Neetha K Nataraj is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Department, where she has served since 17th August 2006. She obtained her Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech) in Computer Science from Toch Institute of Engineering & Technology in 2006, followed by a Master’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering from SNS College of Technology in 2012. She is pursuing her PhD in Computer Science and Engineering from KTU –Research Center, Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology. She is working in Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology from 2006 onwards.
Neetha K. Nataraj research interest are focused on Bio inspired Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing. She has devoted 15 years in educating students, started her teaching career from 2006.She has participated in 23 faculty development programs related to AI, Deep Learning, Machine Learning etc. She has nine publications and one patent.
Journals and Conference Publications :
Published a paper titled “Cine hunt: Movie Recommendation Engine” in International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering Volume 3, Issue 3 (May-June 2022), PP:628-631.
Published a paper title “FAKE NEWS DETECTION USING MACHINE LEARNING” in -ICRTAI21-ISBN No 9788194769064
Published a paper titled "Driver drowsiness detection and alert system based on behavioural measures" in “International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)" Volume 7 Issue 6, June 2020
Published a Paper titled" VEHICLE DETECTION AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEM USING QR CODE SCANNING" in " International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) " Volume 7 Issue 6, June 2020
Published a paper titled “INNOVATIONS IN INSTANT MESSAGING APPS”, in IJCESR ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-6, ISSUE-6, 2019
Published a paper titled “Denoising Multicoil Magnetic Resonance Image using Nonlocal means on Extended LMMSE, 2ndInternational Symposium on Signal Processing and Intelligent Recognition systems in Springer proceedings,2015
Published a paper titled “A Robust Method for Prevention of Second Order and Stored Procedure based SQL Injections “in IJCA ACCA 2015 Proceeding with effect from April 9, 2015.
Published a paper titled “An Analysis on Buffer Sizing in Routers and Investigating its Impact on Network Parameters” in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science & Electronics Engineering, ISSN (Online): 2277-9043, vol. 1, No 1, pp. 20-24.
Presented a paper titled “An Optimal Buffer Sizing for heavily Loaded High Speed Core Routers” in ICETCCT (International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer and Communication Technology) at Maria College of Engineering and Technology on 16th & 17th February 2012.
Presented a paper titled “A Study on impact of Network Parameters on buffer sizing in Routers “in ICCIA (International Conference on Computational Intelligence and its Applications) at Vivekananda Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women on 1st -3rd March 2012.
Presented a paper titled “An Impact of Heavy Tailed File Distribution on Buffer Sizing in Core Routers “in NCVCC (National Conference on VLSI, Communication & Computation) at Maharaja Engineering College on 18th February 2012.
Presented a paper titled “Reliable Coding Scheme for Efficient Failure Recovery and Improved Dedicated paths in Multicast Networks “in CPBI (Conference on computing paradigms and bio-informatics) at School of computer Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi university on 17th & 18th January 2012.
Presented a paper titled “Minimal Coding Network with Combinatorial Structure for Instantaneous Recovery from Edge Failure “in NCVCC (National Conference on VLSI, Communication & Computation) at Maharaja Engineering College on 18th February 2012.
Presented a paper in “State Level Technical Symposium ARISTA’11 “held at KGiSL Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 28th December 201
Patent Publications:
Hyperledger Based Smart Vehicle Accident Detection Application number -202041033666 A, Publication date-21/8/2020
Appreciation for KTU University Examination result -January 2019
Silver medal for campus connect inspire program 2016
Bronze medal for campus connect inspire program 2015
Bronze medal for campus connect inspire program 2014
Best Teacher award 2015
Research Interests:
Phone | Date Of Joining | |
neetha.cs[@]adishankara.[ac].[in] | 0484-2463825 | 17-08-2006 |
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