Faculty Profile
Dr. Sanaj M S
Dr. Sanaj M S
Associate Professor

Dr. Sanaj M S is an Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering Department. He earned his PhD in Computer Science and Engineering from Sathyabama University, Chennai. His research interests include Nature Inspired Computing, Data Analytics, Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Image processing. 

International Journals

  • “An infrastructure for embedded systems using task scheduling” Microprocessors and Microsystems, Elsevier, June 2020.

  • “An efficient approach to the map-reduce framework and genetic algorithm based whale optimization algorithm for task scheduling in cloud computing environment” Materials Today: Proceedings, vol.37, Part 2, 2021, pp 3199-3208

  • “Profit maximization based task scheduling in hybrid clouds using whale optimization technique” Information Security: A Global Perspective, vol.29, 2020- Issue 4, 2020, pp 155-168

  • “Nature inspired Chaotic Squirrel Search Algorithm (CSSA) for multi objective task scheduling in an IAAS cloud computing atmosphere” Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, vol.23, Issue 4,2020, pp 891-902 , August 2020

  • “A Novel Classifier for Gender Classification from Iris Code used for Recognition” International Journal of Computer Science and Network, Vol.06, Issue 3, pp 325- 331, June 2017        

International Conference

  • “An Enhanced Round Robin (ERR) algorithm for Effective and Efficient Task Scheduling in cloud environment”, International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies for High Performance Applications, ACCTHPA 2020, Jul 2-4 , 2020.

  • “Silhouette Generation and Face Recognition Using Gabor Based region Covariance Matrices”,

  • International Conference on Computational Engineering, Practices & Techniques, Vol.01, No.02, pp 183-187, Nov 25-26, 2010.


  • Handbook on Cloud Computing

  • Introduction to Artifical Intelligence and its Applications


Research Interests:

  1. Nature Inspired Computing

  2. Data Analytics

  3. Cloud Computing

  4. Artificial Intelligence

  5. Image Processing

Email Phone Date Of Joining
sanaj.cs[@]adishankara.[ac].[in] 0484-2463825 20-04-2022