June 2020

Ms. Aishwarya Lakshmi T, Mr. Sanal T,  

Ms. Ramsi Fathima, Ms. Sreelakshmi  Anilkumar(2016-2020)

Patent application titled :"A Multipurpose Prototyping Machine" has been published

June 2020

Ms. Krishna Balachandran, Ms.K Sri Vaishnavi,

Ms. Karthika Vijayan, Ms. Likhitha K S

Patent application titled :" Design and Development of IoT Assisted Plant Health monitoring" has been published

June 2020

Pranith S Prabhu, Karthik J Sudhakar, Abhishek Shine,

Sneha Varma, Narayanan Seshan, Malavika J, Megha Jose,

Varsha T R, Parvathy S Kumar, Kavya G Padiyar,Preethesh K,

Mishal Job, Krishnapriya, Boban(2018-2022)

Passed NPTELcourse "Signals & Systems"

June 2020

Preethesh K(2018-2022)

Completed a course on “Introduction to Internet Of Things and Embedded Systems" On Coursera

May 2020

Ms. Gayathri G Shenoy,Ms. AswanyThilakan, Mr. Don Davis(2016-2020)

Patent application titled : ‘Doily– Sanitary Napkin Vending Machine-Feminine Hygiene’  has been published.Patent Application Published, Application Number- 202041020495, Journal Number- 22/2020, Journal Date- 29/05/2020

May 2020

Nirmal V Babu(2019-2023)

Completed the courses “ Competitive Programming in C++ “ conducted by CS Chapter  of IEEE SB ASIET from 27 April 2020 to 24 May 2020 and “ Career Edge-Knockdown The Lockdown”   Offered By:TCS iON from 27 April 2020 to 24 May 2020

May 2020

Sidharth A J (2019-2023)

Completed the courses “Career edge:Knock down the lockdown “ conducted by TCS iON , “Climate change : from learning to action “ by UNCC: Learn, “Let's Break the chain of Covid 19 Infection”as a  part of the  MBRU Community Immuity Ambassador Program.

May 2020

Vaishnav C J(2019-2023)

Completed the courses “Career edge:Knock down the lockdown “ conducted by TCS iON , “Climate change : from learning to action “ by UNCC: Learn.

May 2020

Viswesh Parameswaran (2019-2023)

Completed a course on “How to create great online content" By FutureLearn " Learning how to learn"

May 2020

Narayanan Seshan(2018-2022)

Completed a course on “Introduction to Psychology" On Coursera

Completed a course on “AI for everyone" On Coursera

May  2020

Santhosh Sivan(2017-2021)

Completed a course on “Cyber security and IOT" On Coursera

May  2020

Pankaj Kumar Dwivedi(2017-2021)

Completed a course on “Programming for everybody (Getting started with python) "On Coursera

Completed a course on "Cyber Security and its Ten Domains" On Coursera

Completed a course on "Introduction to HTML 5" On Coursera

Completed a course on "Programming fundamentals" On Coursera

Completed a course on "AI for everyone" On Coursera

Completed a course on "Introduction to G Suite" On Coursera

May  2020

Rahul Menon A(2017-2021)

Completed a course on “Programming for everybody (Getting started with python) "On Coursera

Completed a course on "Introduction to satellite communication" On Coursera

Completed a course on" python data structures"On Coursera

May  2020

Harshit Kumar(2018-2022)


Completed a course on “Introduction to satellite communication "On Coursera

Completed a course on “Python data structures "On Coursera

Completed a course on “Programming for everybody (Getting started with python) "On Coursera

Completed a course on “Using Python To access  web data"On Coursera

Completed a course on “Using Databases with Python"On Coursera

Completed a course on “Crash Course on python"On Coursera

Completed a course on “Python for everybody Specialization"On Coursera

May  2020

V U ANAKHA (2018-2022)

Attended an online course on "Fundamentals of Python" from 29/04/2020 to 06/05/2020 organised by Hotari Technologies

Attended a webinar on Introduction to Git and GitHub on 28th April, 2020 organised by IEEE CS SBC of IEEE SB ASIET in association with FOSS Cell, ASIET

May  2020

VARSHA T R(2018-2022)

Attended a webinar on " introduction to robotics" conducted by IEEE women in power of ASIET on 2nd May 2020

Attended webinar on " introduction to artificial intelligence" conducted by IEEE women in power of ASIET on 3rd may 2020

Attended webinar on "kinematics for 4 DOF ROBOTICS manipulator" conducted by IEEE SB UKFCET ON 4TH May 2020

Attended webinar on" simulation and pcb designing using Proteus "on 11th may 2020

May  2020

KAVYA G PADIYAR(2018-2022)

Attended a webinar on "introduction to robotics" conducted by IEEE women in power of ASIET on 2nd May 2020

Attended webinar on "introduction to artificial intelligence" conducted by IEEE women in power of ASIET on 3rd may 2020

Attended webinar on "kinematics for 4 DOF ROBOTICS manipulator"conducted by IEEE SB UKFCET ON 4TH May 2020

Attended webinar on "simulation and pcb designing using Proteus" on 11th may 2020

April 2020

Mr.Amal Pradeep, Ms.Gayathri G Shenoy,Ms Arya S Nair , Mr.Arjun N K

Foodvid app is developed by  Mr.Amal Pradeep(EC), Ms.Gayathri G Shenoy(EC),Ms Arya S Nair(EC),Mr.Abhijith (CS)  ,Mr.Jaganat(CS)  and design team members  Mr.Arjun N K(EC), Mr.Vidhu(CS). It is an online shopping service that helps you to buy essential products from shops near to you and get it delivered at your doorstep.

April 2020

Sreelekshmi Anilkumar, Aiswarya Lakshmi T ,Ramsi Fathima and  Sreehari Soman

Sreelekshmi Anilkumar, Aiswarya Lakshmi T ,Ramsi Fathima and  Sreehari Soman (2016-2020 Batch ,mentored by Prof.Anuroop executed a project ‘Hygieia’-  a Safe Step to resist COVID-19

March 2020

Sreehari Soman, Sreejith S Nair, Lizbeth Shaji, Surya Paul, Nandharaj V.A, Rizwan

The team ASIET SQUAD with Sreehari Soman, Sreejith S Nair, Lizbeth Shaji, Surya Paul, Nandharaj V.A, Rizwan from ECE Dept, mentored by Prof. Anuroop  K.B, was selected into the final 15 of Reboot Kerala from 200 entries and was awarded the Special Jury Award for their project named  'Dam+91' in the category of water.

March 2020


Our Alumni Startup venture Machbee incubated at Adi Shankara TBI got an exclusive opportunity to present their innovative product Intelligent Cooking Stove with Sri R Ramanan (Mission Director, Atal Innovation Mission) in the presence of Padma Sri Dr V R Gowrishankar (Administrator & CEO, Sringeri Mutt). In additional Machbee also receive full funding and R&D support from Atal Incubation Centre-JITF, Bangalore

March 2020

Malavika J,Suman Menon,Sreehari Soman, Sreelakshmi Anilkumar

 Malavika J,Suman Menon,Sreehari Soman, Sreelakshmi Anilkumar secured 1st place for the National Level Techical Quiz and 2nd place for National level Techathlon organized by ICT Academy of Kerala.They were mentored by Prof. Anuroop K B. This event was open for undergraduate graduate and post graduate students across the country.They got honored by Mr.Sasi, CEO of IT Parks Kerala and Santhosh Chandrasekara Kurup - Chief Executive Officer - ICT Academy of Kerala. They also received a funding support of INR 25,000/-

March 2020

Aiswarya Lakshmi T ,Ramsi Fathima ,Sreelakshmi Anilkumar

 Aiswarya Lakshmi T ,Ramsi Fathima ,Sreelakshmi Anilkumar under the guidance of Prof. Anuroop K B  secured 1st place and cash prize of Rs.25000/- for the Business Plan Challenge for Woman organized by Atal Incubation Centre, Jyothi Institute of Technology, Bangalore.The team has also been shortlisted for  Seed funding of a sum up to 20 Lakhs & Incubation support offered by  Atal Incubation Centre- JITF, Banglore

March  2020

 Mr.Akhilkumar A

He selected as the Section Ambassador of IEEE Programming League (an IEEE CS SYP Initiative) .

March 2020

Abhishek S Dinil ,Anupam Sunil, Ayswarya S Kumar (2016-20)

IEI funding for final year project ,MOOC course certified.

March  2020

Ms. Krishna Priya Boban

Selected as WIE Coordinator , IEEE ComSoc Kerala Chapter.

March  2020

Deepu Ajay, Gokul Krishnan S and Abhinav Subhash Jayakrishnan, Alumni( 2015-2019 batch

Deepu Ajay, Gokul Krishnan S and Abhinav Subhash Jayakrishnan, Alumni( 2015-2019 batch ) has developed a low cost disinfection box using UV filtering. The product was made under the guidance of Prof.  Anuroop K B. The product is capable of disinfecting objects that we use in our day-to-day life such as money, mobile phone, wallet, ppe equipments such as gloves and masks.

February 2020

Nirmal V Babu, Sangeetha Prasad and Joyal Joy

Nirmal V Babu, Sangeetha Prasad and Joyal Joy of S2 ECB have secured second prize for micro project titled Generating fuel from plastic waste.

February 2020

V Kavyalakshmi (2016-20)

Won first prize for the event Bamboozled Competition in Brahma 2020

February 2020

Ms. Katherine T Jose

Ms. Katherine T Jose of S2 ECB has won third position for women’s long jump in KTU state university athlet-ic meet at Trivandram.

January 2020

Sriram Suresh (2016-20) 

Participated in National Level Project Expo Srishti 2020

January 2020

Merin Teres Jojo (2016-20) 

Participated in Srishti 2020 project expo

Participated for Busines plan by ATAL Incubation center at Jyothi Engineering College, Karnataka  

December 2019

Mr.Dhanush Damodaran, Ms.Anagha Mohan, Mr.Akshay K S, Mr.Akshay Divakar, Mr.Balakrishnan R, and Mr.Ajay Antony

Mr.Dhanush Damodaran, Ms.Anagha Mohan, Mr.Akshay K S, Mr.Akshay Divakar, Mr.Balakrishnan R, and Mr.Ajay Antony successfully completed NPTEL course on " Python for Data Science " and got Ceritification.

December 2019

V S Aswin (2016-20)

Member of ASIET cricket Team, which won KTU zonal cricket tournament 3rd prize.

December 2019

Ms.Priyanka P S, Ms.Likhitha K S, Ms.Krishna Balachandran, Ms.Gopika G B , Mr.Dennis Rockey and Ms.Chanjal J

Ms.Priyanka P S, Ms.Likhitha K S, Ms.Krishna Balachandran, Ms.Gopika G B , Mr.Dennis Rockey and Ms.Chanjal J successfully completed NPTEL course on " Introduction to Internet o things " and got Ceritification.

December 2019

Ms.M Radhika

Ms.M Radhika successfully completed NPTEL course on " The Joy of Computing Python " and got Ceritification.

December 2019

Shahala Shanavas (2016-20)   

Obtained Elite Certificate for NPTEL course on Internet of things.

December 2019

Linsa Mary Varghese (2016-20)

Obtained NPTEL certificate for course -Internet of Things.

November 2019

Don Davis

Don Davis of S7 EC ( 2016-2020) participated in the KTU Football open trials conducted at TKM College, Kol-lam. He has been selected as KTU re-serve player.

November 2019

Livin Varghese and Pankaj Kumar Dwivedi

Livin Varghese and Pankaj Kumar Dwivedi of third year ECB has got Elite certification in NPTEL course on Digital Circuits

November 2019

Krishnapriya K

Krishnapriya K of S3 MTech VLSI & ES selected as Project Intern at Sig-tech Wireless Technologies (P) Ltd ,Technopark, Trivandrum.

November 2019

K SriVaishnavi (2016-20)

Volunteered for IEDC summit 2019 at Sahrdaya College

Best campus Ambassador of National Event Aurora'19 at TocH College

October 2019

Siddharth A J

Siddharth A J of first year ECB has got Elite certi-fication in NPTEL course on Global Navigation Satellite Systems and applications.

September 2019

 Aswathy Babu 



Ms. Aswathy Babu of S3 ECE attended the one week (from 9th to 16th Sept. 2019) Foreign Technical Immersion Program 2019 (FTIP) at the Australian University, Swinburne University of Technology, Sarawak campus in Malaysia. The sessions mainly focused on IoT, Node MCU, & Data collection and PixyCam.

JUNE 2019

Krishna Prasad, Sajith P S, LakshmiMadhu, Priya P N

The Students’ Project titled “Multiple Eye Diseases Detection using Deep Convolutional Neural Network” by Krishna Prasad, Sajith P S, LakshmiMadhu, Priya P N, guided by Ms.Neema M won a fund amount of Rs. 23,900/- from CERD.

JUNE 2019

Harikrishnan S, Joseph George, Jwala S , Sandeep

The Students’ Project titled “HAUY-A Braille Assist” Harikrishnan S, Joseph George, Jwala S , Sandeep, guided by Mr.Albins Paul (co-guided by Mr. Ajay Kumar) won a fund amount of Rs. 26,500/- from CERD

JUNE 2019

AbhinavSubhash ,Gokul Krishnan, Deepu Ajay , Amal Joseph.



The project titled “Infinity Printer” has been sanctioned an amount of Rs. 15,000 by The Institution Of Engineers(India)(IEI). The team members are: AbhinavSubhash ,Gokul Krishnan, Deepu Ajay , Amal Joseph. They are mentored by Dr. N Hariharan and Mr.Anuroop K B

JUNE 2019

Mr.Adarsh Varma, Mr.Don Raju, Mr.Chandrakanth K M and Mr.Amal V L

The project titled “Real Time Waste Segregation” has been sanctioned an amount of Rs. 10,000 by The Institution Of Engineers(India)(IEI). The team members are: Mr.Adarsh Varma, Mr.Don Raju, Mr.Chandrakanth K M and Mr.Amal V L They are mentored by Ms Arya Paul.

