Faculty Profile
Gayathri Dili
Gayathri Dili
Assistant Professor

Gayathri Dili is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering in Artificial Intelligence Department, where she has served since 3rd February 2023.She obtained her Bachelor of Technology(Btech) in Computer Science and Engineering from SCMS School of Engineering and Technology in 2014,followed by a Master’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Sree Narayana Gurukulam College of Engineering in 2016. 

Gayathri Dili’s research interest are focused on Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning. She has devoted 6 years in educating students, started her teaching career from 2017.She has participated in 12 faculty development programs related to AI, Deep Learning, NLP,IoT,Cloud Computing. She has participated and presented manuscript related to Cloud Computing at International Conference. She has three publications in two international journals (IOSR,IJIRCCE)

Journals and Conference publications

  • Gayathri Dili,Prof.Dr. Anu Raveendran (2016), Public Auditing Mechanisms to Protect the Integrity of Data Shared in the Cloud.IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE), e-ISSN:2278-0661,p-ISSN:2278-8727 PP 27-34.

  • Gayathri Dili , Prof.Dr. Anu Raveendran (2016),Maintaining Integrity and Security for the data shared in the cloud. IJIRCCE , Vol 4,Issue 7,July 2016,e-ISSN : 2320-9801.

  • Gayathri Dili (2021), Study of Sensors in Semi-Autonomous Cars,IJIRCCE.2021.0901032,Vol 9,Issue 1,January 2021

Research Interests:

  • Emerging trends in Artificial Intelligence

  • Deep Learning and its applications in medical field

  • Text Analysis using machine learning

  • Image processing using machine learning

Email Phone Date Of Joining
gayathri.cs[@]adishankara.[ac].[in] 0484-263825 03-02-2023