Faculty Profile
Dr. Vinila M L
Dr. Vinila M L
Associate Professor & HOD

Dr. Vinila M L is an Associate Professor in Robotics and Automation Department, and serving the college from 2011. She obtained her Bachelor degree from University of Calicut in 2006, followed by Master’s degree in from College of Engineering, Gunidy, Chennai in 2010.In 2022, she earned PhD from NIT Calicut.Dr. Vinila M L is a highly self-motivated researcher and teacher with expertise in Modelling and control of nonlinear process to contribute towards sustainable development. And she believe that research, technology, and conservation are the key to a brighter tomorrow.

Qualification details





NIT Calicut 2022


College of Engineering, Guindy, Chennai,Anna University



University of Calicut



Subjects Taught

Programming in C, Control system, Advanced Control Theory, Analytical Instrumentation, Sustainable Engineering, Modern Control theory, Neural Network, Solid State Devices


Journal Publications:      


  1.  Mundakkal Lakshmanan, Vinila, Kallingal, Aparna and Sreekumar, Sreepriya. "Modelling and performance analysis for cumene production process in a four-layer packed bed reactor" International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, vol. 20, no. 8, 2022, pp. 815-831. (SCIE)
  2.  Lakshmanan, Vinila Mundakkal, Aparna Kallingal, and Sreepriya Sreekumar. "Comparative study of different modelling strategies for the dynamic design of cumene reactor in cumene production process." Journal of the Indian Chemical Society (2022): 100730. (SCIE)
  3.  Vinila Mundakkal Lakshmanan, Aparna Kallingal & Sreepriya Sreekumar (2022) Robust control of isopropyl benzene production process using H∞ loop shaping control scheme, Journal of Control and Decision, DOI: 10.1080/23307706.2022.2146009. (Q1-ESCI).
  4.  Lakshmanan, Vinila. M. ., Kallingal, Aparna., & Sreekumar, Sreepriya. (2023). Internal model control of cumene process using analytical rules and evolutionary computation: Original scientific paper. Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly. (SCIE)
  5. Sreekumar, Sreepriya, Aparna Kallingal, and Vinila Mundakkal Lakshmanan. "Adaptive neuro-fuzzy approach to sodium chlorate cell modeling to predict cell pH for energy-efficient chlorate production." Chemical Engineering Communications 208.2 (2021): 256-270. (SCIE)
  6. Sreekumar, Sreepriya, Aparna Kallingal, and Vinila Mundakkal Lakshmanan. "pH control in sodium chlorate cell for energy efficiency using PSO-FOPID controller." Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly 28.2 (2022): 127-134. (SCIE)

Book Chapter:          


  1. Vinila M L, Aparna K, Sreepriya S, Optimization of the parametric model of the Cumene Reactor using Loop shaping methodology and Dynamic modeling of the Reactor. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1039. Springer, Cham, AISC, October 2019 - pp 201-208. (Scopus Indexed).
  2.  Vinila Mundakkal Lakshmanan, Aparna Kallingal & Sreepriya Sreekumar  ” Optimum design of cumene reactor using COMSOL Multiphysics modelling ” Advanced Engineering Optimization Through Intelligent Techniques. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore , 978-981-19-9285-8, 2023. (Scopus Indexed).
  3. Sreepriya S, Aparna K, Vinila M L, Evolutionary algorithm based Robust fixed structure PID controller for pH in Sodium Chlorate process.       Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1039. Springer, Cham, AISC, volume 1039-October 2019 - pp 282-291. (Scopus Indexed).
  4. Sreekumar, Sreepriya, Aparna Kallingal, and Vinila Mundakkal Lakshmanan, Real-Coded Genetic Algorithm for Fixed Structure PID Controller Tuning in Sodium Chlorate Process, Advanced Engineering Optimization Through Intelligent Techniques. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore , 978-981-19-9285-8, 2023 (Scopus Indexed).