MARCH 2019

Asish J Poonelil, Ramsankar K R, Jeevan Suresh and Nithin S

The Idea presented  Asish J Poonelil, Ramsankar K R, Jeevan Suresh and Nithin S got selected in Your Own Idea fest

MARCH 2019

Jagannath U, Pranith S Prabhu and Jibin

Jagannath U, Pranith S Prabhu and Jibin won the First prize in Poster competition themed ‘Stop the Drip’, conducted by Department of Mechanical Engineering. The Poster competition was part of the awareness program titled “April Cool”.

MARCH 2018

JisnaSiby, N Ananthakrishnan, M Gowri, SreeVaishnavi (2016-20 batch)

Special Jury award, A P J Abdul Kalam Innovation Challenge

May4th 2018

Jophin George, Krishnaprasad, NanduriVenkataSashank, Priya P N, Shankar K So-man, Srinivas S Pai, ,

Jophin George, Krishna prasad, Nanduri Venkata Sashank, Priya P N, Shankar K Soman, Srinivas S Pai, , won Special Mention in the final round of the nation-wide “Touch the Jovian Moon” contest organised by ISRO on May4th 2018.

JUNE 2018

AbhinavSubhash, Gokul Krishnan , Deepu Ajay , Amal Joseph , Manu Mohan  

The project titled “Baltem Gyrate” won Rs. 5 lakhs grant as Phase -1 Idea Day Grant.

APRIL 2018

M Gowri  , M Radhika

M Gowri , M Radhika Participated in the inter-collegiate debate “Speak for India- Kerala edition 2018” com-petition held by Mathrubhumi in association with Federal Bank.

March 24th 2018

JisnaSiby, K Sri Vaishnavi, N Ananthakrishnan Potti and Sriram Suresh.

The project titled “LUMI CR500” was shortlisted for Idea Grant Day Competition held at Rajagiri School of Engg. & Technology on March 24th 2018.



Month & Year



June 2024 Ms. Neethu Suman Completed Five Day FDP cum Hands on Workshop on Wireless Communication Technologies for Beyond 5G Systems from 24 to 28 June 2024, organized by Dept. of Electronics and Communication, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Kottayam.
June 2024 Ms. Reshma Lakshmanan Completed Five Day FDP cum Hands on Workshop on Wireless Communication Technologies for Beyond 5G Systems from 24 to 28 June 2024, organized by Dept. of Electronics and Communication, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Kottayam.
June 2024 Ms. Reshma Lakshmanan Resource person in 3-day Laboratory staff skill upgradation Workshop on “IoT and Antenna Dynamics: Bridging the Wireless World” organized by Electronics and communication department of ASIET, Kalady 
June 2024 Ms. Aswathy N Served as theCourse coordinator and Course Instructor for the Certification Courses VLSI Design Flow, VLSI Testing and EDA Tools organized by RIG VLSI Group 
June 2024 Ms. Neetha K Attended 1 month certificate program organized by SkillDzire & AICTE
June 2024 Dr. Resmi N C Completed course on "Python for Beginners" by Great Learning Academy
May 2024 Ms. Neetha K Got NPTEL Certification on "Optical Wireless Communications for Beyond 5G Networks and IoT"
May 2024 Ms. Sreesubha Gopi Got NPTEL Certification on "Problem solving through Programming In C"
May 2024 Ms. Archana Aniyan Got NPTEL Certification on "Optical Wireless Communications for Beyond 5G Networks and IoT" 
May 2024 Ms.Anju George Got NPTEL Certification on " Design and Analysis of VLSI Subsystems"
April 2024 Dr. Resmi N C Reviewer for International Conference on Distributed Computing and Optimization Techniques (ICDCOT-2024)
April 2024 Ms. Neethu Suman Reviewer in the First International Conference on Trends in Engineering Systems and Technologies (ICTEST 2024) 
April 2024 Dr. Resmi N C Resource Person for Workshop on "Mastering LaTeX: A student's guide to EffectivecReport Writing and Paper Publication"
April 2024 Ms. Reshma lakshmanan Resource Person for Workshop on "Mastering LaTeX: A student's guide to Effective Report Writing and Paper Publication"
April 2024 Ms. Aswathy N Reviewer for International conference for Distributed Computing and Optimization Technique 
April 2024 Dr. Ajay Kumar Resource person for five days online Faculty Entrepreneurship Development programme-Emmergeinnovate organized by Mahaguru institute of Engg and Tech
April 2024 Dr. Rahul krishnan Obtained a consultancy work worth Rs. 30,000/- rupees on the topic Title: "Design of the UWB antenna for Indoor wireless Device" from Techpower Solutions, Chennai
April 2024 Dr. Ajay Kumar Obtained a consultancy work worth Rs. 30,000/- rupees on the topic Title: "Design of the UWB antenna for Indoor wireless Device" from Techpower Solutions, Chennai
April 2024 Ms. Reshma lakshmanan Obtained a consultancy work worth Rs. 30,000/- rupees on the topic Title: "Design of the UWB antenna for Indoor wireless Device" from Techpower Solutions, Chennai
March 2024 Dr. Ajay Kumar Awarded an Indian Patent for “IoT-Enabled Urban Environmental Monitoring with Wireless Sensor Network “[Application No. No.201941053048 A ,The Patent Office Journal No. 52/2019].
March 2024 Dr. Bipin P R Awarded an Indian Patent for “IoT-Enabled Urban Environmental Monitoring with Wireless Sensor Network “[Application No. No.201941053048 A ,The Patent Office Journal No. 52/2019].
March 2024 Dr. Ajay Kumar Served as the resource persons for Faculty Professional Enrichment Program titled "A Guide to Publication, Indexing, and Funding"
March 2024 Ms. Neema M  Served as the resource persons for Faculty Professional Enrichment Program titled "A Guide to Publication, Indexing, and Funding"
March 2024 Ms. Reshma Lakshmanan Served as the resource persons for Faculty Professional Enrichment Program titled "A Guide to Publication, Indexing, and Funding"
February 2024 Dr. Bobby Mathews C  Awarded an Indian Design Patent for the design of an “IoT Based Smart Cholesterol Monitoring Device”. 
February 2024 Ms. Aswathy N Reviewer for 2nd International Conference on Integrated Circuits and Communication System
February 2024 Ms. Neema M Served as the resource person for Uddyodana 2k24 a two day workshop for higher secondary mathematics, physics, and computer science teachers
February 2024 Dr. Rahul Krishnan Served as the resource person for Uddyodana 2k24 a two day workshop for higher secondary mathematics, physics, and computer science teachers
February 2024 Ms. Arya Paul Served as the resource person for Uddyodana 2k24 a two day workshop for higher secondary mathematics, physics, and computer science teachers
February 2024 Ms. Neema M Reviewer for First International Conference on Trends in
Engineering systems and Technologies (ICTEST) 2024 organised by Model Engineering College, Thrikkakkara
February 2024 Dr. Bipin P R Served as the resource person for a 2-day workshop on Machine Learning using Python at Rajadhani Institute of Engineering and Technology, Attingal
February 2024 Mr. Manesh V M  Served as the resource person for a 2-day workshop on Machine Learning using Python at Rajadhani Institute of Engineering and Technology, Attingal
February 2024 Mr Manesh V M Published a conference paper titled "Detection of Human
Pancreatic Cancer using ML and DL Model: A State-of-the-Art Review" in 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems (AICERA/ICIS)
February 2024 Ms. Neetha K Completed Micro Soft,SAP, & AICTE led Faculty Development Program on AI Evolution: From Foundations Generative AI
February 2024 Ms Neema Vijayan Completed FDP on "Universal Human Values” 
February 2024 Ms. Vidya V Completed FDP on "Universal Human Values” 
February 2024 Mr. Jayesh T P Completed FDP on "Universal Human Values” 
February 2024 Ms. Reshma Lakshmanan Completed FDP on "Universal Human Values” 
February 2024 Ms. Neetha K Completed FDP on "A Comprehensive Exploration of Cognitronics by Unravelling on Technologies
January 2024 Mr. Prasanth P Menon Completed ATAL Faculty Development Program on "Under water Robotics - Research Applications" at KMEA Engineering College from 15th to 20th January 2024.
January 2024 Mr. Prajeesh P A Completed ATAL Faculty Development Program on "Under water Robotics - Research Applications" at KMEA Engineering College from 15th to 20th January 2024.
January 2024 Ms. Anju George Completed ATAL Faculty Development Program on "Under water Robotics - Research Applications" at KMEA Engineering College from 15th to 20th January 2024.
January 2024 Ms. Arya Paul Completed ATAL Faculty Development Program on "Under water Robotics - Research Applications" at KMEA Engineering College from 15th to 20th January 2024.
January 2024 Ms. Aswathy N Completed ATAL Faculty Development Program on "Exploring Explainable and Generative AI in Contemporary Machine Learning" at ASIET, Kalady from 15th to 20th January 2024.
January 2024 Dr. Ramu R Completed ATAL Faculty Development Program on "AI - Driven Semiconductor Technology" at Rajadhani Institute of Engineeting and Technology, Attingal from 15th to 20th January 2024.
January 2024 Mr. Manesh V M Completed ATAL Faculty Development Program on "AI - Driven Semiconductor Technology" at Rajadhani Institute of Engineeting and Technology, Attingal from 15th to 20th January 2024.
January 2024 Ms. Savitha Raghavan Completed ATAL Faculty Development Program on "AI - Driven Semiconductor Technology" at Rajadhani Institute of Engineeting and Technology, Attingal from 15th to 20th January 2024.
January 2024 Mr. Albins Paul Completed ATAL Faculty Development Program on "Research Applications in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning" at SJCET, Palai from 8th to 15th January 2024.
January 2024 Dr.Ajay Kumar Reviewer of 2024 IEEE Third International Conference on Intelligent Techniques in Control, Optimization and Signal Processing (INCOS).
December 2023 Dr.Ajay Kumar Submitted proposals totaling 28 lakhs for the SERB-SURE grant. The proposals focus on the design and development of an AI-based tool for predicting mental and behavioral disorders.
December 2023 Dr. Rahul Krishnan Published a paper titled “Enhancing accessibility: object detection and optical character recognition for empowering visually impaired individuals” on IET Digital library (DOI: 10.1049/icp.2023.2893).
December 2023 Dr. Reshmi N C Attended a Faculty Development Program on Building Advanced Data Analytics Applications with Cloud.
December 2023 Ms. Aswathy N Reviewer in ICIICS -2023 conference.
December 2023 Dr. Rahul Krishnan Served as the resource person for 5 day workshop on “Antenna design techniques for various applications”, organised by Dept of ECE, CARE College of Engineering, Tiruchirappalli.
November 2023 Ms. Aswathy N Led an insightful session on the 'Future of Electronics beyond CMOS' as the Resource Person at Albertian Institute of Science and Technology on November 21st, 2023.
November 2023 Mr. Manesh V M Delivered a presentation on a paper titled "Detection of Human Pancreatic Cancer using ML and DL Model: A State-of-theArt Review" at the Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems (AICERA: ICIS 2023).
November 2023 Mr. Albins Paul Reviewer for the IEEE international conference RASSE 2023
November 2023 Ms. Reshma Lakshmanan Published a research paper titled "Effective Antenna Design on Flexible Substrates" in the International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology (Vol. 18, No. 6, November 2023).
November 2023 Mr. Albins Paul Got appreciation certificate for the mentorship during the ASIET-Suyati Industry Academia Program for the year 2022-23.
October 2023 Mr. Manesh V M Registered a patent for “Artificial Intelligencebased Delivery Robotic Device” by the Intellectual Property Office, United Kingdom.
October 2023 Mr. Albins Paul Attended a Workshop on Machine Learning with Tensor Flow.
October 2023 Dr. Rahul Krishnan Served as the resource person for 5 days International level online workshop on “Smart Antennas - The Design Perspective using CST Studiosuite Software”, organised by Dept of ECE, SA Engineering College, Chennai
October 2023 Dr. Resmi N S Attended a Faculty Development Program on Communication & Robotics System Modeling with MATLAB & SIMULINK and participated in the CoreEL Edu Summit
October 2023 Ms. Neetha K Participated as TPC member and reviewer in 5th International Conference on Sustainable and Innovative Solutions for Current Challenges in Engineering and Technology - ICSISCET 2023 21-22 October 2023 Madhav Institute of Technology and Science, Gwalior
September 2023 Ms. Divya V Chandran Particpated as Program Committee Member & Reviewer in 2nd International Conference on ADCIS 2023 Sep 21-23 2023, BITS PILANI
August 2023 Dr.Ajay Kumar Chief Investigator for the project titled "Development of digital networking for preventive and predictive environmental and climatic warning solutions - Building an Entrepreneurial ecosystem for addressing Environmental Issues" received a research fund of Rs. 2.98 Crore from the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India
August 2023 Mr. Albins Paul Co-Investigator for the project titled "Development of digital networking for preventive and predictive environmental and climatic warning solutions - Building an Entrepreneurial ecosystem for addressing Environmental Issues" received a research fund of Rs. 2.98 Crore from the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India
August 2023 Dr. Rahul Krishnan Shortlisted for the CERD RSM Funding Presentation
August 2023 Ms. Jaimy James Shortlisted for the CERD RSM Funding Presentation
August 2023 Ms. Neetha K Shortlisted for the CERD RSM Funding Presentation
August 2023 Dr. Bipin P R Served as the resource person for the Add-on Course on Machine Learning and Data Science using Python, specifically designed for students in the Biomedical Engineering program at Sahradaya College of Engineering and Technology.
August 2023 Dr. Bipin P R Published a paper titled “ Automated biomedical image classification using multi-scale dense dilated semi-supervised u net with CNN architecture” in Journal: Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer, United States, a Q1 Journal.
August 2023 Dr. Bobby Mathews C Selected to the Board of Studies, Electronics and Communication Engineering of APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University.
August 2023 Dr. Ramu R Completed Faculty Development Program on "Intelligent Connections: Exploring the Synergy of AI and IoT Devices" at Mar Baselious Institute of technology and Science (MBITS) from 17th to 19th August 2023
August 2023 Mr. Manesh V M Completed Faculty Development Program on "Intelligent Connections: Exploring the Synergy of AI and IoT Devices" at Mar Baselious Institute of technology and Science (MBITS) from 17th to 19th August 2023
August 2023 Ms. Archana Aniyan Successfully completed Faculty Development Program(FDP) on “VLSI to System Design:Silicon to End Application Approach” organized by AICTE, Arm Education and STMicroelectronics from July 31st to August 4th 2023
August 2023 Ms. Aswathy N Successfully completed Faculty Development Program(FDP) on “VLSI to System Design:Silicon to End Application Approach” organized by AICTE , Arm Education and STMicroelectronics from July 31st to August 4th 2023
July 2023 Ms. Neetha K Selected as the TPC member and reviewer at Soft Computing Research Society from 29th to 30th July 2023
July 2023 Ms. Aswathy N Selected as the Reviewer of First International IEEE Conference organized by Kalpataru Institute of Technology, Triptur in association with IEEE Bangalore Section from 28th to 29th July 2023.
June 2023 Ms. Arya paul,

