International Journals
1. Parameswaran, T.G. and Sivapullaiah, P.V., 2017. Influence of sodium and lithium monovalent cations on dispersivity of clay soil. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 29(7), p.04017042 (1-7). DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0001877 [Date published - March 28, 2017, Publisher - ASCE]
2. Parameswaran, T.G., Anusree, N., Sughosh, P. and Sivakumar Babu, G.L., 2020. Parametric Study on Applicability of MBT Waste as Biotic Systems in Landfills for Maximum Oxidation Efficiency. Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste, 24(4), p.04020040 (1-7). DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HZ.2153-5515.0000531[Date published - June 16, 2020, Publisher - ASCE]
3. Parameswaran, T.G., Shabina, B. and Sivakumar Babu, G.L., 2020. Role of Cover Systems to Control Methane Migration from Dumpsites. Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste, 24(4), p. 04020044 (1-8). DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HZ.2153-5515.0000525 [Date published - June 22, 2020, Publisher - ASCE]
4. Shanujah, M., Deepagoda, T.K.K., Smits, K.M., Shreedharan, V., Parameswaran, T.G. and Sivakumar Babu, G.L., 2021. Gas diffusivity-based characterization of aggregated soils linking to methane migration in shallow subsurface. Vadose Zone Journal. 20 (6), p. 1-13. DOI: 10.1002/vzj2.20135. [Date published - 13 October 2021, Publisher - Wiley] 2
5. Parameswaran, T.G. and Sivakumar Babu, G.L., 2022. Role of Geotechnical Properties in the Dynamic Aspects of Methane Migration in Biocovers. Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste, 26(1), p.06021005 (1-8). DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HZ.2153-5515.0000654 [ Date published - November 1, 2021, Publisher ASCE]
6. Parameswaran T.G, Sivakumar Babu G.L., Design of gas collection systems: Issues and challenges. Waste Management & Research. 2022; 40(11):1608-1617. DOI: 10.1177/0734242X221086949 [Date published - April 3, 2022, Sage Publications]
7. Parameswaran, T. G., Navneeth. R. Krishnan., Sughosh. P., Sivakumar Babu. G. L., and Curtis. M. Oldenburg., 2022. Role of biokinetic parameters in the methane emission characteristics of MBT waste. Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste, 26 (4), p. 04022031 (1-8). DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HZ.2153-5515.0000720 [Date published - July 27, 2022, Publisher ASCE]
8. Parameswaran, T.G., Nazeeh, K.M., Deekshith, P.K. and Sivakumar Babu, G.L., 2022. Probabilistic Design of Gas Collection Systems for a Prototype Bioreactor. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 8(4), p.04022053 (1-10). DOI: 10.1061/AJRUA6.0001272 [Date Published - September 30, 2022, Publisher ASCE]
9. M. M. T. Lakshani, T. K. K. Chamindu Deepagoda, Shoichiro Hamamoto, Bo Elberling, Wei Fu, Ting Yang, Jun Fan, Xiaoyi Ma, Timothy Clough, Kathleen M. Smits, Parameswaran T. G, G. L. Sivakumar Babu, H. Chanakya., 2022. A new exponential model for predicting soil gas diffusivity with varying degree of saturation. Vadose Zone Journal, 22 (1), p.20236 (1-15). DOI: 10.1002/vzj2.20236 [Date published - 24 November 2022, Wiley Publications]
10. Parameswaran, T.G., Nazeeh, K.M., Deekshith, P.K., Sivakumar Babu, G.L., and Deepagoda, T.K.K., 2023. Gas Collection System Design for a Landfill via Three-dimensional Stochastic Waste Heterogeneity Models and Kriging. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 11 (5) p.110563 (1-13), ISSN 2213-3437. DOI: [Date published - 17 July 2023, Elsevier Publications]
11. Lakshani, M. M. Tharindi, T. K. K. Chamindu Deepagoda, Yuan Li, H. F. E. Hansen, Bo Elberling, Sarath P. Nissanka, Dassanayake M. J. B. Senanayake, Shoichiro Hamamoto, G. L. Sivakumar Babu, Hoysala N. Chanakya, Parameswaran T G and et al. 2023. "Impact of Water Management on Methane Emission Dynamics in Sri Lankan Paddy Ecosystems" Water 15, no. 21: 3715. 3
12. Parameswaran, T.G., Nazeeh, K.M. and Sivakumar Babu, G.L., 2018. Probabilistic Performance Analysis of Prefabricated Vertical Drains on Soft Soils in Indian Geotechnical Conference, December 2018 at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
13. Parameswaran, T.G., Anusree, N., Sughosh, P., Sivakumar Babu, G.L. and Deepagoda, T.K.K., 2020. Suitability of Mechanically Biologically Treated Waste for Landfill Covers. in 1st International Symposium on Construction Resources for Environmentally Sustainable Technologies (CREST 2020), March 2021 at Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan.
