Faculty Profile
Divya V Chandran
Divya V Chandran
Senior Assistant Professor (Pursing Ph.D)

Ms. Divya V Chandran currently serves as Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering since January 2011. With a rich academic background, she possesses over 12 years of experience in the field of education. She is now pursuing her PhD in the domain of Satellite Image Processing.

Qualification details














1.  "VEG DOC” (Patent file number- 202241060615) : Published on Nov 18,2022

2. "Doily– Sanitary Napkin Vending Machine-Feminine Hygiene’ (Application Number- 202041020495) : Published on May 29,2020

3. "Design of a Single Smart Handheld Device for Controlling and Diagnosis of Asthma" (Application Number:- 202041017320) : Published on June 5,2020

4. "User -Device Interfacing Technology with EEG and 3D eye tracking" (Application Number- 202041033062): Published on August 21, 2020


  1. Published a paper titled “Transforming Healthcare: Technologies with Emphasis on Privacy and Security” in Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics (ISSN NO: 1671-1793) Volume 34 ISSUE 6 2024, DOI:20.14118.jsee.2024.V34I6.1755
  2. Published a paper titled “Sky Farm UAV for Agriculture" is published in 2023 International Conference on Research Methodologies in Knowledge Management, Artificial Intelligence and Telecommunication Engineering (RMKMATE) in November  2023 (
  3. "Change Detection & Flood Water Mapping from Remotely Sensed Images- A survey," published in IEEE 2022 International Conference on Sustainable Computing and Data Communication Systems (ICSCDS), pp. 1601-1606, April 2022
  4. “Vegetation Scanning Using LiDAR-Based Drone”, on International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology, Volume 8, Issue 1, February 2022
  5. “ A Novel IoT based solution for respiratory flow diagnosis “, Springer Book Series - Internet of Things and its Applications, EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing, ISBN 978-3-030-77528-5, , November 2021
  6. " Freshaust: An innovative Home exhaust fan" on International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Vol.9, Issue 1, January 2021
  7. "Automatic Side Stand", on International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering,Vol. 9, Issue 12, December 2020
  8. "Smart Shoes – An Aid To Blind People", on International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering,Vol. 9, Issue 12, December 2020
  9. “ Fruit Detection and sorting based on Machine Learning” on National Conference on Emerging Research Trend in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, May 2019
  10. “A Review on Machine Learning Algorithms” on National Conference on Recent Trends in VLSI, Communication and Networks 2018, Volume: 4 Issue: 5 ,May 2018
  11. "FANNC Based Advanced Attendance Management System", International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, IJIRSET, Volume 6, Issue 4, April 2017
  12.  "Facial expression recognition system", International Conference on Technical Challenges in Instrumentation, Computer Science, Civil and Mechanical, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, , ICCEECON2k15, 2015
  13.  "Integrated approach through GIS for selection of percolation pond in Mani and Muktha Nathi, Manimuktha sub basin in Villupuram district , TamilNadu,India International Conference on Disaster Management And Mitigation (ICDMM-2009)

Received Appreciation for KTU University Examination result in the Academic Year 2018

Won Best Project Award in the Academic Year 2018 for the project titled " Driver rating system based on driving pattern and passenger comfort"

Funded Projects:

1. Developing a Smart Intelligent System for Real time Growth assessment of Fish & Waste water treatment for a Fish Farm

      Funding Agency: The Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE)

      Scheme: Student project scheme (2020-21)

      Sanctioned Amount: 9,955/- INR

2. Doily

      Funding Agency: CERD-APJ Abdulkalam Kerala Technological University, Kerala, India.

      Scheme: Student project scheme (2019-20)

      Sanctioned Amount:26000/- INR

3. IoT based smart inhaler

      Funding Agency: The Institution of Engineers (India) [IEI]

      Scheme: Student project scheme (2019-20)

      Sanctioned Amount:30000/- INR



Research Interests:

  1. Satellite Image Processing
  2. Machine Learning
  3. Deep Learning

Faculty Development Programs attended:


30 days Master class on Python Programming at Pantech e LearningPvt Ltd. Chennai from 28.02.2022 to 29.03.2022

Attended an AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on "Hyper spectral remote sensing and its applications" from 6th Sept 2021 to 10th Sept 2021

Attended an AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on "Remote Sensing and GIS" from 13th  Sept 2021 to 17th Sept 2021

Attended FDP on KTU sponsored FDP "Deep Learning and Neural networks" on 5th to 9th July 2021 by Mohandas College of Engineering & Technology. 

Attended an Online Short Term Training Programme (STTP)- on "Machine Learning and Deep Learning with Deployment” on 22nd to 24th July 2021 by ASIET Kalady.