BEST PROJECT AWARD for Project titled "Integrated Intelligent Surveillance using Deep Learning" in project exhibition ASPERIN'23

May 2023 Divya V Chandran Reviewer and TPC member for the International Conference on Paradigms of Communication, Computing and Data Analytics (PCCDA-23) organized by Soft Computing Research Society
May 2023 NEETHA K Got NPTEL Certification on " Evolution of air interface towards 5G"
May 2023 JAIMY JAMES Got NPTEL Certification on " Principles of signals and systems"
March 2023 Dr. Ajay Kumar,Albins Paul Selected for funding of Rs. 18250 from Cerd SPS for their
project, Implementation of 2 - Way Interactive Digital Notice Board.
Februart 2023 Dr. Ajay Kumar, Arya paul,  Albins paul The paper" A Secured framework against DDOS attack in wireless networks" is publishedin Springer "intelligent cyber-physical systems and internet of things"icoici
2022. engineering cyber-physical systems and critical infrastructures, vol 3.
springer, cham.
February 2023 Dr. V T Gopakumar Project proposal submitted to KTU Research Seed Money (RSM) scheme 2022 by Dr. Gopakumar is selected with funding of *Rs90,000/-(Ninety Thousand Only)*
January 2023 Dr. V T Gopakumar Wrote and published the book titled: "14.0 Reference Guide for Transforming Academics by 2030".
January 2023 Aswathy N

Appreciation for achieving IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award consecutively for three years.

December 2022 Jaimy James Published a paper "A Survey on VLSI Architecture and Design for Data
December 2022 Dr.Bobby Mathews,Dr.Arya Devi, Divya V chandran,.Remya Ramesh

Filed a patenton project titled "VEG DOC” (Patent file number- 202241060615), Published on 18/11/2022.

August 2022 Dr. Prameela B Published a paper titled "Mixer Design for Global Navigation Satellite System" in Grenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology
August 2022 Dr. Prameela B Published a chapter titled "Mixer Design for Global Navigation Satellite System" in the proceedings of SRISHTI 2022 with ISBN ISBN- 978-93-5680-852-2
August 2022 Dr. Prameela B Presented a paper titled " Complex IF filter for GNSS applications" in IEEE sponsored ICNGIS 2022
August 2022 JAYESH T P Ph. D admission in KALASALINGAM University,
August 2022 Albins Paul
, Arya Paul
Sanctioned an amount of Rs.200,000 for the proposal to conduct a Faculty Development Programme on “ Deep Learning & ML Applications in Computer Vision”, from 12th December to 16th December 2022.
June 2022 Neetha K Reviewer for IEEE CONFERENCE ON APPLIED INTELLIGENCE AND COMPUTING (AIC 2022), Rajkia Engineering College, Sonabadra, India.
June 2022 Dr. Prameela

Ph.D Awarded, CUSAT, Kerala

Presented a paper along with Sukanya M G (S4 M Tech-VLSI);  ACT 22 conference; The IDES and the Association of Computer Electrical Electronics and Communication Engineers (ACEECOM)

June 2022 Dr. Ajay Kumar Bagged best paper award alongwith Hasna Hameed (S4 M Tech-CE); for the paper titled; ”AN IOT- BASED SYSTEM FOR HEALTH MONITORING AND SURVEILLANCE IN POST-COVID LIFE” in Third International Conference on Materials, Computing & Communication Technology ICMCCT 2022, Annai Vailankanni College of Engineering, AVK Nagar, Pottalkulam
June 2022 Dr.V T Gopakumar Attended OPTICA (formerly OSA) "INNOVATION SCHOOL"; Washington DC, USA.
May 2022 Prajeesh P A Published Research Paper; “Design of automated stethoscope using AI,IOT and Signal processing "published in Springer Lecture series; Int. Conf. ESIC 2021, Publisher Name Springer, Singapore Print ISBN 978-981-16-9487-5 Online ISBN 978-981-16-9488-2.
May 2022 Dr. Bobby Mathews C Completed a Short Term Training Program (STTP) on Training of Trainers on Ecosystem based Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation; conducted by the United Nations.
May 2022 Dr.Ajay Kumar Delivered a session; "Internet of Things-A network layer perspective"; SCMS,Karukutty
May 2022 Prasanth P Menon NPTEL Elite Certification in Photonic Integrated circuits
May 2022 Divya V Chandran Published a paper "Change Detection & Flood Water Mapping from Remotely Sensed Images- A survey," International Conference on Sustainable Computing and Data Communication Systems (ICSCDS), 2022, pp. 1601-1606, DOI: 10.1109/ICSCDS53736.2022.9761015.
April 2022

Aswathy N & Anju George

Giuded Project; “MED-MATE”; Selected for student project under CERD funding by KTU (Rs. 12000/-)

April 2022 Prameela B Guided Project; "Mixer Design for GlobalNavigation Satellite System"; bagged II Prize at SRISHTI '22, Saintgits College of Engg, Kottayam.
April 2022 Neetha K Completed online course on Wireless Communications Onramp
April 2022 Divya V Chandran Completed Master's class on Python Programming at Pantech e-Learning Pvt Ltd.Chennai
April 2022 Jayesh T P Attended Faculty Development Program; “3D Printing & Additive manufacturing”; Musaliar College of Engineering andTechnology, Pathanamthitta
April 2022 Dr.V T Gopakumar

Attended "Photonics Spectra Spectroscopy Conference" organized by Photonics Media; USA (online).

Reviewed "OPTICA women Scholarships 2022"

April 2022 Prameela B Reviewed articles for the International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies
March 2022 Anuroop K B Won Second Prize in “Art of Teaching” competitionconducted exclusively for all faculty members by GTECH (Group ofTechnology Companies, Kerala) in association with KTU.
March 2022 Dr. Bobby Mathews C Selected as Technical Member for the Evaluation Panel - Darsana - IGNITE 2022
March 2022 Dr. Bobby Mathews C, Divya V Chandran, Jayesh T P Participated in Faculty Development Programme on "Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning"; KMCT College of Engineering for Women. Calicut
March 2022 Aswathy N Published a paper titled "“Review on role of nanoscale HfO2 switching material in resistive randomaccess memory device”; Emergent Materials; Springer Nature; February 2022

February 2022

Dr. Bobby Mathews C

Participated in NIPAM - National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission 

Participated in 32nd Annual State Faculty Convention under ISTE, KERALA Section

February 2022 Divya V Chandran Published a paper titled; “Vegetation Scanning Using LiDAR-Based Drone”; International Journal ofScientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology

February 2022

Sreerag M

Coordinated awareness Programme on Intellectual Property Rights under the National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission (NIPAM) for the students and staff members of ASIET

January 2022

Neethu Suman

Attended AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on "Advancement of Digital Health and Medical Innovations during Pandemic";  Model Engineering College.

January 2022

Aswathy N

Attended IEEE Annual General Meeting 2021 Kochi subsection

January 2022

Anju George, Aswathy N

Presented a research paper;  " Implementation of a Multitudinous Face Recognition using VOLO. V3"; Fourth International Conference (ICMSS) - Published  in IEEE Xplore

December 2021

Prameela B

Presented a research paper titled "A feed-forward gain enhancement technique in a narrowband low noise amplifier using active inductor" in AVES '21; S. V National Institute of Technology, Surat.

December 2021

Anuroop K B

Got selected for the Ph.D program at IIIT KOTTAYAM.

November 2021

Dr.V T Gopakumar

Attended; Bio Photonics Conference in Photonics Media, Massachusetts, USA (Online).

November 2021

Prajeesh P A

Published a paper titled "Design of automated stethoscope using AI, IoT and Signal Processing"; International conference on ESIC 2021; KIIT Bhubaneswar

November 2021

Neema M

Published paper titled "User Spatial Localization for Vision Aided Beam Tracking based Millimeter Wave Systems using Convolutional Neural Networks"; 10th International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability (ICIAfS), 2021, pp. 7-12, doi: 10.1109/ICIAfS52090.2021.9605 960

November 2021

Neethu Suman

Attended STTP Training program on Virtual Labs by Nodal centre ASIET , Kalady in association with Participating Institute NITK Surathkal

November 2021

Aswathy N

Attended  STTP; "Introductory course on Magnetic Random Access Memory"; SP I N T E C,Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CEA, CNRS

November 2021

Jaimy James Poovely,Chinnu S

Presented paper titled; “A Survey on VLSI Architecture And Design for Data Compression”; Department of Robotics Engineering, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences,

October 2021

Dr. Bobby Mathews C

Resource person in ATAL FDP; MES Kuttippuram

October 2021

Dr. VT Gopakumar

Attended Conference ETOP (2021 Education and Training in Optics and Photonics by Optical Society of America

October 2021

Prameela B

Served as  reviewer for 9th APACE, The 2021 IEEEAsia Pacific Conference on Applied Electromagnetics (APACE2021)

October 2021

Prajeesh P A, Aswathy N, Anju George, Dr. Bobby Mathews C, Dr. Gopakumar V T

Resourse person for Workshop on Prevailing Technologies in VLSI, Embedded systems, Photonics & Fiber optics and IOT;  Department of ECE; ASIET

October 2021

Dr Ajay Kumar

Attended Faculty Developme nt Program(F DP); "Internet on Things and its Application"; Gujarat Technological University - Graduate School of Engineering and Technology.

October 2021

Aswathy N

Presented a research paper;  "Future Nonvolatile Memory Technologies: Challenges and Applications"; 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems; 2021. (ACCESS '21)

Core Committee Member of 3rd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Innovation in Academic Research (ICMIAR-2021)

Presented a research paper; "A New Hardware Architecture for FPGA Implementation of Feed Forward Neural Networks"; 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems; 2021. (ACCESS '21)

October 2021

Savitha Raghavan, Anjana S, Neetha K, Albins Paul

Selected for Part time PhD Programme under Abdul Kalam Technological University.

September  2021

Dr. Ragesh G K, Dr. V T Gopakumar, Dr. Bipin P R, Dr. Ajay Kumar,  Dr. Bobby Mathews C

Chaired and Co-Chaired sessions in the AICTE & IEEE Sponsored 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems; 2021. (ACCESS '21).

September  2021

Dr. Ragesh G K, Dr. V T Gopakumar, Dr. Bipin P R, Dr. Ajay Kumar,  Dr. Bobby Mathews C, Neema M, Dr. Suraj Damodaran, Dr. Arya Devi P S, Arya Paul, Prameela B, Anju George, Aswathy N

Reviewer for the AICTE & IEEE Sponsored 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems; 2021. (ACCESS '21).

September  2021

Dr. Suraj Damodaran

“Publication Chair” of the AICTE & IEEE Sponsored 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems; 2021. (ACCESS '21).

Received Certificate of Reviewer Recognition for IEEE SCI Journal

Presented a paper entitled "Design and Implementation of Desired Interaction Yielding Fractional-Order Controller With Application to Wheeled Mobile Robot" ; AICTE & IEEE Sponsored 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems; 2021. (ACCESS '21).

September  2021

Prameela B


September  2021

Neethu Suman

Successfully completed NPTEL course on "The Joy of Computing using Python" with Elite Certificate

September  2021

Neetha K

Attended AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on ""AI Enabled IoT Network"

September  2021

Divya V Chandran

Attended AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on "Hyper spectral remote sensing and its applications.

Reviewer in the 4th International Conference on Big Data and Cloud Computing

September  2021

Aswathy N

Attended online training on IEEE Xplore

September  2021

Archana Aniyan

Attended  ATAL FDP on "Research Issues in VLSI Design and Testing"

September  2021

Neema M

Attended FDP on Advanced Optimization Techniques and hands-on with MATLAB/SCILAB

September  2021

Savitha Raghavan,Anjana S,Anjaly Gopinath,Prajeesh P A

Participated in tutorial talks of the AICTE sponsored International Conference

September  2021

Anjana S, Anjaly Gopinath

Attended Atal FDP on AI Enabled IOT Networks

August 2021

Prajeesh P A

Paper titled 'Design of an automated stethescope using AI,IOT and signal processing is provisionally selected for 2nd international conference on Electronic system and intelligent computing (ESIC 2021)

August 2021

Dr. Suraj Damodaran

Reviewer of 4th International Conference on Microelectronics Signals and systems (ICMSS’21)

Reviewer of the International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME); Mauritius

August 2021

Neethu Suman

Attended AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on "AI applications in Biomedical Engineering".

