Faculty Profile
Jaimy James Poovely
Jaimy James Poovely
Assistant Professor (Pursing Ph.D)

Ms. Jaimy James has renowned academic background with M.Tech (2014) in VLSI & Embedded Systems and B.Tech (2011) in Electronics and Communication Engineering from M G University, Kottayam which equipped her with a solid foundation in engineering principles and research methodologies. Currently she is pursuing her PhD at Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, with a focus on cutting-edge innovations in audio and Speech processing. Since August 2019, she has been serving as an assistant professor at Adi Shankara Institute, where she grabs an opportunity to impart knowledge and inspire the next generation of engineers and researchers. Her role at Adi Shankara Institute allows to blend her research interests with teaching, fostering a collaborative and innovative learning environment. She also demonstrated her leadership and organizational skills by handling positions like IEEE SPS Chapter Advisor etc.

Over the years, she has developed a deep passion for audio and speech processing, leading to significant research contributions in this area. She is also committed to advance her field through both cutting-edge research and dedicated teaching, aiming to inspire her students, contribute to technological advancements, and drive progress in audio and speech processing technologies. Her interest of areas includes VLSI Signal Processing, Embedded Systems, Communication etc.

Qualification details


B.Tech M G University 2011
M.Tech M G University 2014
Ph.D Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences Pursuing






  1. Published a paper titled “Tomato Plant Health Management Using AI”, in 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems (ACCESS), IEEE Explore, August 2023. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS57397.2023.10199392
  2. Published a paper titled “1-Bit Full Adder Design Using XOR Gates by QCA Technology” in 2nd International Conference on Next Generation Intelligent System (ICNGIS), IEEE Explore, March 2023. DOI : 10.1109/ICNGIS54955.2022.10079858
  3. Published a paper titled “A survey on VLSI architecture and design for data compression”, in International Conference on Robotics, Automation and Intelligent Systems (ICRAINS 21), AIP Proceedings, Dec 2022. DOI: org/10.1063/5.0115405
  4. Published a paper titled “A New Hardware Architecture for FPGA Implementation of Feed Forward Neural Networks”, in 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems (ACCESS), IEEE Explore, October 2021. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS51619.2021.9563342
  5. "Custom Face Recognition Using YOLO.V3", Name of conference: International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication 978-1-6654-2864-4/20/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE
  6. "Spectral Unmixing of Hyperspectral Image", Name of Conference: 1st International Conference of Signal and Speech processing, McGraw Hill Publications (2016)



  • Received fund of INR 55,649/- from CERD-RSM for the project “Design and development of High speed VLSI Architecture for speech Enhancement using generative Adversarial network” 2023-2024.
  • Engaged as a Resource Person in the “Introduction to VLSI Testing and EDA Tools” conducted by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 15/02/2024 to 30/05/2024.
  • Enrolled as Technical Program Committee member and reviewer in International Conference on Computing and Machine Learning (CML 2024), March 2024.
  • Engaged as a Resource Person in the “VLSI Design Flow” conducted by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 20/07/2023 to 24/12/2023.
  • Completed the NPTEL Course on “Principles of Signals and Systems”, January 2023.
  • Completed the NPTEL Course on “Data Science for Engineers”, Sep 2023.
  • Completed the NPTEL Course on “Industrial Safety Engineering”, Sep 2023.
  • Enrolled as Program Committee member and reviewer in International Conference on Computer vision and Robotics (CVR 2023), February 2023.
  • Enrolled as Program Committee member and reviewer in Congress on Control, Robotics, and Mechatronics (CRM 20236), March 2023.
  • Enrolled as Program Committee member and reviewer in 4th International Conference on Computational Intelligence (ICCI 2023), November 2023.
  • Successfully Completed AICTE Course of 8 modules, Feb 2022.
  • Enrolled as Program Committee member and reviewer in 2022 IEEE World conference on Applied Intelligence and Computing (AIC 2022), June 2022.
  • Enrolled as Program Committee member and reviewer in International conference on Communication and Intelligence Systems, Dec 2022.
  • Volunteered as proctor to guide and oversee competing teams for the IEEEXtreme, 15.0 programming competition that hosted more than 12,900 participants, 2021.
  • Enrolled as “Reviewer” of the AICTE sponsored 2021 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems, (ACCESS) hosted by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sep 2021.
  • Engaged as a Resource Person in the “Online Workshop on Prevailing Technologies in VLSI, Embedded Systems, Photonics & Fiber Optics and IOT ” conducted by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 20/09/2021 to 24/09/2021.
  • Received fund of INR 93,000/- from AICTE ATAL for FDP on “Robotics & IR 4.0”, 2020.
  • Successfully completed course on “AI for everyone”, 2020, Coursera.
    Successfully completed course on “Introduction to Python”, 2020, Coursera.
  • Completed the NPTEL Course on “VLSI Physical Design”, 2020.
  • Co-ordinated and conducted Uddyotana 2K20.

Currently she is pursuing her PhD at Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, with a focus on cutting-edge innovations in audio and Speech processing. Joined year 2021.

Guided Projects:

Mentoring of Master Thesis:

  • Data Traffic Congestion Estimation and Rerouting Using Congestion Mapping In WSNS, 2023.
  • Design of FFT Coprocessor with low power and delay for cardiac pacemaker, 2022.
  • Area efficient 1 bit Full Adder Design Using QCA Technology, 2022.
  • Low Power Analog to Digital Converters, 2021.
  • A new hardware architecture for FPGA Acceleration of feed-forward neural network, 2021.
  • A deep learning approach for face Detection using YOLO, 2021.

Mentoring of Graduate Projects:

  • Powerline Fault Detection And Location Tracking With GSM, 2024.
  • Robot for Cleaning Floating Solar Power Plants Using IoT, 2023.
  • Smart Energy Meter Monitoring, 2022.
  • Aid for Cataract Detection Using Density Ratio Analysis, 2022.
  • Solar Panel Error Detection System, 2022.
  • IoT Based Vehicle Detection and Tracking System, 2021.
  • IoT In Health Care, 2021.

Faculty Development Programs attended:

  • Completed online training on FPGA Based Deep Learning Applications in Signal Processing at KLE Technological University, India.
  • Completed online training on Quantum Computing in AICTE ( All India Council for Technical Education ACADEMY)
  • Completed Course on VLSI and Physical Design in NPTEL (National Program on Technology Enhanced Learning)
  • Completed Course on Introduction to Python in Coursera
  • Completed Course on Deep-Learning in Coursera
  • Attended Seminar on topic Marine Robotics its design and Application Organized by IETE (Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication) Chennai, India
  • Attended National conference on Emerging Trends in VLSI and Embedded systems on 4th January 2013 held at Model engineering college ,Thrikkakkara, Kerala.
  • Presented the paper “Spectral Unmixing of Hyperspectral Image” in the International Conference on Signal and Speech Processing at TKM college of Engineering, Kollam.
  • Workshop on"The Art of Technical Writing and Publishing in the Pursuit of Academic Excellence" at SCMS. 
Email Phone Date Of Joining[@]adishankara.[ac].[in] 9847353326 01-08-2019