International Conference: 


  1. Vinila M L,  Aparna K, Sreepriya S ,” Optimum design of cumene reactor using COMSOL Multiphysics modelling ”,  International Conference on Advanced Engineering Optimisation Through Intelligent Techniques(AEOTIT) , SVNIT, Surat, 28-30 Jan 2022
  2. Vinila M L, Aparna K, Sreepriya S, Optimization of the parametric model of the Cumene Reactor using Loop shaping methodology and Dynamic modeling of the Reactor,   International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Information and Control Systems (ICICCS) - ICICCS 2019 27-28, June 2019 – Hydrabad  (Scopus Indexed).
  3. Sreepriya S, Aparna K, Vinila M L, Evolutionary algorithm based Robust fixed structure PID controller for pH in Sodium Chlorate process.    International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Information and Control Systems (ICICCS) - ICICCS 2019 27-28, June 2019 - Hydrabad (Scopus Indexed).
  4. Sreepriya S, Aparna K, Vinila M L, Real-Coded Genetic Algorithm for Fixed Structure PID Controller Tuning in Sodium Chlorate Process, Advanced Engineering Optimization Through Intelligent Techniques, International Conference on Advanced Engineering Optimisation Through Intelligent Techniques(AEOTIT) , SVNIT, Surat, 28-30 Jan 2022.
  5.  Leo Solomon Paul, Agna Shaji, Dhanalaxmi, Sachin P P , Vinila M L, Hybrid Wind Farm with Concentrated Solar Thermal Plant using Open Modelica,  International Conference on  Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure systems (ACCESS' 20), 28 – 30th May 2020, AdiShankara Institute of Engg. And Technology, Kalady. Conference proceedings: ‘SADBHAVANA’ with ISBN “978-81-946084-0-0” (Scopus Indexed).

National Conference:


  1. Vinila M L, Shama Ravichandran,S K Patnaik,Umamaheswari B,“Dual Loop Controller Design For POEL Converter”, National Conference On Power , Instrumentation, Control and Computing- PICC 2010, GEC Trissur,4-6 March 2010
  2. Sidharth J,Nandana Anilkumar,Joepaul Jose,Vinila M L, “Control and Optimisation of Hybrid Wind and Concentrated Solar Power Plant using PI and PID controller in Open Modelica”, National Conference on Energy and Resources Optimisation - (NCERO 2021), Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering & Technology, Kerala,27th & 28th August, 2021,International Journal of all Research Education and Scientific methods.(UCG certified peer reviewed)


  1. Worked with MHRD Project ‘Unified Expert Controller Strategy Design for Hybrid Energy System’ in NIT Calicut
  2. Delivered a session for electrical staff at AAA architects & associates on 27 December 2018.
  3. A session on Introduction to Control system for Electrical CADD students at RIT CADD centre Kottakal on 13th April 2018.
  4. Handled a hand-on session in the FDP on "Microprocessors and Microcontrollers" during 27 - 29 June 2018.
  5. A seminar on Electrical Control System in RIT CADD centre Kottakal on 13th April 2015.



 Google Scholar       ORCHID ID         Research Gate

Ph.D. Thesis Title "Modelling and Control of Cumene Production Process"

Master of Technology Thesis title: “Dual loop controller design for POEL converter”.


Research Projects guided 

  1. Control and Optimisation of Hybrid Wind and Concentrated Solar Power Plant using PI and PID controller in Open Modelica (2021)
  2. Hybrid Wind Farms with Concentrated Solar Thermal Plant using Modelica (2020)

Consultancy Projects

  1.  Automation of deluxe rooms in the Hotel project during 2015 – 2017.
  2. Consultancy project in association with AAA architects & Associates – implementation of Automatic door lock system in a Hotel Project during the year 2014-2016.


Email Phone Date Of Joining
vinila.ra[@]adishankara.[ac].[in] 9846670675 04-07-2011