Attended AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on "Faculty Development Program on Telemedicine"

Attended Online STTP on "Machine Learning and Deep Learning with Deployment"

August 2021

Neema M

Published  a Paper titled  "Data Driven Approach for mmWave Channel Characteristics Prediction Using Deep Neural Network"; Wireless Personal Communications (2021).

July 2021

Dr.Ragesh GK

Undergone Innovation Ambassador training (Foundation Level) conducted by MoE's Innovation Cell & AICTE

July  2021

Divya V Chandran

Completed successfully AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on "Application of Artificial Intelligence on Geospatial Data"

July 2021

Dr. VT Gopakumar

Attended Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), web conference format, Optical Society of America, IEEE Photonics Society, IEEE Communication Society; (San Diego, California, USA)

Attended Webinar on RF over Fiber (IEEE Pune Communication Society

July 2021

Dr. Bobby Mathews C

Attended Short Term Training Program (STTP) on Next Generation Wireless Technologies: 5G and Beyond; IGCE, Chandigarh.

July 2021

Dr. Suraj Damodaran

Got Certificate of reviewer recognition by IEEE

Attended Webinar on Participation in the webinar "Reconfigurable Digital Systems: A case for FPGA - Driven Design"; Department of Electrical and Electronics, Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kalady, Kerala

June 2021

Dr. Bobby Mathews C,Archana Aniyan,Savitha Raghavan,Anjana S,Anjaly Gopinath

Attended FDP on Innovation Incubation and Research Challenges in India; IES college of Engineering, Thrissur.

July 2021

Prajeesh P A,Aswathy N

Attended Webinar on Reconfigurable digital system: A case for FPGA driven design; Dept of EEE, ASIETKalady

July 2021

Savitha Raghavan

Attended FDP on FDP on 'Deep Learning and Neural Networks'; Mohandas college of engineering and technology.

Attended a webinar on “RF over Fiber"; IEEE, Pune Section Communication Society in association with AISSMS INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, Pune.

July 2021

Prasanth P Menon

Attended AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy FDP;  "Virtual and Augmented Reality for Robotics"; Vimal Jyothi Engineering

July 2021

Neema M

Paper titled; ‘User spatial localization for Vision aided beam tracking based millimeter wave systems using convolutional neural network"; Accepted in IEEE conference ICIAfs 2021

Resource person for Online STTP; "Machine learning and Deep learning";  Department of ECE, ASIET.

July 2021

Aswathy N

Selected to the evaluation panel; "The Final Year Project Awards 2021"; IEEE Kerala Section

Attended Online Course; "Design of Bulk Nanostructured Metal Materials"; Cousera

July 2021

Divya V Chandran

Attended KTU sponsored FDP; "Deep Learning and Neural networks"; Mohandas College of Engineering & Technology.

Attended Online Short Term Training Programme (STTP); "Machine Learning and Deep Learning with Deployment”; ASIET Kalady.

July 2021

Neetha K

Attended FDP on ATAL FDP; "Introductory Data Science, Deep Learning";  IIIT Naya Raipur.

Submitted a paper titled 'FACET: Low Cost Thermo-Face recognition System"; ICMSS 21 (4th International Conference on Microelectronics Signals and System)

July 2021

Anjana S,Anjaly Gopinath

Attended FDP; "Deep Learning and Neural Networks"; Mohandas college of Engineering and Technology.

Attended a webinar on “RF over Fiber"; IEEE, Pune Section Communication Society in association with AISSMS INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, Pune

July 2021

Jaimy James Poovely

Attended FDP; "FPGA based deep learning application in signal processing"; KLE Technological University.

Attended webinar; "Introduction to bersal ACAP architecture"; Sandeepani School of Embedded System Design; Banglore.

June 2021

Sreerag M

Attended FDP; "5G & VNA Measurements"; ENTUPLE TECHNOLOGIES

June 2021

Dr. Bobby Mathews C, Archana Aniyan, Savitha Raghavan, Anjana S, Anjaly Gopinath

Attended FDP; "Innovation Incubation and Research Challenges in India"; IES college of Engineering, Thrissur

June  2021

Ms. Neethu Suman, Ms Remya Ramesh, Arya Paul

Recourse Person for Online Workshop; "Python for Deep Learning"; Dept.of ECE, ASIET

June  2021

Ms Remya Ramesh

Attended Webinar; " CORONA: PRECAUTION AND PREVENTION"; NSS unit no: 228,582; Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kalady

Selected as Evaluator; "The Power Judging panel of Toycathon 2021"; Ministry of Education's Innovation Cell and AICTE.

June  2021

Prajeesh P A

Attended Faculty Development Program(FDP) on Innovation Incubation and research challenges in India

Co-coordinated for the webinar on Speak out and reach your goals

June 2021

Dr. Bobby Mathews C

Participated in an FDP; "Recent Developments in Machine Learning and DataScience" ; ToCH Institute of Science and Technology, Ernakulam.

Attended an Online Course; "No Code Website development Workshop"; One Team Solutions.

Attended a Webinar; "Cognitive and Personal Dimensions of Cyber Learning"; AE College of Engg. Chennai

Attended a Webinar; "Effective Communication for Organization's Excellence"; AE College of Engg. Chennai

June  2021

Ms. Archana Aniyan

Attended Webinar; "Spintronics"; Department Of Electrical And Electronics Engineering; Christ College Of Engineering, Irinjalakuda

June 2021

Dr.Ragesh G K

Resource person for ATAL FDP; "Embedding AI in Smart Sensors: Topic Smart Sensor Applications"; Dept of Electronics and Instrumentation, Sree Rama Krishna Engg College, Coimbatore

June  2021

Prasanth P Menon

Attended Faculty Development Program(FDP); “Innovation Incubation and research challenges in India”; IES College of Engineering.

June  2021

Divya V Chandran

Attended Webinar; "CORONA : PRECAUTION AND PREVENTION"; NSS Unit, Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kalady , Kerala.

June  2021

Neetha K

Participated KTU sponsored FDP on Recent Developments in Machine Learning and Data Science by ToCH Institute Ernakulam from 02.06.21 to 04.06.21 Completed Online Course on DEEP LEARNING ON RAMP on 6/06/21 by MATH WORKS.

Recourse Person as Evaluation panel of Toycathon 2021, on 22/6/21 to 24/6/21 by Ministry of Education's Innovation Cell and AICTE.

Coordinator for the School outreach programs Udyothana 2K21and Abhyudaya 2K21

June  2021

Arya Paul

Acted as an External Reviewer, International Journal of Innovation in Computational Science & Engineering on 26-27 May 2021 by Information Technology Department, University of Technology and Applied Science, MUSCAT

Selected as I2P contest best idea pitch project mentor

June  2021

Anuroop K B

Successfully delivered a session on " Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship " for the students of St Alosyous HSS North Paravoor.

Resource person for a webinar on “ Introduction to 3-D Modelling &3- D Printing” organized by IEEE Students branch College of Engineering, Vatakara exclusively for IEEE members.

Successfully completed the design of a Pulse Oximeter .

Resource person for a webinar session on " Introduction to IoT and IIoT" organized by Department of CSE in association with IoT Research Lab,ASIET.

May  2021

Prasanth P Menon

Resource Person for Online Training Program on Geogebra” on 27/05/2021 to 28/05/2021 by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, ASIET Kalady

Coordinator for the webinar conducted in association with Beacon industries on EV battery charging technology and control strategies on 31/05/2021.

May  2021

Divya V Chandran

AttendedOnline Course on SAR Data Processing; 7th t0 28th May 2021 on Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), ISRO, Dehradun, Uttarakhand

Recourse Person for Online Training Program on Geogebra” on 27/05/2021 to 28/05/2021 by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, ASIET Kalady

AttendedFaculty Development Program(FDP) on 5 Days Online Workshop/FDP on starting Research from Scratch' on 24th to 28th May 2021 by Department of CSE, Karunya Institute of Technology & Sciences , Coimbatore.

May  2021

Ms. Archana Aniyan

Recourse Person for Online Training Program on Geogebra” on 27/05/2021 to 28/05/2021 by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, ASIET Kalady

May  2021

Aswathy N

Attended Faculty Development Program(FDP) on Starting Research From Scratch from 24-28 May 2021 by KITS, Coimbatore .

Attended Webinar on Custom Face Recognition Using YOLO.V3 13-14 May 2021 by KITS, Coimbatore.

May  2021

Dr. Bipin P R

Attended an Online Course on Course on Machine Learning Model Deployment" by GL Academy

May  2021

Dr. Suraj Damodaran

Attended the webinar on "Ventilator: Design Perspective" by Mr. Sarath S Nair, Scientist / Engineer-E, Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Science and Technology(SCTIMST) on 26/5/2021

May  2021

Dr. Arya Devi

Participated in Faculty Development Program on GEOINFORMATICS AND WEB TECHNOLOGIES on 18/5/2021-22/05/2021 by BANASTHALI VIDYAPITH, Rajasthan

May  2021

Dr. Bobby Mathews C

Selected to the Technical Committee of Maker Village, KTIZ, Kinfra Hi-Tech Park, Kalamassery, Kochi.

May 2021

Dr.Ragesh G K

Dr. Ajay Kumar

Acted as an External Reviewer, International Journal of Innovation in Computational Science & Engineering on 26-27 May,2021,  Information Technology Department, University of Technology and Applied Science, MUSCAT

May  2021

Prajeesh P A, Archana Aniyan

Participated in a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on "Emerging Trends and Challenges in Low Power VLSI Design " conducted by the Department of ECE, MBCCET, Peermade from 19/5/2021 to 21/5/2021

May  2021

Archana Aniyan

Participated in a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on " Emerging Trends and Challenges in Low Power VLSI Design" conducted by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, MBCCET, Peermade from 19th May to 21st May 2021

May  2021

Dr. Suraj Damodaran

Participated in Webinar on "Introduction to model predictive control and itsapplications" on 22-05-2021 conducted by Control system research group,Department of electrical and electronics engineering, Mar baselios college ofengineering and technology, Thiruvananthapuram

May  2021

Jaimy James Poovely

Participated in a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on " Emerging Trends and Challenges in Low Power VLSI Design" conducted by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, MBCCET, Peermade from 19th May to 21st May 2021

April  2021

Dr. Bipin P R

Participated in a Short Term Training Program (STTP) on Medical Image Processing and its Applications in Automated Disease Detection on 24/4/2021 conducted by St. Martins Engineering College, Secunderabad, Telangana

Participated in a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on "Python for Engineers" on 30-04-2021 conducted by Vimal Jyothi Engineering College, Kannur

April  2021

Prameela B

Selected  as Reviewer for Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences" on 24.04.2021

April  2021

Dr Ragesh G K

Selected as a member of the technical program committee for the internationalConference-EAI SmartGov 2021 - 3rd EAI International Conference on Smart Governancefor Sustainable Smart Cities, November 24 – 26,2021, Portugal

April  2021

Dr. Bipin P R

Published a research paper titled "Exploitation whale optimization based optimal offloading approach and topology optimization in a mobile ad hoc cloud environment in Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (SCIE indexed).

April  2021

Dr. Arya Devi P S

Successfully Translated the files of SWAYAM- NPTEL course TALE 2: Course Design andInstruction of Engineering Course (127108016) offered by IISc Banglore in the MalayalamLanguage

April  2021

Dr. Suraj Damodaran

Published a manuscript titled "Design of suboptimal model-matching controllers using squared magnitude function for MIMO linear systems", in Automatika: Journal for control, measurement, electronics, computing and communications (publisher Taylor & Francis) which is Science Citation Index Expanded journal. ISSN 0005-1144/1848-3380.Attended a AICTE sponsored Short Term Training Program on "Control System Design - Classical and Modern with Hands-on" conducted by College of Engineering Pune on March 22-27, 2021

April  2021

Prameela B

Selected as a Reviewer of International Journal of Engineering and TechnologyInnovation and IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics & Applications (ISIEA 2021).

April  2021

Ajay Kumar

Submitted PhD thesis to APJAKTU, it has been recommended and found eligible for defending PhD viva-voce examination.

April 2021

Dr. Bobby Mathews C

Coordinated the APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University sponsored 5 daysOnline Faculty Development Program on “ROBOTICS & CONTROL” from 19.04.21 to23.04 21 conducted by Dept. of Robotics and Automation, ASIET

April 2021

Remya Ramesh, Prajeesh P A, Archana Aniyan, Aswathy N, Divya V Chandran, Neetha K, Arya Paul, Albins Paul, Anju George, Chinnu S

Participated in a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on "Robotics and Control"conducted by Department of Robotics and Automation, ASIET from 19-4-21 to23-4-21

April  2021

Divya V Chandran,Aswathy N

Participated in a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on Deep Learning for Signal Processing conducted by Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sahrdaya College of Engineering and Technology, Kodakara, Thrissur from 26 th April to 30 th April 2021

March 2021

Neema M

Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on “ Artificial Intelligence using MATLAB” organized by CoreEL Technologies and MathWorks

March 2021

Arya Paul


Awarded “ Mentor Appreciation certificate” for the course “Python for Data Science” by NPTEL

Attended as a Resource person in Laboratory Staff Skill Upgradation Workshop organized by Department of Electronics and Communication, ASIET.

March 2021

Divya V Chandran

Attended Faculty Development Program(FDP) on " Computer Vision and Data Mining" Sponsored by APJKTU at Rajadhani Institute of Science & Technology.

Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on “ Artificial Intelligence using MATLAB” organized by CoreEL Technologies and Mathworks.

March 2021

Chinnu S

Attended Faculty Development Program(FDP) on " Computer Vision and Data Mining" Sponsored by APJKTU at Rajadhani Institute of Science & Technology.

March 2021

Neetha K

Attended Faculty Development Program(FDP) on“5G Technologies and IoT” organized by Electronics and Communication Engineering Department of Government Engineering College Palakkad.March 2021

March 2021

Dr. Gopakumar V

Published a Research Article on “ A novel design proposal for low – cost vein viewer for medical and non-contact biometric applications using NIR imaging” in the Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology.

