Gayathri Dili is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering in Artificial Intelligence Department, where she has served since 3rd February 2023.She obtained her Bachelor of Technology(Btech) in Computer Science and Engineering from SCMS School of Engineering and Technology in 2014,followed by a Master’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Sree Narayana Gurukulam College of Engineering in 2016. Gayathri Dili’s research interest are focused on Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning. She has devoted 7 years in educating students, started her teaching career from 2017.She has participated in more than 15 faculty development program ,NPTEL workshop. She has participated and presented manuscript related to Cloud Computing at International Conferences.
Journals and Conference publications
1. Gayathri Dili,Prof.Dr. Anu Raveendran (2016), Public Auditing Mechanisms to Protect the Integrity of Data Shared in the Cloud.IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE), e-ISSN:2278-0661,p-ISSN:2278-8727 PP 27-34.
2. Gayathri Dili , Prof.Dr. Anu Raveendran (2016),Maintaining Integrity and Security for the data shared in the cloud. IJIRCCE , Vol 4,Issue 7,July 2016,e-ISSN : 2320-9801.
3. Gayathri Dili (2021), Study of Sensors in Semi-Autonomous Cars,IJIRCCE.2021.0901032,Vol 9,Issue 1,January 2021
4. Published paper on “Transforming Lung Cancer Treatment: A comprehensive Review of AI applications from Lesion Identification to Prognostic Modelling”, in IJIRCCE (International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering), Volume 12, Issue 3, March 2024
5. Published paper on “Neural Orchard: Unleashing AI for Fruitful Harvests”, in Quaderns Journal (UGC Care-II Approved and Scopus Indexed), Volume 12, Issue 4, April 2024.
6. Published paper on “Clarity AI:Enhancing Visual Understanding with Encoded MobileNet”, in Quaderns Journal (UGC Care-II Approved and Scopus Indexed), Volume 12, Issue 6,June 2024.
7. Published paper on “Cab Service Coordination Portal(CSCOP): Empowering Taxi Offices with Comprehensive Tools for Internal Service Coordination, Monitoring and Tracking”, in Gradiva Review Journal (Scopus Indexed), Volume 10, Issue 6, June 2024.
Book Publications (Available in NotionPress)
1. An Easy Guide to Programming in Python- Published on 30/01/2024
2. Machine Learning in Nutshell, Published on 12/02/2024
3. Computer Organization and Architecture for Students, Published on 12/02/2024
Patents Granted
1. UK Design patent on Smart Crop Health Monitoring Device, on 3rd April 2024
2. Indian Patent on Artificial Intelligence based Eyewear for Partially Blind Person, on 8 th February 2024
Add-on Course Completion
Gayathri Dili has completed Infosys Springboard Courses on
a. Next Gen Technologies
b. Introduction to Cyber Security
c. Introduction to OpenAI GPT4
d. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
e. Introduction to Machine Learning
f. Object Oriented Programming in Python
g. Pointers in C programming
h. Working with Functions in C Program
Research Interests:
Emerging trends in Artificial Intelligence
Deep Learning and its applications in medical field
Text Analysis using machine learning
Image processing using machine learning
Phone | Date Of Joining | |
gayathri.cs[@]adishankara.[ac].[in] | 0484-2463825 | 03-02-2023 |
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