Shyama R is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering Department, where she has served since 17th January 2022. She obtained her Bachelor of Technology (BTech) in Computer Science and Engineering from Federal institute of Science and Technology (FISAT) under Mahatma Gandhi University in the year of 2013, followed by a Master’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology (ASIET) under Kerala Technological University in the year of 2018.
She started her career as a Project Engineer at CRS Pvt.Ltd, Starting from 2018 to 2021.She has participated in several workshops and Faculty Development Programmes. Her research interest is focused on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Security.
Journals and Conference Publications
Rose Mary Varghese, Anila S, Shyama R (2022) A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF MACHINE LEARNING TECHNIQUES FOR HEALTH PREDICTION . IJSDR (International Journal of Science & Engineering Development Research )
Research Interests:
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Data Security
Phone | Date Of Joining | |
shyama.cs[@]adishankara.[ac].[in] | 0484-2463825 | 17-01-2022 |
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