Selected as the Official Malayalam Translator for NPTEL SWAYAM Course

March 2021

Neema M

Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on “ Artificial Intelligence using MATLAB” organized by CoreEL Technologies and MathWorks

March 2021

Dr. Ragesh G K

Attended as the resource person for a session on the topic titled “ Research Trends in Body Sensor Networks” in AICTE sponsored FDP on “Research Challenges and Issues in Wireless Communication and Networks” at Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.

  March 2021 

Anuroop K B and Team

Selected for the Biotechnology Ignition Grant (BIG) ,a flagship scheme of BIRAC whichrecognizes and invests in innovative ideasin the biotech sector. This the only teamfrom Kerala who got selected for thegrant from about 1000 entries across thecountry. They can avail upto *50 Lakhs* forthe project completion.

  • Attended as the resource person for a session on the topic titled ”Setting up Adobe Creative Cloud” organized by Multimedia Research Lab, ASIET

  • Attended as the resource person for a session on topic titled “ Wearable IoT, IIoT, Setting-up MQTT, IoT simulation” in LORAWAN IOT workshop organized by Department of CSE, ASIET and ICFOSS, Kerala

February 2021


ACCESS'21-International Conference is provisionally Recommended by AICTE ( Reference : AQIS Application Id: 1-9250803471) with a grant of INR 4 Lakhs under Grant for Organizing Conference (GOC) scheme

February 2021

Research Interest Group (RIG)

Dr.Balaji Srinivasan, Professor, EE Dept, IIT Madras agreed to serve as a mentor to Department Research Interest Group(RIG) Fiber optics and Photonics. Submitted a proposal on “Development and Dissemination of an Artificial intelligence tool to predict and Diagnose Psychiatric morbidity among the Adult population of Kerala” for DST-CSRI(Cognitive Science Research Initiative) requested funding amount of Rs. 44,71,319 lakhs.

February 2021

Dr Ragesh G K

The paper titled “Physical Layer security of cognitive Ambient Backscatter communications for Green Internet o Things” accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking.

Delivered a Talk on “ How to create a Linkedln profile” on 14th February 2021 as a part of ABILITA : A MENTORSHIP PROGRAM organized by IEEE student Branch, Adishankara Institute of Engineering and Technology.

February 2021


Attended a webinar "Mathematical Modeling-An introduction" by Prof. Peeyush Chandra (retired), IIT Kanpur On 21 jan 2021 organized by NIT calicut.

February 2021

Dr Bobby Mathews C

Attended a Short Term Training Program (STTP) AICTE Sponsored STTP on ‘Machine Learning Applications to Internet of Things (IoT)’ dated 01.02.21 - 06.02.21 organized by VCET, Madurai, Tamil Nadu.

February 2021

Anuroop K B

A sum of INR 2 Lakhs was sanctioned for the Project Asegurar Vida from KSUM

Baltem Gyrate : The Parkinson spoon with adaptive pattern learning- shortlisted to the next stage under BIG scheme of BIRAC.

January 2021

Dr Ragesh G K

Invited as Special Guest or the inaugural ceremony of Institution's innovation council at ILM college of Engineering.

Presented a paper in 3rd international conference on Cognitive Informatics & soft computing on 12-13th December 2020.

January 2021

Albins Paul

Attended a FDP on " Python Programming for Computer Vision and Data Science" by NIT AP from 14/12 - 18/12/2020

January 2021

Anjana S

Attended a FDP on " Block Chain" by Dept of ECE, TKM College of Engineering Kollam, Kerala from 28/12/20 - 2/01/2021

Attended a FDP on " Data Sciences" by CUSAT from 7/1/2021 - 11/1/2021

January 2021

Arya Paul

Completed NPTEL course on " Python for Data Science"  from Sep-Oct 2020

Attended  AICTE sponsored Six Days Short Term Training Program on “IoT and Data Science" from 28/12/2020 to 02/01/2021 organised by St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology, Pala

January 2021

Aswathy N

Completed  NPTEL course on " Python for Data Science"  from Sep-Oct 2020

Attended a STTP  on " Deep Learning" by SOE CUSAT on Dec-20

January 2021

Divya V Chandran

Attended  AICTE sponsored Six Days Short Term Training Program on “IoT and Data Science" from 28/12/2020 to 02/01/2021 organised by St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology, Pala

January 2021

Remya Ramesh

Attended  AICTE sponsored Six Days Short Term Training Program on “IoT and Data Science" from 28/12/2020 to 02/01/2021 organised by St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology, Pala

January 2021

Neethu Suman

Attended  AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on "Wearable Devices" organised by Saintgits College of Engineering from 11/01/2021-15/01/2021

January 2021

Chinnu S

Attended  AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on "Wearable Devices" organised by Saintgits College of Engineering from 11/01/2021-15/01/2021

December 2020

Dr Bipin P R

Attended 5 days AICTE FDP on Data Science with Python Conducted online by Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College, Ghaziabad from 7 to 12 December 2020.

December 2020

Prajeesh P A

Completed webinar on Demystifying 5G &Its impact conducted by Department of ECE, St.Thomas college of Engineering & Technology, Kozhuvallor, Chenganoor

December 2020

Divya V Chandran

Completed and awarded for the successful completion of online course (16 hours, 30 minutes duration), " RS & GIS applications" conducted by IIRS, ISRO, Dehradun during Nov 2nd to Nov 20th 2020.

December 2020

Aswathy N

Attended an AICTE sponsored FDP on Machine learning and Artificial intelligence in Data Science from 23rd November to 3rd December.

November 2020

Archana Aniyan

Attended a Webinar on "Scientific Writing Using LaTeX" on 24-10-20 organized by ACM Student Chapter and IEEE Student Branch of IIIT Kottayam.

November 2020

Divya V Chandran

Attended a Short Term Training Program (STTP) on AICTE sponsored 6 days STTP on "Paradigm shift in assessment and evaluation practices for Engineering graduates" from 19 to 24 Oct 2020 organized by Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kottayam.

November 2020

Er. Neetha K ,Er.Neethu Suman ,Er. Aswathy N, Er. Prasanth P Menon , Er.Akas G Kamal ,Er.Prajeesh P A

In order to have the practical exposure to the Telecom equipment and working in the networks & networking the Faculty members visited BSNL Ernakulam on Saturday 31.10.2020

October 2020

Dr. Ragesh G K

Attended a Webinar on "The Webinar on National Education Policy 2020: Towards Athmanirbhar Bharath " 23-09-2020 on by SreeSankaraCollege Kalady, ASIET Kalady

October 2020


Reviewer of 2020 IEEE International RF and Microwave Conference (on 01-10-2020 for IEEE AP/MTT/EMC joint chapter)

October 2020


Attended a Webinar on " National Education Policy:2020 conducted by IQAC- Sree Sankara College and Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kalady " on 23 September 2020 by IQAC- Sree Sankara College and Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kalady

Attended a AICTE (ATAL) Sponsored Faculty Development Program(FDP) on "Emotional Intelligence" organised from September 13th-17th, 2020 in Online Mode by Department of Management Studies, IIITA.

October 2020


Attended a Webinar on " National Education Policy:2020 conducted by IQAC- Sree Sankara College and Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kalady " on 23 September 2020 by IQAC- Sree Sankara College and Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kalady

Attended a Webinar on "Metamaterial based antenna design and beamforming network " on 07- 10-2020 by Saintgist college of Engineering

October 2020


Attended a Webinar on " National Education Policy:2020 conducted by IQAC- Sree Sankara College and Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kalady " on 23 September 2020 by IQAC- Sree Sankara College and Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kalady

October 2020


Attended a Webinar on "National Education Policy 2020 towards Athmanirbhar Bharath " on on 23rd september 2020 by by IQAC SSC and ASIET ,KALADY.

Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on "Recent Advances in Communication and Networking" Sponsored by TEQIP II " on 28th september to 3rd october 2020. by Department of ECE, Goverment Engineering College Idukki

October 2020


Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on "Recent Advances in Communication and Networking" Sponsored by TEQIP II " on 28th september to 3rd october 2020. by Department of ECE, Goverment Engineering College Idukki

October 2020


Attended a Webinar on "Metamaterial based antenna design and beamforming network " on 07- 10-2020 by Saintgist college of Engineering

October 2020


Attended a Webinar on "National Education Policy 2020: Towards Athmanirbhar Bharath " on 23rd September by Sree Sankara College, Kalady

Attended a Webinar on "METAMATERIAL BASED ANTENNA DESIGN & BEAMFORMING NETWORK " on 7th October by Saintgits College Of Engineering, Kottayam

October 2020


Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on "Recent Advances in Communication and Networking" Sponsored by TEQIP II " on 28th september to 3rd october 2020. by Department of ECE,Goverment Engineering College Idukki

October 2020


Completed a Course on "Technical support fundamentals " by coursera

October 2020


Completed "Python Functions, Files, and Dictionaries" an online non credit course authorized by University of Michigan and offered through Coursea

September 2020

Remya Ramesh

Attended a Webinar on "The Webinar on National Education Policy 2020: Towards Athmanirbhar Bharath" on 23-09-20 organized by IQAC- Sree Sankara College and Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kalady

September 2020

Dr. Ragesh G K

Attended a ATAL Faculty Development Program on "Blended Learning and Flipped Classroom" From 7- 11 September 2020 at National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research, Chandighar

September 2020

Dr. Bipin P. R

Attended an ATAL Faculty Development Program(FDP)on "Robotics" on sep 20 at ASIET, Kalady

Completed an Online Course on "NVDIA Certification Course : Fundamentals of Deep Learning for Computer Vision" on Aug 20 at NVDIA

Attended a Short Term Training Program (STTP)on "Research Avenues in Machine Learning Approaches for Pattern Recognition" From 24-29 August 2020 at Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad

September 2020

Prameela B

Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP)on "Modeling, Simulation and Fabrication of Future Nano electronic Devices and Sensors" From 24-28 August 2020 at NIT, Calicut

September 2020

Prajeesh P A

Attended a Webinar on "Health Care and Patient Monitoring system with IOT" From 21-08-20 at Department of CSE& IT University College of Engineering,Muttom Thodupuzha

Attended an AICTE ATAL Faculty Development Program(FDP)on "ROBOTICS" From 7/09/2020 TO 11/9/2020 at ASIET ,KALADY

September 2020

Remya Ramesh

Attended an AICTE ATAL Faculty Development Program(FDP)on "Robotics" From 7/09/2020 to 11/09/2020 at AICTE ATAL Academy at ASIET

September 2020

Jayesh T P

Attended an AICTE ATAL Faculty Development Program(FDP)on "Robotics" From 7/09/2020 to 11/09/2020 at AICTE ATAL Academy at ASIET

September 2020

Neema M

Attended a ATAL Online Faculty Development Program(FDP)on "Internet of Things(IoT)" From 24/8/20 - 28/8/20 at National power training institute

Completed an Online Courseon "Programming for everybody(Getting started with Python)" From 20- 09-20 at University of Michigan offered through Coursera

Attended a ATAL Online Faculty Development Program(FDP)on "Robotics" From 7/9/20- 11/9/20 at Adi shankara institute of engineering and technology

September 2020

Arya Paul

Attended a ATAL Online Faculty Development Program(FDP)on "Robotics" From 7/9/20- 11/9/20 at Adi shankara institute of engineering and technology

September 2020

Anjana S

Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP)on "Robotics" From 7/9/2020 - 11/9/2020 at ASIET ,ATAL FDP

Attended a Webinar on "data Science demystified"  at Dept of ECE,St Gits college of engineering

September 2020

Anju George

Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP)on "robotics" From 9 to 11 September 2020 at Asiet kalady and AICTE

September 2020

Chinnu S

Coordinated Faculty Development Program(FDP)on "Robotics & IR 4.0" From 07/09/2020-11/09/2020 at ASIET

September 2020

Anuroop K B

Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP)on "Resource Person" on 44113 at ASIET DEPT ECE

September 2020

Neethu Suman

Attended a AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Faculty Development Program(FDP)on "Internet of Things (IoT)" From 2020-8-24 to 2020-8-28 at NATIONAL POWER TRAINING INSTITUTE.

Attended a AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Faculty Development Program(FDP)on "Robotics" From 2020-9-7 to 2020-9-11 at Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology

September 2020

Aswathy N

Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP)on "Robotics" From 7/9/20 to 11/9/20 at EC DEPT, ASIET

Attended a Webinaron "Essentials of Entrepreneurship" From 21/9/20202 at Sreenidhi Institute of Science and technology, Hyderabad

September 2020

Archana Aniyan

Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP)on "Robotics" From 2020-9-7 to 2020-9-11 at AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy at Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology

September 2020

Ajay Kumar

Attended a Short Term Training Program (STTP)on "Internet of Things" From 24-08-2020-28-08-2020 at Ramrao Adik institute of Technology

Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP)on "Outcome Based Education and Accreditation "for Engineering Colleges"  at Raisoni Institute of Engg&Tech,Nagpur

Attended a Short Term Training Program (STTP)on "Trends and Technologies in Antenna Design and its research Scopes" From 10-08-2020-16-08-2020 at ToCH Institute of Engg&Tech

September 2020

Neetha K

Attended a AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Faculty Development Program(FDP)on "Robotics" From 07-09-20 TO 11-09-20 at Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology

September 2020

Divya V Chandran

Attended AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Faculty Development Program(FDP)on " Robotics" From 2020-9-7 to 2020-9-11 at Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology

September 2020

Sreesubha Gopi


Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP)on "ROBOTICS" From 7.9.2020 TO 11.9.2020 at ATAL ACADEMY AT ASIET,KALADY

August 2020

Er. Divya V Chandran

Patent application titled :“User Device interfacing technology with EEG and 3D eye tracking” has been published.

August 2020

Er. Anuroop K B

Recognized  as  Adobe  Creative  Educator (ACE)  by  Adobe  Inc.  an American    multinational    computer    software    company.    This Exclusive opportunity to access the Adobe Creative Educator (ACE)  program  was  sponsored  by  AIM  NITI  Aayog.  Through  this initiative, ATAL Regional mentors of Change will become part ofthe global creative educators community at Adobe!

