Faculty Profile
Dr. Anitha Thomas
Dr. Anitha Thomas
Associate Professor (on leave)

Dr. Anitha Thomas is Ph.D in Management, from National Institute of Technology, Durgapur. Her work titled “Psychological Contract – and its relevance on Employment Relations has focused on the importance of Intangible work relationship and this work derived a new concept “Psychological Distance”

With 21 years in Academics and 5 years in corporate, she has developed a strong base in rendering quality education.  Prior to ASBS she has worked as faculty in various institutes in Gujarat namely- GRIMS- Vapi, NIS Academy – Vadodara, Navrachana University- Vadodara.

Dr. Thomas’s has been into key positions in Building Institution which included designing and launching various Academic Programs Like- MBA, MHRM.  She has also designed and directed workshops, training sessions, and conclaves. To her credit, her consultancy works and research has helped organizations to formulate strategies for change is also PhD guide to doctoral students.


Qualification details
Ph.D ( Exploring Psychological Contarct)  NIT Durgapur  
Mphil- ( Industrial Sociology) University of Rajasthan  
B. A ( Economics Major) University of Ajmer  
Diploma in Training and Development MHRD  
Certified Performance and Competency Developer Carlton Institute  


  1. Case in Competency: Training Need assessment, SCMS Journal of Indian Management, Vol VII, No.2 April-June 2010 (Lead Article), ISSN: 0973
  2. Psychological Contract and its relevance in Fast-Food Industry, Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies Vol. 3, No. 6, pp. 337-344, Dec 2011 (7 citation …) ISSN 2220-6140
  3. Employer Branding: A- Star Ltd an Employer of Choice, Vishwakarma Business Review, Vol. 2 issue1, January 2012.
  4. Impact of Decision Making Style and Life Orientation on Retention Decision of an Employee at MSME,  Rai Management Journal, Vol. 9 issue 2, December 2012
  5. Mexus: Adding Strategic Perspective to Education and Training, Journal of Strategic Human Resource Management, Volume 2, issue 2, 2013,  2277-2138 
  6.  Examining OCTAPACE Culture in Banking Sector and its Impact on Organizational Effectiveness, VNSGU, Journal of Management and Administration, Vol:4, No.1, January-June 2012,, pg. 21-31 ISSN: 09756361
  7. Emotional Labor: A Cultural and Social Perspective of understanding Performance Effectiveness International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation(IJRSI)
    ISSN: 2320 –5520, 2013
  8. OCTAPACE the work values and Psychological Contract: An Investigation in a Hotel Business, Quest, Journal of Management and Research, Volume IV, issue-1, December 2013, ISSN-0976-3317
  9.  Psychological Distance: Implicit phenomena between Connect and Disconnect, International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation(IJRSI) Volume I Issue VII ,ISSN: 2321 –2705, 2014
  10. Measuring Work Engagement and Organizational Commitment through Organizational Citizenship Behaviour, Quest-Journal of Management and Research, August 2015
  11. Emotional labour of the nurses: an empirical study in the private hospital of Ahmadabad, Quest-Journal of Management and Research, December 2015
  12. Rethinking Organizational Effectiveness: Creating a link between Psychological Contract, Work Consciousness and Emotional Labou, Atharva journal of Management Research, Vol 8, No.1, Januvary 2016
  13.  Job retention- organization key functions ( 2017)  Shodhaditya Resrach Journal Vol-3 issue-2
  14.  Leadership in creating a Sustainable Organization: Fountainhead - ISSN 2457-1040, Volume 1, Issue No.1, July 2017
  15.   Exploring Role Stress and Role Efficacy in an Organization: IITER ISBN 9788192958060, October 2018
  1. Associated with MSME-DH for conducting MDP and EDP since 2003
  2. GACL project on Impact Assessment of CSR activities.
  3. Achor Panasonic Project on Competency Mapping.
  4. Jajoo Glass project on Performance Management System.
  5. Cosmo Foundation Project on Base-line Survey and Impact Assessment of CSR activities.
  6. Medistar Hospital Project on Performance Management System.
  1. Certified Performance and Competency Developer with 7.7 points- Carlton Advanced Management Institute
  2. ISTD Training Diploma Programme- 65% - Ministry of HRD
  3. Data Analysis of Management Research at IIM-K 
Email Phone Date Of Joining[@]adishankara.[ac].[in] 0484-2463825 01-07-2019