Faculty Profile
Raghi R Menon
Raghi R Menon
Assistant Professor

​​​​​​Ms Raghi R Menon has worked as an  Assistant Professor in Computer Science and Engineering at AdiShankara Institute Of Engineering and Technology, Kalady from 1-December-2008 onwards. She has attained B.E  and M.E from Anna University Chennai, TamilNadu  in Computer Science and Engineering, and also secured a Computer Engineering Diploma from Technical Education Board, Kerala.

She has more than 14 years of teaching  experience. She started her career as a Lecturer in 2008 June from Govt Polytechnic Perumbavoor.She worked at Govt Polytechnic College Perumbavoor for 6 months. She has conducted expert classes and workshops in Database Management Systems, Operating Systems, Object Oriented Programming, Computer Networks and Cryptography. Her research interest is focused on Data Analytics, Machine Learning and Deep Learning . She has presented technical papers at International and National Conferences and participated in several International and National Seminars, workshops and Faculty Development Programmes. 

Qualification details
Qualification University Year of Passing
ME Anna University 2012
BE Anna University 2008


Journals and Conference Publications:

  1. MazihaSalih1 , AnjuAjay2 ,Ramesh R3 ,DivyaG4 , AnaswaraJayan5 , Sumesh M S6 and Raghi R Menon "Decipher glove as a communication aid for the disabled" was presented at International Journal of New Innovations in Engineering and Technology Volume 15 Issue 3, Dec 2020, ISSN: 2319

  2. "Combining clustering methods for tumor diagnosis in brain MRI images An improved tumor identification method using hybrid clustering algorithms"published in the journel "International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management" ISSN: 2582-3930.

  3. “Flood Prediction and tracking of trapped International Journel of Engineering Research and Technology “ISSN:2278-0181

  4. “Phoenix -The Blind Learning App” International Journal of Innovative Research Journal in Information Security(IJIRIS) ISSN: 2349-7017

  5. “Software Prediction-A DataMining Approach”Journel Network and Information SecurityVolume 05,Issue 1,ISSN:23216859

  6. Comparison of Effectiveness of Vadar,Textblob,Textblob with Naïve Bayes Analyzer based on US Presidential Election 2020prediction using twitter data Published in International ConferenceICRTAI21-ISBN Book of Proceedings with ISBNNo978-81-947690-6-4

  7. An Efficient Method for Internet Traffic Classification and Identification using StatisticalFeatures International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)ISSN: 2278-0181

  8. Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average Model(ARIMA) For Covid-19 Forecasting International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science (IJRES) ISSN (Print): 2320-9356 Volume 10 Issue 5 ǁ 2022 ǁ PP. 07-14

Patent Publication:

  1. Aquaponics using IOT and web based interface Application number -202141033498, Publication date-21/8/2020


  1. Recognized by Infosys Limited as SILVER partner faculty, Inspire-The Campus Connect Faculty Partnership Model in 2017

  2. Recognized by Infosys Limited as BRONZE partner faculty, Inspire-The Campus Connect Faculty Partnership Model in 2016

  3. Recognized by Infosys Limited as SILVER partner faculty, Inspire-The Campus Connect Faculty Partnership Model in 2015

  4. Recognized by Infosys Limited as SILVER partner faculty, Inspire-The Campus Connect Faculty Partnership Model in 2014

  5. Recognized by Infosys Limited as SILVER partner faculty, Inspire-The Campus Connect Faculty Partnership Model in 2013

  6. Parents Teacher Association Certificate of Merit as “BEST TEACHER” for the academic year 2013-14

  7. Received appreciation letter for securing good university results 

Research Interests:

  1. Machine Learning

  2. Deep Learning

  3. Data Analytics

Email Phone Date Of Joining
raghi.cs[@]adishankara.[ac].[in] 0484-2463825 01-12-2008