August 2020

Dr. Ragesh G K

Attended Short Term Training Program (STTP) on “Trends and Technologies in Antenna Design and its Research Scopes” from 10.8.2020 to 16.8.2020 organized by ToCh institute of science and technology

August 2020

Asha Paniker

Attended a webinar on “Emerging Cyber security threats” on 15-08-2020 organized by Internet Society (ISOC), India

Attended a webinar on “ Guidelines Evaluation of Examination Answer sheets ” on 16-08-2020 organized by EEE Dept, Ahalia Engineering College,Palakkad

 Attended a webinar on “Machine Learning in Healthcare and Agriculture” on 06-08-2020 organized by Dept of ECE,ASIET

Attended a  Webinar on “Knowledge Management Virtual meet Women Empowerment- A step towards” on 10-08-2020 organized by ASSOCHAM, India

August 2020

Prameela B

Attended Short Term Training Program (STTP) on “Trends and Technologies in Antenna Design and its Research Scopes” from 10.8.2020 to 16.8.2020 organized by ToCh Institute of science and Technology.

August 2020

Prajeesh P A

 Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on " Inyroduction to Machine Learning using Python " on 30/7/2020 to 1/8/2020 Dept of ECE and CSE ,ASIET

Attended a Webinar on " Health care and Patient monitoring system with IOT " on 21-08-2020 UCE, Thodupuzha


August 2020

Jaimy James

Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on " Data Science " from 3/08/2020 to 8/08/2020 organised by Malla Reddy Engineering College for women

August 2020

Archana Aniyan

Attended a Short Term Training Program (STTP) on "Wireless Communications and Machine Learning Algorithms " from 27 th July to 1st August organised by Vardhaman College of Engineering (AICTE sponsored) 

Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on " Pervasive Industrial Competentence " from 29 th to 2nd AUGUST organised by NSS PALAKKAD 

Attended a Webinar on " Challenges In Industry Jobs On The Verge Of 4th Industrial Revolution " on 7th august organised by ASIET, KALADY 

 Attended a Webinar on " Machine Learning In Healthcare and Agriculture " on august 6 th organised by ASIET

August 2020

Savitha Raghavan

Attended a Online Courseon " Completed A Course On “Python Basics" On Coursera " from 05-08-2020 organised by Coursera 

Attended a Faculty Development Program (FDP) on " Introduction To Machine Learning Using Python " from 30/7/2020 to 01/08/2020 organised by Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kalady, Kerala.

August 2020

Ajay Kumar

Attended a Webinar on " A Discussion On 5g Enabling Technologies " on 14.08.2020 organised by Dept Of Applied Electronics And Instrumentation

Attended a Short Term Training Program (STTP) on " Trends And Technologies In Antenna Design And Its Research Scopes " from 10.8.2020 to 16.8.2020 organised by ToCh institute of science and technology

August 2020

Neethu Suman

Attended a Webinar on " Cyber Security " on 26th July organised by Dept of ECE,ASIET

August 2020

Aswathy N

Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on " Pervasive Industrial Competence " from 29th July to 2nd August 2020. organised by NSS Collegeof Engineering Palakkad 

Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on " Know Everything Related To Research " from 23 to 28 july 2020. organised by Ilahia College of Engineering and Technology, Muvattupuzha

Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on "Introduction To Machine Learning Using Python " from 30th July 2020 and 1st August 2020. organised by Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering, ASIET

August 2020

Divya V Chandran

Coordinated a Webinar on " Machine Learning in Healthcare and Agriculture " on 06-08-2020 organised by Dept of ECE, ASIET 

Attended a Webinar on " Wireless Technology Using Arduino " on 7th August 2020 organised by NoviTech, Ernakulam

Attended a Webinar on " Challenges In Industry Jobs On The Verge Of 4th Industrial Revolution " on 7th August, 2020 organised by Department Of Electronics And Communication Engineering, ASIET Kalady

 Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on " Pervasive Industrial Competence " from 29th July To 3rd Aug 2020 organised by the Department Of Instrumentation And Control Engineering In Association With Industry Institute Partnership Cell Of Nss College Of Engineering Palakkad

Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on " Tools And Platforms For Technology Enabled Learning " from 17/08/2020 To 21/08/2020 organised by GWPTC Kottakkal

Attended a Short Term Training Program (STTP) on " Trends And Technologies In Antenna Design And Its Research Scopes " from 10-08-2020 To 16-08-2020 organised by Department Of Electronics, Toc H Institute Of Science & Technology,Ernakulam

 Attended a Webinar on " A Discussion On 5G Enabling Technologies " on 14.08.2020 organised by Dept.Of AE&I, ASIET

 Coordinated a Webinar on " Webinar Embedded Product Design " on 23.08.2020 organised by ECE Department, ASIET Kalady

Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on " Introduction To Machine Learning Using Python " from 30th July 2020 And 01st August 2020. organised by Department Of Electronics & Communication Engineering And Computer Science & Engineering , Asiet Kalady

August 2020

Neetha K

Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on " Pervasive Industrial Competence " from 29th July to 2nd August 2020. organised by NSS Collegeof Engineering Palakkad

Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on " Know Everything Related To Research " from 23 to 28 july 2020. organised by Ilahia College of Engineering and Technology, Muvattupuzha

Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on " Introduction To Machine Learning Using Python " from 30th July 2020 and 1st August 2020. organised by Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering, ASIET

August 2020

Anjana S

Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on " Pervasive industrial competence " from 29/7/2020 to 2/8/2020 organised by NSS COLLEGE OF ENGG

Attended a Webinar on " Machine Learning in Healthcare and Agriculture " on 06-08-2020 organised by EC Dept, ASIET

Attended a Webinar on " A discussion on 5G enabling technologies " on 14-08-20 organised by Dept of Applied electronics and instrumentation ,Asiet

 Attended a Webinar on "3d Printing And Application" on 22-07-2020 organised by Dept of Mechanical Engg ,ASIET

August 2020

Anjaly Gopinath

Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on " Introduction To Machine Learning Using Python " from 31/07/2020 to 01/08/2020 organised by Department of Electronics & Communication Engg and Computer Science & Engineering, ASIET, KALADY

August 2020

Arya Paul

Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on " Introduction to Machine learning using Python " from 44042 organised by ASIET

Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on " Know everything related to research " from 23rd to 28th July 2020 organised by Illahia College of Engineering

Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on " Pervasive Industrial Competence " from 29th July to 2nd August 2020 organised by NSS college of Engineering

 Got an appreciation letter from NPTEL for mentoring students in course on Problem solving through programming in C

 Got an appreciation letter from NPTEL for mentoring students in NPTEL course on Introduction to IoT

 Attended a Webinar on " Machine learning in healthcare and agriculture " on August 16th 2020 organised by ASIET

 Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on " Trends and Technologies in Antenna Design and its Research Scopes " from 10/8/20 to 16/8/2020 organised by Toc H Institute of Science & Technology

 Attended a Webinar on " A Discussion on 5G Enabling Technologies " on 14-08-20 organised by ASIET

August 2020

Anju George

Attended a Webinar on " Sensing With Nerves Of Glass " on 05-08-2020 organised by Dept of ECE, ASIET, KALADY

Attended a Webinar on " webinar on cyber security " on 26-07-2020 organised by IEEE Student Branch of Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology

Attended a AICTE Sponsered Short Term Training Program (STTP) on " wireless communicationsfuture IOT " from 20-25 th july organised by Vardhaman College Of Engineering ,Hyderabad 

Attended a Webinar on " Challenges in industry jobs on the verge of 4th industrial revolution " on 07-08-2020 organised by Industry Institute Partnership Cell, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in association with Institution’s Innovation Council

Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on " Introduction To Machine Learning Using Python " from 30th july to august 1st organised by Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering ,ASIET, Kalady

Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on " pervasive industrial competence " from 29 july to 2 nd August organised by the Department of instrumentation and control engineering ,NSS college of engineering,palakkad

 Attended a Webinar on " Introduction To Image Processing " on 05-08-2020 organised by the Department Of Electronics And Communication Engineering, Jyothi Engineering College, Thrissur In Association With Iste Student Chapter And Ecsa

 Competed a Online Course on " Technical support fundamentals " from 23-08-2020 organised by Coursera

Got an Appreciation Letter from NPTEL on 16-08-2020

August 2020

Sreerag M

Attended a Short Term Training Program (STTP) on " Trends and Technologies in antenna Design and its research scopes-PHASE 1 " from 10th to 16th August 2020. organised by TocH Institute of Science and Technology

August 2020

Chinnu S

Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on " Introduction To Machine Learning Using Python " from 30th july 2020 to 1st August 2020 organised by ASIET

Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on " Know everything related to research " from 23rd july 2020 to 28 th july 2020 organised by Ilahia college of engineering and technology, mulavoor, muvattupuzha 

Attended a Webinar on " Machine Learning in Healthcare and Agriculture " on August 6th 2020 organised by ASIET

August 2020

Sreesubha Gopi

Attended a Webinar on " Sensing with nerve of Glass " on 05-08-2020 organised by Adishankara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kalady

Attended a Webinar on " Machine Learning in health care and agriculture " on 06-08-2020organised by Dept.of Electronics and Communication Engineering Adishankara Institute of Engineering and Technology,Kalady

Attended a Webinar on " Challenges in industry jobs on the verge of 4th industrial revolution " on 07-08-2020 organised by by Dept.of Electronics and Communication Engineering Adishankara Institute of Engineering and Technology,Kalady

 Attended a Webinar on " Crisis management:alarming floods and Covid -19 encounters in Kerala " on 13-08-2020 organised by Dept.of PG Chemistry in association with IQAC Devamatha college,Kuruvilangad

Attended a Webinar on " Low power VLSI circits &Energy harvesting for IoT Applications " on 15-10-2020 organised by the Dept.of Electronics and Computer Engineering Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology, Hydrabad

 Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on " Introduction to machine learning using python " from 30th July to 1 August 2020 organised by Dept.of Electronics and Communication Engineering and Computer Science Engineering Adishankara Institute of Engineering and Technology,Kalady

Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on " Tools and Platforms for Technology enabled learning " from 17th to 21 August 2020 organised by GWPTC, Kottakkal

July 2020

Er.Anjana S, Er.SavithaRaghavan, Er.Neema M, Er.Neetha K, Er.Anjaly Gopinath, Er.Anju George, Er.Aswathy N

Patent application titled :"BOJA: The Automatic Wall Painting Robot" has been published

July 2020

Prof. Asha Panicker

Attended a webinar on “Accreditationand Quality of Engineering Education in South Asia” by IEEE-ABET on 8th July.

Attended a webinar on “Employability post Covid era Expectation of Industry vs Education systems preparations” by ASSOCHAM India on 11th July. 

 Attended a webinar on “Efforts to spread awareness and generate discussions an environmentally meaningful and sustainable development” by ASSOCHAM India on 13th July.

Attended a webinar on”Engineering education made easy with visual learning-Online platforms and E-platforms by AGIMUS Technologies Private Limited association with VROOK on 14th July. 

 Attended a webinar on “Post Covid-19 Investment opportunities in various ASSET ClassesRebalancing Portfolio” by ASSOCHAM India on 14th July.

 Attended a State level online Awareness Programme on “PDS-ShodhShuddhi in Kerala and Tamilnadu” by Inflibnet centre(An IUC of UGC)Gandhinagar, Gujarat on 17th July

 Attended a webinar on “Master class for start ups and Intellectual property rights (IPR)” by ASSOCHAM India 20th July.

 Attended a webinar on ”Digital campus on cloud for education” by AWS CollPoll on 24th July.

Attended a webinar on “Artificial intelligence for autonomus vehicles” by SJB Institute of technology,Bengluru on 27th July.

July 2020

Dr. Bipin P R

Resource person for online two day STTP organized by department of ECE and CSE on “Introduction to Machine Learning using Python”( A Hands-on approach) on 31/07/2020 and 01/08/2020.

July 2020

Aswathy N

Participated in the 5 Days Faculty Development Programme on “Digital Image Processing and Its Techniques” organized by Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences, during the period 6 th July 2020 to 10th July 2020. 

Attended the webinar on ‘‘Machine learning and Deep learning’’, conducted by IEEE SB AmalJyothi College of Engineering and Technology on 13th July, 2020

July 2020

Remya Ramesh

Attended an online webinar on “Introduction to Robotic Control” organized by Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,ASIET on 03/07/2020 •

Attended an online webinar on “Internet of things and Industry 4.0” organized by Dept. of EEE,ASIET on 18/07/2020

July 2020

Divya V Chandran

Attended 5 days Online FDP on “Know Everything Related to Research”, organized by Ilahia College of Engineering & Technology, Muvattupuzha from 23rd to 28th July 2020

Participated in a webinar “ industrial IoT using Raspberry Pi” on 5th July 2020 hosted by NoviTech, Ernakulam

Participated in the webinar on "Basic Stepping Stones to Competitive Coding" organized by IEEE Computer Society Chapter and IEEE Women in Engineering Affinity Group of IEEE Student Branch SJCET on 20th June 2020.

Participated in the webinar on “Modern Avionics System”lead by Dr U S Paul Russel and hosted by IEEE SB SJCET on 26th June 2020.

July 2020

Anjana S 

Completed NPTEL Courses “Mathematical Foundations in Cryptography”.

Completed one week faculty training program on “Recent trends in Computational technologies” by Asokha Institute of engineering and technology (13 -18 July 2020)

Completed NPTEL course “Fundamentals of Network Communication”. 

Attended an online webinar on “Outcome based education software by Vmedulife software services”

Attended an online webinar on “Introduction to Robotic Control” organized by Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, ASIET on 03/07/2020

July 2020

Anju George

Attended an Webinar on “Innovation in Antenna Design and Analysis” :Hosted by IEEE APS (Delhi Section) & Council on RFID in collaboration with Amity University on July 9,2020 

Passed a 2 month online course on “Software Security and Secure Coding Practices” by C-DAC Hyderabad.

