Faculty Profile
Manju M Mathew
Manju M Mathew
Assistant Professor

Ms. Manju M Mathew holds double post graduate degrees in MCA and MBA and handles such subjects as NBFCs and Microfinance, Insurance Management, Financial Markets and Services, Marketing Management, Introduction to Business and Insurance Management 

Qualification details

BSc Computer Science, Calicut University

MCA from Calicut University 

MBA from Calicut University

Nimal CN, Manju M Mathew (2023), Building a Brand: A Social Interaction Perspective, International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR), Vol 5, Issue 4, pp 1-7

Nimal CN, Manju Mathew (2023), ChatGPT, Bloom’s Taxonomy and Future of Management Education, paper presented in International Conference Future of Work: Recent Innovations in Management, Science, Engineering & Technology, Jai Bharat College, Ernakulam pp 97-104

Email Phone Date Of Joining
[] 0484-2463825 19-01-2023