Faculty Profile
Sreekanth K S
Sreekanth K S
Associate Professor


Qualification details
Degree Institution/University Year
M.Tech Kerala University 2007
B.Tech M.G University 1999


Vedic Adder- Urdhva Tiryagbhyam Sutra. IEEE explorer.

1. Configurable FFT processor design- floating point.

2. Vedic adder - design and FPGA implementation.

3. Optical link short distance - LOS- audio signal transmission tested.

4. Blood hemoglobin detection in optical domain- optical imaging using LED and detector- tested for hundreds of samples and compared with the results by conventional clinical analysis method.

5. Cognitive radio- blur deduction.


1. HRD Programme for faculty by Indian Heritage Accademy25-27 March 2004.

2. Orientation Programme on Microwave Laboratory. 10/7/2004

3. Workshop DSP Processor And Application. 14-17 Nov, 2005.

4. TTT on Recent Trends in IT- IIT Madras. 26-27 July, 2007.

5. ISTE short term course on DSP and Neural Networks. 4/6/2008 to 10/6/2008. 

6. Workshop on High Impact Teaching Skills – Wipro Mission10X26/5/2009 to 30/5/2009.

7. FDP on Soft computing, Cloud computing and Mobile computing. 24/7/2010 to 25/7/2010.

8. National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning-Joint Venture of IIT and IISC. 20/10/2014 to 21/10/2014

9. Workshop on Engineering Research.. 12/1/2016 to 18/1/2016.

Email Phone Date Of Joining[@]adishankara.[ac].in 0484-2463825 01-07-2002