July 2020

Prajeesh P A

Participated in Webinar on Xilinx Webinar on System Design Flow on Zynq Using Vivado High Level Synthesis in association with CoreEL Technologies and Xilinx.

Participated in Webinar on “Low-Power Digital VLSI Design” conducted by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, KCG College of Technology, Chennai.

Attended a Webinar on “Antennas in Bio medical Applications and MIMO technology” organized by Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering in association with ECSA, Jyothi Electronics & Institute of Engineers (IE) India, Students Chapter .

 Participated in Webinar on “Deep Learning & AI” Hosted by Gopalan college of Engineering &Management,Bangalore in association with PANTECH solutions.

Participated in Webinar on “Clock domain crossing techniques clock gating design(VLSI)” hosted by Mahatma Gandhi Institute of technology,Hyderabad in association with in association with PANTECH solutions.

Participated in Webinar on “Robotic process Automation” hosted by Sridevi Women’s Engineering college, Hyderabad in association with PANTECH solutions. 

Completed 100% of the self-paced training course on “MATLAB Onramp” by Mathworks Training services.

July 2020

Neetha K

Completed a course on “Speak English Professionally, In person, online and on Phone” On Coursera.

July 2020

Jaimy James

Completed a course NITTT- Module -1 “Orientation Towards Technical Education and Curriculum Aspects”.

Completed a course on “Introduction to Python” an online non-credit course authorized by Coursera Project Network and offered through Coursera.

July 2020

Chinnu S

Completed a course NITTT- Module -1 “Orientation Towards Technical Education and Curriculum Aspects”

Completed a course on “AI for Everyone” an online non-credit course authorized by and offered through Coursera.

Attended an online webinar on “Introduction to Robotic Control” organized by Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,ASIET on 03/07/2020

Attended an online webinar on “Internet of things and Industry 4.0” organized by Dept. of EEE,ASIET on 18/07/2020

June 2020

Dr. Ragesh G K, Er. Anuroop K B

Patent application titled :"A Multipurpose Prototyping Machine" has been published

June 2020

Er. Ajay Kumar, Dr. Ragesh G K, Dr. N. Hariharan, Er. Albins Paul

Patent application titled :" Design and Development of IoT Assisted Plant Health monitoring" has been published

June 2020

Er. Arya Paul, Dr. Ragesh G K, Prof. Anuroop K B and Prof. Ajay Kumar, Er. Divya V Chandran, Er. Remya Ramesh, Er. Albins Paul,Er. Archana Aniyan.

Patent application titled :"Design of a Single Smart Handheld Device for Controlling and Diagnosis of Asthma"has been published

June 2020

Dr Bipin P R

Attended 5 days FDP on “IOT and its application in industry”, RAIT, Navi Mumbai ,June 8-12 2020

June 2020

Savitha Raghavan

Attended a webinar on “Low-Power Digital VLSI Design” Conducted by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, KCG College of Technology, Chennai on 29th June 2020.

June 2020

Archana Aniyan

Participated in the Three Day National FDP on PEDAGOGY TO “PANIC-GOGY”- TECHNOLOGY TO RECOVER BACK from 11th June 2020 to 13th June 2020 organized by BCA Dept., Marian College Kuttikkanam (Autonomous) ECE Dept., Mar Baselios Institute of Technology and Science (MBITS) Kothamangalam & MCA Dept., Amal Jyothi College of Engineering (AJCE) Kottayam,Kerala, India

Completed NPTEL online Certification course “ Integrated circuits, MOSFETS, OP-Amps and their applications” during Jan-Aprl 2020

Completed NPTEL online Certification course “Effective Engineering Teaching In Practice” during Jan-Feb 2020.

Attended a webinar on “DEEP LEARNING USING PYTHON” hosted by Panimalar Institute of Technology in association with Pantech E Learning.

Attended a webinar on “Roles of IOT on industrial applications” hosted by Sethu Institute of Technology in association with Pantech E Learning.

Attended a webinar on “ Python programming and industrial applications” on 9th June 2020 hosted by Ethiraj college for women in association with Pantech E Learning.

Attended a webinar on “ Underwater communication systems” on 8th June 2020 hostedby SKN Sinhgad Institute of Technology and Science, Pune in association with Pantech E Learning

Participated a webinar on “Enhancing effectiveness of online learning” on 17 th June 2020 organizedbyAmalJyothicollege of engineering Kottayam.

Attended Xilinx Webinar on “System Design Flow on Zynq Using Vivado High Level Synthesis” held on 17th June 2020 in association with CoreEL Technologies and Xilinx.

June 2020

Remya Ramesh

Attended an International webinar on “Protection and Automation of Substation” hosted by Dept. of ECE, Dr.N.P.G Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 25/06/2020

Participated in the webinar on “Modern Avionics System” lead by Dr U S Paul Russel and hosted by IEEE SB SJCET on 26/06/2020.

Attended a webinar titled “Low-Power Digital VLSI Design” conducted by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, KCG College of Technology, Chennai on 29/06/ 2020.

 Participated in the 3 day International Webinar on “COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH SKILLS FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS AND FACULTY”, conducted by MBITS,Kothamangalam in association with ASAP & TCS from 28/06/2020 to 30/06/2020.

June 2020

Aswathy N

Completed a course on “AI For Everyone” on Coursera 

Completed a course on “Introduction to Virtual Reality” on Coursera

Done for a 5 days STTP on “ Internet of things and its applications in industry” form 08-06- 2020 to 12-06-2020 organized by RAIT ACM

 Attended Xilinx Webinar on System Design Flow on Zynq Using Vivado High Level Synthesis held on 17 th June 2020 in association with CoreEL Technologies and Xilinx.

Attended a webinar on “INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS” organised by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Musaliar College Of Engineering, Chirayinkeezhu, on 5th June 2020.

Passed NPTEL course “Introduction to Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet of Things”.

Done for a 3 days STTP on “Nanoscience and Technology-Materials to various Applications” from June 25-28 2020 organized by Amrita School of Engineering , Amritapuri.

June 2020 

Divya V Chandran

Done 5 days STTP on “ Internet of things and its applications in industry” form 08-06-2020 to 12-06-2020 organized by RAIT ACM

Attended a webinar for Faculty development program on “Outcome based education software” organised by vmedlife software services on 4th June 2020

Attended a webinar on “INTELLECTUAL PROPERTYRIGHTS” organised by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Musaliar College Of Engineering, Chirayinkeezhu, on 5th June 2020.

 Attended a webinar on “ Marine robotics-It’s design and applications” organised by IETE chennaicentre in association with SRM institute of science and technology, on 13th June 2020

Passed NPTEL course “Introduction to Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet of Things “

June 2020

Arya Paul

Done 5 days STTP on IoT and its application in industry from June 8-12 , 2020 

Attended a webinar on “INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS” organised by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Musaliar College Of Engineering, Chirayinkeezhu, on 5th June 2020.

Attended a webinar on Outcome based education software on 4th June 2020organized by vmedulife software services.

Passed NPTEL course “ Problem Solving through Programming in C”

June 2020

Anjana S

Completed a course on “Symmetric Cryptography” OnCoursera. 

Completed a course on “Asymmetric Cryptography and Key Management” On Coursera.

Attended a FDP on “Pedagogy on PANIC -GOGY, technology to recover back”organized by AJCE (11-13 jun2020).

Attended a webinar on “Marine Robotics -Its Design and application”by IETE Chennai association with SRM institute of science and technology (13/6/2020).

Attended a webinar on “Enhancing effectiveness of online learning” by AJCE, Kottayam (17/6/2020).

 Attended a webinar on “Future of World electronics and possible roles India can play” by IEEE bangalore section (9/6/2020).

Attended a webinar on “5G communications” by Pantech E learning (10/6/2020).

Passed NPTEL course “Effective Engineering Teaching in Practice”.

June 2020

Anju George

Completed a course on “Cybersecurity complete course:hackers tools and softwares” On Udemy. 

Attended a webinar on “Digitalization in education” on june 3/06/2020 by Aitgits college of engineering, Kottayam.

 Participated in webinar organised by Department of Mechanical engineering, ASIET in association with UV Care and Daikin Redd on the topic “Introduction to Ultra violet germicidal irradiation (uvgi) using UV C technology for surface sterilization “ on 16/6/2020. •

Attended completed ATAL online FDP on Data science conducted by central university of kerala from 9/6/2020 to 13/6/2020

June 2020

Neetha K

Attended a 3 day Nation FDP on “ Pedagogy to Panic-Gogy- Technology to recover back” on 11-13 th June jointly organized by Amal Jyothi Engineering College, Kottayam, MBITS, Kothamangalam and Marian College , Kuttikanam

STTP on Recent trends and applications of ML and DL in IT by Dept of IT ,RAIT May 25-29 •

Attended and successfully completed ATAL online FDP on Artificial Intelligence conducted by central university of kerala from 9/6/2020 to 13/6/2020 

 Attended a webinar on “Cloud Computing with AWS” on 18/06/2020 organized by Vedavyasa Institute of Technology,Malappuram •

Attended a webinar on “Marine robotics-It’s design and applications” organised by IETE chennaicentre in association with SRM institute of science and technology, on 13th June 2020

Passed NPTEL course “Introduction to Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet of Things”.

Participated in the webinar titled “Low-Power Digital VLSI Design” Conducted by the Department of Electronics and CommunicationEngineering, KCG College of Technology, Chennai on 29th June 2020

June 2020

Neema M

Attended a webinar on “Marine Robotics- Its design and Application” on 13/6/2020organised by IETE Chennai Centre in association with SRM Institute of science and technology 

Attended Online FDP on“R&D approach to Industry 4.0” held from 3/6/2020 to 5/6/2020 organised by IES College of Engineering Thrissur.

June 2020

Albins Paul

Completed a course on “Programming for everybody (Getting started with python)” On Coursera

Completed a course on “Basic Image Classification with TensorFlow” On Coursera

Completed a course on “Python programming essentials” On Coursera

June 2020

Prajeesh P A

Passed NPTEL course “Microprocessors and Microcontrollers”

Paper titled “CHLAD APOCK-IoT Based Security Lock-Security in our hands” has been published in Scopus Indexed (IJEAT) journal.

June 2020

Anjaly Gopinath

Attended a webinar on “Future of World electronics and possible roles India can play” by IEEE bangalore section (9/6/2020).

Passed NPTEL course “Problem Solving through Programming in C”.

June 2020

Jaimy James

Passed NPTEL course “ VLSI Physical Design”.

June 2020

Chinnu S

Passed NPTEL course “ Computer Architecture”

June 2020

Albins Paul

Paper Titled “Modified Anpr using Neural Networks” has been published in Scopus Indexed (IJEAT) journal.

June 2020

Prasanth P Menon

Passed NPTEL course in “Antennas” 

Passed NPTEL course in “Entrepreneurship” •

Completed 100% of the self-paced training course on “MATLAB Onramp” by Mathworks Training services •

Attended a webinar on “Fuzzy sets vs Crips sets” organised by the department of Mathematics,Arasu Engineering college, Kumbakonam,Tamilnadu on 6th June 2020 •

Attended a Webinar on “Antennas in Bio medical Applications and MIMO technology” organised by Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering in association with ECSA, Jyothi Electronics & Institute of Engineers (IE) India, Students Chapter .

Participated in Faculty Development Program on “Nano science and Technology- Materials to Various Applications” June 25-28, 2020 organised by Amrita school of Engineering, Amrita VishwaVidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus

June 2020

Aswathy N, Prameela B, Anju George

Paper titled “Ternary Content Addressable Memory” has been published in Scopus Indexed (IJEAT) journal.

June 2020

Neethu Suman

Paper titled “ADMS- Automatic Diabetc Management System”has been published in Scopus Indexed (IJEAT) journal.

June 2020

Akas G Kamal

Paper titled “Comparative Study of LBP and Haar features in Real Time Recognition under varying light intensities”has been published in Scopus Indexed (IJEAT) journal.

June 2020

Prasanth P Menon

Paper titled “Multi Terrain Surveillance Drone” has been published in Scopus Indexed (IJEAT) journal.

May 2020

Savitha Raghavan

STTP on Recent trends and applications of ML and DL in IT by Dept of IT ,RAIT May 25-29

Completed a course on “Programming for everybody (Getting started with python)” On Coursera.

Attended a webinar on Introduction to signal processing by IEEE SPS SBC of IEEE SB ASIET on 15th May, 2020

May 2020

Er. Divya V Chandran, Dr. Ragesh G K ,Er. Arya Paul, Er. Remya Ramesh,Er. Anuroop K B

Patent application titled : ‘Doily– Sanitary Napkin Vending Machine-Feminine Hygiene’  has been published.

May 2020

Dr.Ragesh G K( Project investigator) and Prof. Anuroop K B (Co-investigator)

A project proposal on “ Wearable yoga and meditation device to reduce menstruation effects” has been submitted to Science and Technology of Yoga and Meditation.