Attended Faculty Development Programme on "Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (28/02/2022 to 05/03/2022)" at KMCT College of Engineering for Women


Completed an online course (16 hours, 30 minutes duration), " RS & GIS applications" conducted by IIRS, ISRO, Dehradun during Nov 2nd to Nov 20th 2020.

Completed NPTEL course “Introduction to Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet of Things “

Attended  AICTE sponsored Six Days Short Term Training Program on “IoT and Data Science" from 28/12/2020 to 02/01/2021 organised by St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology, Pala

Attended a Short Term Training Program (STTP) on AICTE sponsored 6 days STTP on "Paradigm shift in assessment and evaluation practices for Engineering graduates" from 19 to 24 Oct 2020 organized by Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kottayam.

Attended a AICTE (ATAL) Sponsored Faculty Development Program(FDP) on "Emotional Intelligence" organised from September 13th-17th, 2020 in Online Mode by Department of Management Studies, IIITA.

Attended AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Faculty Development Program(FDP)on " Robotics" From 2020-9-7 to 2020-9-11 at Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology

Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on " Pervasive Industrial Competence " from 29th July To 3rd Aug 2020 organised by the Department Of Instrumentation And Control Engineering In Association With Industry Institute Partnership Cell Of Nss College Of Engineering Palakkad

Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on " Tools And Platforms For Technology Enabled Learning " from 17/08/2020 To 21/08/2020 organised by GWPTC Kottakkal

Attended a Short Term Training Program (STTP) on " Trends And Technologies In Antenna Design And Its Research Scopes " from 10-08-2020 To 16-08-2020 organised by Department Of Electronics, Toc H Institute Of Science & Technology,Ernakulam

Attended a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on " Introduction To Machine Learning Using Python " from 30th July 2020 And 01st August 2020. organised by Department Of Electronics & Communication Engineering And Computer Science & Engineering , Asiet Kalady

Attended 5 days Online FDP on “Know Everything Related to Research”, organized by Ilahia College of Engineering & Technology, Muvattupuzha from 23rd to 28th July 2020

AY: 2019-2020

Completed a course on “Cybersecurity and internet of things" On Coursera

Completed a self-paced training course  on " MATLAB Onramp " By MathWorks

Completed a self-paced training course on “Machine Learning Onramp” By MathWorks

Attended a webinar for Faculty development program on “ Outcome based education software” organised by vmedlife software services on 4th June 2020

Participated 5 days STTP on “ Internet of things and its applications in industry” form 08-06-2020 to 12-06-2020 organized by RAIT ACM

Participated 3days Student / faculty training program on Data science under IEEE CS, IEEE Hyderabad section held between 23rd- 25th April 2020

Completed a course on “ Step into Robotic Process Automation” conducted by AICTE

Completed a course on “Introduction to the Internet of things and Embedded systems" On Coursera

Participated 5 days STTP on "Recent Trends and Applications of ML and DL in IT" form 25-05-2020 to 29-05-2020 organized by RAIT ACM

One day Industrial Training on ONEDI- Intelligent transport management systems conducted by Technovia solutions Pvt Ltd, Kakkanad on 05/12/2019

Faculty development program on “DSP and its applications” from 25th July to 27th July 2019 at Sahrdaya College of engineering, Kodakara.

Faculty development program on “Industy 4.0  Technological advances and implications” at  ASIET  from 17th to 21 st June 2019 

Resource person for Laboratory Staff Skill Upgradation Workshop(LSSUW”19) ”Fundamentals of System Designing Using Micrcontrollers For IoT and Robotics” at ASIET from 25th- 27th June 2019.

Resource person for "Uddyotana 2k20" , one day workshop for Mathematics Teachers on 25th January 2020 at ASIET

AY: 2018-2019

Faculty development program on Industrial Robotics: Platform, Algorithms,& Techniques from 16th to 20th july 2018 (FISAT).

One day seminar on”Value Engineering” organised  by The Institution of  Engineering Society at IEI Bhavan, Kochi on 23rd February 2019

Faculty development program on “Artificial intelligence and machine learning” from 14th to 19th Dec 2018 (ASIET).

Industrial training on Solar power system and power electronics from 09/07/2018 to 13/07/2018 (Evergreen Energy Technologies, Kakkanad.

“The Role of Satellite in Science & Technology" by Dr. B Manikiam , MV-ISRO Chair, Professor, Bangalore University, on 25th February 2019. 

AY: 2017-2018

Workshop on MATLAB and Simulink applications from 3rd to 4th July 2017 at ASIET

Faculty development program on " Active Learning" at ASIET conducted by IIT Madras from 28th to 30th June 2017

IEEE sponsored workshop on Modern Trends in RF & Microwave Technologies, during 24-25 May 2017 at CUSAT

Email Phone Date Of Joining, Google scholar link: 9809639849 05-01-2011