Divya K S is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Department, where she has served since 29th March 2007.She obtained her Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech) in Information Technology from Govt Engineering college Idukki in 2004, followed by a Master’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Annai Mathammal engineering college in 2012. She is pursuing her PhD in Computer Science and Engineering from KTU –Research Center, Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology. She is working in Adi Shankara Institute Of Engineering and Technology from 2007 onwards.
Divya K S‘s research interests are focused on Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence and medical image processing . She has devoted 16 years in educating students, started her teaching career from 2007.She has participated in more than 25 faculty development programs related to AI, Deep Learning, Machine Learning and medical image processing etc. She has nine publications and one patent.
Qualification | University | Year of passing |
Phd | KTU(doing) | |
ME | Anna | 2012 |
Btech | MG | 2004 |
Journals and Conference Publications
Divya, K. S., & Manish, T. I. (2023, January). Deep learning architectures for Brain Tumor detection: A Survey. In 2023 Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies for High Performance Applications (ACCTHPA) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
Divya, K. S., Roshan, P. J., Srivathsan, V. S. N., & Krishnadev, V. (2022). Survey on Existing Accident Alert Systems. in International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends Volume 8 Issue 3, May-Jun-2022
Divya K S,Ananthakrishnan,Aswin ,Akhil,Brain Tumor Detection Using Deep Learning” in International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering Volume 3, Issue 4 (July-August 2022)
Divya K S,Anagha K S,Aisha , Health monitoring system Using LoRaWAN" in international conference on recent trends in artificial intelligence, July 2021
Divya K S,Anita Johny,Rohini L,Honey Paul ,An automated System for IOL power prediction”,in international conference in Innovative Technical Advances in Disaster management, July 2020
Divya K S,Dr Dorai Rangaswamy ,Survey on Usage of “Machine Learning Techniques in Different Biological Domains”,in International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) – Volume 67 Issue 7 - July 2019.
Parents Teacher Association Certificate of Merit as “BEST TEACHER” for the academic year 2014-15.
Won 22 nd rank among 435 candidates for degree of Master of engg in computer science and engineering(Anna university)
Research Interests:
Deep learning
Medical Image processing
Machine learning
Phone | Date Of Joining | |
divya.it[@]adishankara.[ac].[in] | 0484-2463825 | 29-03-2007 |
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