Gripsy Paul Mannickathan is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Department, where she has served since 16th July 2015.She obtained her Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech) in Information Technology from Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology (ASIET) in 2007, followed by a Master’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology (ASIET) in 2012. She is pursuing her PhD in Computer Science and Engineering from KTU –Research Center, Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology. She started her career as a Lecturer in 2007 at Matha College of Technology, North Paravoor. Also, she worked as an Assistant professor in Christ Knowledge City, Mannoor during 2012-2015.
Gripsy Paul’s research interest are focused on Image Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Visual Cryptography. She has devoted 14 years in educating students, started her teaching career from 2007.She has participated in 25 faculty development programs related to AI, Deep Learning, Machine Learning etc. She has nine publications and one patent.
Qualification | University | Year |
Ph.D | KTU* | 2021 |
M.Tech | M.G University | 2012 |
B.Tech | M.G University | 2007 |
Journals and Conference Publications
Gripsy Paul, Aparna N Kartha, Shilpa Sivan, Sreelakshmi T S, Covid Risk Prediction using Machine Learning, International conference on Recent Trends in Artificial Intelligence, July 2021
Amrutha K S, Gripsy Paul, A Study on QoS and Security techniques of 4G Wireless Network, International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, November 2020
Vinayak P R, Gripsy Paul, A Survey on DDoS Attack Detection Methods Employing Intelligent Techniques, International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, November 2020
Abhimanyu C V, Gripsy Paul, Efficient Traffic Clearance for Emergency. Vehicle International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, July2020
Abhimanyu. C. V,Nandini. A, S. Sai Ganesh, Gripsy Paul, Effective Management of Resources during Floods using Optimal Allocation Schemes. International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, June 2020
Gokila M, Gripsy Paul, Dr.M.A Dorairangaswamy A survey on IoT Medicare application: Issues and Challenges International Research Journal of Computer Science ,April 2019
Saranya Shaji, Gripsy Paul, Anti Phishing Approach using Visual Cryptography & Iris Recognition, International Journal of Research in Computer and Communication technology, March 2014.
Richu Shibu, Gripsy Paul, Survey on Different Data Hiding Techniques, International Journal of Research in Computer and Communication technology, March 2014.
IEEE-CS Student Chapter Global Award for outstanding Chapter 2019
Certification of Appreciation for KTU Results, December 2018
Brightest Inspirational – Talented Woman Award by Venus International Women Awards, 2018
Bronze level Partner for Inspire Program by Infosys, 2017
Research Interests: -
Image Analytics
Emerging trends in Artificial Intelligence
Visual Cryptography
Data Analytics
Significant Research Project Guidance:
COVID risk prediction using machine learning, 4th Year B.Tech CSE 2021, Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology
Effective management of resources during floods using optimal allocation schemes, 4th Year B.Tech CSE 2020, Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology
IoT based finger print lock, 4th Year B.Tech CSE 2019, Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology
Plastic Picking Robot Using Capacitive Sensors, 4th Year B.Tech CSE 2018, Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology
Educator Aide, 4th Year B.Tech CSE 2016, Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology
Turn out system for Moodle, 4th Year B.Tech CSE 2017, Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology
DMS Software for Royal Enfield, 4th Year B.Tech CSE 2017, Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology
Restaurant Automation of ROTANA Arabian Restaurant, OMAN 4th Year B.Tech CSE 2017, AdiShankara Institute of Engineering and Technology
Significant funded research Projects:
KTU-CERD Funding for Emergency assistance for paralyzed using eye blink detection
Phone | Date Of Joining | |
gripsy.cs[@]adishankara.[ac].[in] | 0484-2463825 | 16-07-2015 |
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