May 2020

Dr.N.Hariharan, Dr.Ragesh G K and Er.Ajay Kumar

Research paper titled  "A Compact Microstrip Quadband Bandpass Filter using Six Mode Resonator and a Hairpin Resonator"     is accepted for publishing in IJAST Journal ISSN: 2207-6360 (Scopus Indexed)

Presented a paper titled   “A Review On Energy Efficient Approaches In IoT Networks”in International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems ACCESS’20 held at ASIET,Kalady  from May 28-30, 2020

May 2020

Dr Ragesh G K

Presented a paper titled  “Implementation Of Wireless Body Area Network With Wireless Power Transmission Towards IoT Healthcare Applications” in International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems ACCESS’20 held at ASIET,Kalady  from May 28-30, 2020

May 2020

Er. Arya Paul, Er. Divya V Chandran and Er. Remya Ramesh

Presented a paper titled  “A Novel IoT Based Solution For Respiratory Flow Diagnosis” in International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems ACCESS’20 held at ASIET,Kalady  from May 28-30, 2020

May 2020

Dr. Ragesh G K,Dr Bipin PR,Dr. Hariharan N, Er. Sreerag M, Er. Neema M, Er. Arya Paul, Er. Ajaykumar, Er.Anju George and Er. Prameela B

Bagged the certificate of achievement for the outstanding contribution as 'Reviewer' of the International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure systems (ACCESS'20) organised by ECE department, ASIET

May 2020

Er. Anuroop K B , Er. Prameela B

Presented a paper titled  “An area, delay and power optimized s-box for AES” in International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems ACCESS’20 held at ASIET, Kalady  from May 28-30, 2020

May 2020

Er. Aswathy N, Er. Prameela B, Er. Anju George

Presented a paper titled  “Ternary Content Addressable Memory” in International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems ACCESS’20 held at ASIET, Kalady  from May 28-30, 2020

May 2020

Er. Anju George, Er.Jaimy James, Er.Aswathy N

Presented a paper titled  “Reconstruction of MR signals using Block Based OMP Algorithm” in International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems ACCESS’20 held at ASIET, Kalady  from May 28-30, 2020

May 2020

Dr Bipin P R

Completed 5 days STTP on Recent Trends and Applications of ML and DL in IT from 25-05-2020 to 29-05-2020 organized by RAIT ACM

Attended five days FDP on “AI and Deep Learning” from 11-05-2020 to 15-05-2020 by Eduxlabs.

Participated in a  webinar on  “Antenna design through simulation using TaraNG 19.1” held on 04/05/2020 organised by IEEE MTT-S Kerala section

Participated in a  webinar on “Introduction to PLC Programming” on 04/05/2020 organizwd by Skyfi Labs

May 2020

Prameela B

Research paper titled  " Area Optimized Low Noise Amplifier for Narrowband Receiver Applications” by Er.Prameela B is published in International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology, Vol15, No.3, May 2020

 Er. Prameela B Presented a paper titled  “High Speed Dynamic Comparator For ADC’s” in International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems ACCESS’20 held at ASIET, Kalady  from May 28-30, 2020

Er. Prameela B Presented a paper titled  “Transient analysis of 6T SRAM in 180nm CMOS Technology” in International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems ACCESS’20 held at ASIET, Kalady  from May 28-30, 2020

May 2020

Remya Ramesh

Completed a course on “Introduction to the Internet of things and Embedded systems" On Coursera

Attended a webinar Robotic Fundamentals organized by Sreepathy Institute of Management And Technology in association with IEDC - SIMAT, Institution's Innovation Council - SIMAT & IEEE SB SIMAT on 03/05/2020 

Attended a webinar “Image Processing using Python” hosted by Mount Zion college of Engineering and Technology in association with PANTECH on 12/05/2020

May 2020

Albins Paul

Completed a self-paced training course on " MATLAB Onramp " By MathWorks

May 2020 

Er. Neethu Suman

Er. Neethu Suman and Dr. Neelakantan P. C presented her research paper titled  “A Survey &Taxonomy on Mutual Interference Mitigation techniques in Wireless Body Area Networks” in International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems ACCESS’20 held at ASIET,Kalady  from May 28-30, 2020


May 2020

Prajeesh P.A


Presented a paper titled  “CHLAD APOCK-IoT Based Security Lock-Security in our hands” in International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems ACCESS’20 held at ASIET,Kalady  from May 28-30, 2020

Attended a webinar on “ Object tracking using ML & Python” on 23rd May 2020 hosted by PANTECH

May 2020

Divya V Chandran

Completed  a 5 days STTP on "Recent Trends   and Applications of ML and DL  in IT from    25-05-2020 to 29-05-2020 organized by  RAIT ACM

Completed a course on “ Step into Robotic Process Automation” conducted by AICTE

Completed a course on “Introduction to the Internet of things and Embedded systems" On Coursera

Attended a webinar on “ Introduction to Artificial Intelligence” on 03/05/2020 organised by IEEE Women in Power in association with IEEE Women in computing of ASIET 

Attended a webinar on  “Virtual reality “ on 14th May 2020 hosted by Department of Computer science and applications of SRM University  in association with Pantech solutions.

Attended a webinar on “ Introduction to Robotics” on 02/05/2020 organised by IEEE Women in Power in association with IEEE Women in computing of ASIET

Attended a wevbinar on "Kinematics for 4 DOF Robotic Manipulator" on 4th May 2020 organised by IEEE SB UKFCET in association with ComSoc SBC  and WIE AG


Attended a webinar on  “Deep learning using python “ on 20th May 2020 hosted by Panimalar institute of technology  in association with Pantech solutions.

Attended a webinar on “ Introduction to Signal Processing”on 15th May 2020 organised  by IEEE SPS  of  IEEE SB ASIET

May 2020

Akas G Kamal

Presented a paper titled  “Comparative Study of LBP and Haar features in Real Time Recognition and Monitoring of Human Face” in International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems ACCESS’20 held at ASIET, Kalady  from May 28-30, 2020


May 2020

Aswathy N

Presented a paper titled” Automatic Pest Detection And Extraction Robot” in International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems ACCESS’20 held at ASIET,Kalady  from May 28-30, 2020

Completed a self-paced training course on “Machine Learning Onramp” By MathWorks

Completed a course on “Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)” On Coursera

Completed a course on “Cyber security and its 10 domains" On Coursera

Attended  ATALOnline FDP on "Data Sciences" from 04-05-2020 to 08-05-2020 at MSME - TECHNOLOGYDEVELOPMENT CENTRE (PPDC) Meerut.

Completed a course  on” The Data Scientist’s Toolbox” On Coursera

Completed a course  on “Build a Deep Learning Based Image Classifier with R” on Coursera


Attended webinar on “Getting started with technology fusion:NLP,Graph,Big Data and Machine Learning” organized by IEEE CS MEA SB on may 2

Attended a webinar on “ Introduction to Git and GitHub” on 28/04/2020 organised by IEEE CS SBC  of  IEEE SB ASIET 

Attended webinar on “Basics and Applications of Nano Sensors” by IEEE SB GEC Thrissur on April 29 2020 

May 2020


Research paper titled  "A Compact Microstrip Quadband Bandpass Filter using Six Mode Resonator and a Hairpin Resonator"  by Dr.N.Hariharan, Dr.Ragesh G K and Er.Ajay Kumar  is accepted for publishing in IJAST Journal ISSN: 2207-6360 (Scopus Indexed)

Dr.N.Hariharan, Dr.Ragesh G K and Er.Ajay Kumar presented a paper titled   “A Review On Energy Efficient Approaches In IoT Networks”in International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems ACCESS’20 held at ASIET,Kalady  from May 28-30, 2020

May 2020 

Archana Aniyan

Completed a course on “Artificial Intelligence Introduction" On Udemy.

Attended a webinar on “ HOW ML WORKS FOR OPENCV APPLICATIONS” on 18 th MAY 2020 hosted by Pantech Learning

Attended a webinar on “TRENDS AND TECHNOLOGIES ON VLSI” On 17 th MAY 2020 hosted by Pantech Learning

May 2020

Savitha Raghavan

  Presented a paper titled  “E Cradle” in International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems ACCESS’20 held at ASIET,Kalady  from May 28-30, 2020


May 2020

Arya Paul

Completed a course on “Introduction to the Internet of things and Embedded systems" On Coursera

Completed 5 days STTP on Recent Trends and Applications of ML and DL in IT from 25-05-2020 to 29-05-2020 organized by RAIT ACM

Completed a course on “ Step into Robotic Process Automation” conducted by AICTE

Attended a webinar on “ Introduction to Artificial Intelligence”on 03/05/2020 organised by IEEE Women in Power in association with IEEE Women in computing of ASIET 

Attended a webinar on "Kinematics for 4 DOF Robotic Manipulator" on 4th May 2020 organised by IEEE SB UKFCET in association with ComSoc SBC  and WIE AG

Attended a webinar on “ Introduction to Robotics”  on 02/05/2020 organised  by IEEE Women in Power in association with IEEE Women in computing of ASIET


Attended a webinar on  “Deep learning using python “ on 20th May 2020 hosted by Panimalar institute of technology  in association with Pantech solutions.

Attended a webinar on “ Introduction to Signal Processing”on 15th May 2020 organised  by IEEE SPS  of  IEEE SB ASIET

May 2020

Anjana S

Presented a paper titled  “Assistive Technology For Paralyzed People Using Brain Machine Interface” in International Conference on Advances in  Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems ACCESS’20 held at ASIET,Kalady  from May 28-30, 2020

Completed a course on “Introduction to Augmented Reality and AR Core " On Coursera

Completed a course on “Classical Cryptosystems and core concepts" On Coursera

Completed a course on “Programming for everybody (Getting started with python)" On Coursera


Attended a webinar on “Micro Nano Systems Technology and Processes-  An Industry Perspective” organized by dept of ECE in association with ISTE students chapter ,Saint Gits college of engineering on May 25th 2020

 Attended a webinar on “ Introduction to Signal Processing”on 15/05/2020 organised  by IEEE SPS  of  IEEE SB ASIET 

May 2020

Neetha K

Presented a paper titled  “Microplastic Detection In Water Using Image Processing” in International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems ACCESS’20 held at ASIET, Kalady  from May 28-30, 2020

Completed a course on “Programming with Python : Hands on Introduction for beginners”  On Udemy

Completed a course on “Cyber security and internet of things" On Coursera

Completed a course on “Introduction to Augmented Reality " On Coursera

Completed a course on “Programming for everybody (Getting started with python)" On Coursera


Attended a webinar on “ IoT using Arduino” on May 13, 2020

Attended a webinar on “ Virtual reality” on May 14,2020

May 2020

Sreerag M

Attended a webinar on  “Antenna Design through Simulation using TaraNG 19.1”  organised by IEEE MTT-S Kerala section in association with numeregion technologies on 3/5/2020

Attended webinar on “Geometry modelling in HFSS”  as part of Webinar Series on RF & Antenna Design using ANSYS HFSS by entuple technologies on 4/5/2020.

May 2020

Jaimy James

Attended 5 days AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on "Data Sciences" from 30-04-2020 to 04-05-2020 by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere.

Attended a webinar on “ Human-Centred Design and Innovative Problem Solving ” by Mr. JAYAKRISHNAN DIVAKARAN on 11/05/2020 organised by IEEE student branch of Rajadhani Institute of Engineering and Technology.

May  2020


Attended a webinar on “ Human-Centred Design and Innovative Problem Solving ” by Mr. JAYAKRISHNAN DIVAKARAN on 11/05/2020 organised by IEEE student branch of Rajadhani Institute of Engineering and Technology.


May 2020

Anjali Gopinath

Presented a paper titled  “Kinesics Articulation” in International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems ACCESS’20 held at ASIET, Kalady  from May 28-30, 2020

Completed a self-paced training course  on " Machine Learning Onramp " By MathWorks

Completed a self-paced training course  on " Deeplearning Onramp " By MathWorks.

Completed a course on “Python basics" On Coursera


Attended ATAL FDP on “ Cyber Security”

May 2020

Prasanth P Menon 

Presented a paper titled  “Multi Terrain Surveillance Drone” in International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems ACCESS’20 held at ASIET,Kalady  from May 28-30, 2020

May 2020

Anju George

Completed a self-paced training course on " MATLAB Onramp " By MathWorks

Completed specialization on IT fundamentals for cyber security by IBM

Completed a course on “Cybersecurity roles,processes and operating system security" On Coursera.

Completed a course on “Introduction to Cybersecurity tools & attacks" On Coursera.

Completed a course on “networksecurity and database vulnerabilities "on coursera. 

Completed a course on “cybersecurity compliance framework and system administration" On Coursera.


Attended and successfully completed ATAL online FDP on cyber security conducted by NITTTR,Chandigarh from 14/5/2020 to 18/5/2020

May 2020

Neema M

Presented a paper titled  “Skin lesion/cancer detection Using Deep Learning” in International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems ACCESS’20 held at ASIET, Kalady  from May 28-30, 2020

Completed the course “A practical Introduction to Cloud Computing” in Udemy

Attended a webinar on “ Introduction to Signal Processing”on 15/05/2020 organised  by IEEE SPS  of  IEEE SB ASIET 

April 2020

Dr Ragesh G K, Mr Ajay Kumar, Dr Hariharan N, Mr Anuroop K B, Albins Paul, Arya Paul, Divya V Chandran

Filed 4 Patent applications on cutting edge technologies which are already funded by CERD, APJ AbdulKalam Technological University under Research Seed Money scheme and Institution of Engineers, India


March 2020

Mr.AjayKumar and Dr.N.Hariharan

The research paper titled "DCRL-RPL: Dual Context based Routing and Load Balancing in RPL for IoT Networks " has been accepted for publishing in IET Communications (SCI indexed)

April 2020

Dr Bipin P R

Completed a self-paced training course on "Deep Learning Onramp"on April 17th by MathWorks

Participated in a  webinar on  “Artificial Intelligence Programming using MATLAB” on 11th April 2020 organized by CoreEL Technologies, India   

Participated in a  webinar on  “Basics and applications of Nano sensors” held on 29/04/2020 organised by PES chapter,IEEE SB GEC Thrissur


April 2020

Prameela B

Completed course on "Machine Learning Onramp" on April 21st 2020 by MathWorks

Attended webinar on “Art of Writing Research Paper”on 15th  April 2020 organised by IEEE PES SBC ASIET.

April 2020

Savitha Raghavan

Completed course on Machine Learning A-Z: hands –on Python & R In Data Science in Udemy

April 2020

Aswathy N

Completed a self-paced training course on "Machine Learning Onramp" by MathWorks

Completed a self-paced training course on "Deep Learning Onramp" by MathWorks


