Faculty Profile
Anitha P
Anitha P
Associate Professor (Pursuing Ph.D)

Render my sincere & dedicated service to the insttitution to transform it into a centre of exceelnce in Engineering & Management.

Mould professionals with integrity,social committment & ethical vlues so thet they become responsible citizens of  the nation.

Use my interpersonal & communication skills to leave traces as a good teacher,motivator  & mentor, 

Qualification details
Degree University/Instiution Year
Ph D pursing KTU  
M Tech M G university 2012
B Tech M G University 1991


  1. “A novel interleaved sepic power factor preregulator for high power amplifier applications”in  IEEE sponsored international conference on intelligent computing instrumentation and control technologies July 2019
  2. Waste heat recovery from automobiles,national conference on Emerging research trends in Electrical Engineering(ERTEE18)
  3. Modular Multilevel DC DC converters in hybrid electric vehicle IRJET ISSN:2395-0056
  4. Comparison of different converter topologies for HEV applications International conference on advances in Engineering & technology
  5. Mitigation of voltage imbalance in the DC link of a split link four wire inverter  IJERT ISSN:- 2278-0181
  6. Scavenging energy from waste heat using a novel ZCS buck converter International conference on recent trends in Electrical & El
  7. Design and Simulation of a Novel High Efficiency ZCS Buck Converter National Conference on computational Intelligence in Electrical & Electronics, Sathybhama university, Chennai
  1. AICTE sponsored FDP on blockchain at ASIET from 09-12-19 to 13-12-19
  2. FDP on Advances in Electric VehicleTechnology at RSET from 08-07-19 to 12-07-19
  3. FDP on Innovations & Challenges in Micro grid At ASIET14-01-19 to 18-01-19
  4. FDP on Green Energy,Environment,Engineering & Technology for Sustainable Future at CUSAT from 10-12-18 to14-12-18 
  5.  FDP on Advances in Electrical machines & Industrial Automation at VJCET from 25-06-2018 to 30-06-2018
  6. FDP on Emerging trends in Nano Science & Nano Technology at ASIET from 17-04-2018 to 21-04-2018
  7. Nature camp held at Thattekkad bird sanctuary conducted by kerala forests & wildlife departmen from 22-12-18 to 24-12-18
  8. Workshop on LATEX   at ASIET04-01-17 to 09-01-17 
  9. N S S Programme officers annual conference by DTE, Kerala, at MITS from15-10-2016 to 16-10-2016
  10. STTP on Control of Power converters & Drives   at RIT,from 04-01-2016 to 09-01-2016 
  11. STTP on Power Electronics for smart Grid   at ASIET from 10-12-2015 to 15-12-2015

  12. STTP on Power Electronics for smart Grid   at ASIET from 10-12-2015 to 15-12-2015

  13. FDP on control system design and simulation using LABVIEW atASIET from15-12-14 to 19-12-14

  14. Workshop on energy conservation  , management and challenges in deregulated  system-present scenario at ASIET from 03/12/14to 09/12/14

  15. FDP on applied mathematics    at ASIET from 16/06/2014 to 20/06/2014

  16. TEQUIP FDP on New frontiers in drives ,control and power electronics at CUSAT from 06/01/2014 to 10/01/2014

  17. Soft skill development programme by INFOSYS at Bangalore from 16/06/2010 to 18/06/2010

  18. FDP on control System at ASIET from 26/04/2010 to 30/04/2010

  19. AICTE sponsored STTP on pedagogical initiatives at VJCET from09/11/2009 to 21/11/2009

  20. FDP on Advancements in Power electronics,drives and control at RSET 04/05/2009 to 06/05/2009

  21. Seminar on energy conservation ENECAS at ASIET on 25/03/2009

  22. FDP on power system simulation software Mi Power at ASIET from 06/11/2008 to 10/11/2008

  23. Workshop on curriculum management at MACE on 28/06/2003

Email Phone Date Of Joining
anitha.eee[@]adishankara.[ac].[in] 0484-2463825 01-10-2001