14. Tharindi L, HFE Hansen, Deepagoda T.K.K, B Elberling, NAASP Nissanka, DMJB Senanayake, Y Jayawardhana, SK Weragoda, S Hamamoto, GLS Babu, H.N Chanakya, GP Arun, TG Parameswaran, B.O Sander, T. Clough, K Smits., 2022. Seasonal Dynamics of Methane and Nitrous Oxide Emissions in Sri Lankan Paddy Soils Under Controlled Water Management. in AGU Fall Meeting 2022, held in Chicago, IL, 12-16 December 2022, ID. GC54G-12.
15. Nilanjan Saha R. Sundaravadivelu , P K Suresh ,T.G Parameswaran, 2024. Structural Health Monitoring of Berthing Structures in Second International Conference on Recent Advancements in Engineering and Technology (held on 8 th and 9 th February), LBS college of Engineering, Kasargode, Kerala (Accepted).
16. P.K.Suresh , D.Diwakar, Parameswaran T G, 2024. River Training Studies and Monitoring Of Vellar In Tamilnadu. International Conference on Advances in Civil and Environmental Engineering, (March 14-15), Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Ambala, Haryana.
17. Anna. Varghese, Veena. S. Kumar, Parameswaran. T. G., 2024. An Innovative Approach to Soil Stabilization using Bioengineering. National Conference on Advancing Sustainability in Civil Engineering Practices - 2024 (ASCP'24) held on 12th April, St.Thomas Institute for Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram.
Book chapters
18. Parameswaran, T.G., Nazeeh, K.M. and Sivakumar Babu, G.L., 2021. Probabilistic Performance Analysis of Prefabricated Vertical Drains on Soft Soils. In Problematic Soils and Geoenvironmental Concerns (pp. 443-449). Springer, Singapore.DOI:
19. Parameswaran, T.G., Anusree, N., Sughosh, P., Sivakumar Babu, G.L. and Deepagoda, T.K.K., 2021. Suitability of Mechanically Biologically Treated Waste for Landfill Covers. In Advances in Sustainable Construction and Resource Management (pp. 511-519). Springer, Singapore. DOI:
➢ Post-Doctoral research experience in funded projects (3) for 5 years
➢ International journals (11), International conference (5), National conference (1), Book chapters (2)
➢ UG projects guided (1), ongoing (1)
➢ Co-Convener for the National Conference “Applied Interdisciplinary Civil Engineering” 2025
➢ Resource person for the Faculty Development Programme “Environmental pollution: Monitoring and Control” Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering & Technology, Kalady
➢ Reviewer for Women Indian Geotechnical Conference (WIGC 2024), IGC Chennai
➢ Technical assistance (under the supervisor) in guiding master’s students (2) and summer intern students (2)
➢ Technical assistance (under the supervisor) in guiding consultancy works (8)
➢ Lectures delivered in foreign universities (2)
➢ External examiner for project evaluation (3) and summer internship project evaluation (2)
Details of assistance in consultancy
➢ Technical assistance in “Feasibility study on Dumpsite Rehabilitation at Mavallipura” under the supervision of Prof G L Sivakumar Babu. (March 2020 - May 2020)
➢ Technical assistance in “Stability Analysis along The Bugudanahalli Main Bund” under the supervision of Prof G L Sivakumar Babu. (October 2019)
➢ Technical assistance in “Design and analysis of Ground Improvement Scheme for the Coal stock yard for Maitree Super Thermal Power project, Rampal, Bangladesh” under the supervision of Prof G L Sivakumar Babu (June 2018 - On going)
➢ Technical assistance in “Design and analysis of Ground Improvement Scheme for the Ash Dyke area for Maitree Super Thermal Power project, Rampal, Bangladesh”under the supervision of Prof G L Sivakumar Babu (June 2018 - On going)
➢ Technical assistance in “Analyzing the Stability of the Honorable Kolkata High Court Building Foundations (N-W Corner)” under the supervision of Prof G L Sivakumar Babu. (December 2017 – February 2017)
➢ Developed software for Landslide prediction in collaboration with CESS (Center for Earth Science Studies) and GSI (Geological Survey of India) under the supervision of K.Saseendran (May 2010 – August 2010)
➢ Collaborated with GSI in site investigations and laboratory studies of landslides across Calicut under the supervision of K.Saseendran. (May 2010 – July 2010)
➢ Prepared Landslide Zonation maps for Calicut and Wayanad districts of Kerala under the supervision of K.Saseendran. (February 2010)
Details of Post-doctoral experience in funded projects
➢ Characterising landfill gas emissions: Experimental and Numerical investigation (CLEAN) under Indian-Sri Lankan Inter-Governmental Science & Technology Cooperation Programme. August 2017- February 2020.
➢ Development of methodologies for Rehabilitation of Municipal Solid Waste Dumpsites: An IMPRINT Project under SERB, in association with Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) (February 2020 –December 2022).
➢ GReenhouse Gas Emissions from Paddy Ecosystems: Critical windows of water and gas diffusivity supported by Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN) (May 2021 – December 2022)
Phone | Date Of Joining | |
parameswaran .ce[@]adishankara.[ac].[in] | 0484-2463825 | 06-10-2023 |
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