- Filed provisional patent Invention entitle Active house toilet gas safety exhaust system .provisional patent number:201941027564 filed on 10/7/2019 inventor :P.Jenopaul
- Filed complete patent invention entitle (Modular axe )nox .complete patent number:201941026737 filed on04/7/2019 inverters: Tinu Thomas ,Saikrishna, P.Jenopaul published and awaiting for examination
- Filed provisional patent invention entitle ANTI MOSQUITO BITE SUIT FOR TRAVELERS .provisional patent number: 201941031149 filed on 01/8/2019 inverters: AdiShankara Institute of Engineering And Technology and, P.Jenopaul
- Filed provisional patent Invention entitle Micro Active ventilation with oral feedback limited face mask .provisional patent number:202041045382 filed on 19/10/2020 inventor :P.Jenopaul
- Filed provisional patent Invention entitle Terminal Voltage Rating Identification System For AC Transformers/motor.provisional patent number:202041046466 filed on 24/10/2020 inventors :P.Jenopaul,anna baby,amal nelikan,arun raj,and krishna
- Invention entitle Areca leaf shredding machine, patent app number:20214007307 filed on 24/2/2021 . inventors :P.Jenopaul, ect (published on 05/03/2021 and now awaiting for examination)
- Invention entitle system and method for indoor clothes dryer using direct transportation of solar light, patent application 2021101539 granted on 28/4/2021 . inventors :P.Jenopaul, ect (Australian patent)
- An Artificial Intelligence Based Voice Commanding Glucose Monitoring And Determining System 202121019989 (published and now awaiting for examination )
- A RENEWABLE ENERGY BASED ELECTRICAL POWER PRODUCING METHOD patent app number: 202141026297 filed on 13/6/2021 . inventors :P.Jenopaul, ect (awaiting for examination)
- AN AUTOMATIC AND EFFICIENT VEHICLE WHEEL RIM CLEANING MACHINE patent app number: 202141026266filed on 12/6/2021 . inventors :P.Jenopaul, ect (awaiting for examination)
- AN E-VEHICLES CHARGING BY WI-FI PAD BY USING IOT AND SYSTEM patent app number: 2021102648 granted on 22/7/2021 (Australian patent)
- MACHINE LEARNING BASED ENERGY EFFICIENT SMART CITY MANAGMENT 2021103555 (Australian patent) inventors :P.Jenopaul, ect
- IOT BASED WASTE MANAGMENT PRACTICE 2021103607(Australian patent) inventors :P.Jenopaul, ect
- A NUTMEG DECORTICATOR WITH SORTER GRADED BASED ON MACHINE LEARNING 2021103691 granted on 22/7/2021 (Australian patent)
- Automobile tyre pressure monitoring device to enhance safety and reduce emission Application No: 202141032038 inventors :P.Jenopaul, ect
- utility based web content mining approaches 2021105407 AUS Dr. P Jeno Paul et FILED 13/8/21garanted nov 2021 Patent number: 2021105407
- “A STRUCTURAL SUPPORT ANGLE BRACKET”. 348265-001(design patent) India Dr. P Jeno Paul et filed 23/8/21
- Working as a EEE department consultant and MOU signed to the, Star Choyz Convention Centre,Vyttilya,Kochi value of 40000 INR. Order number:01/ASIET/EEE/10/6/2019/CS(filed)
- Working as a EEE department consultant and MOU signed to the, green bay startup,Kochi value of 50000 INR. Order number:03/ASIET/EEE/10/1/2020/CS(completed)Patent Granted Number:333473
- Book chapter entitled “Authorization In HSV-DWT-DCT - For Depth-Image-Based Rendering 3D Images” published for the book Advanced Aspects of Engineering Research. Authors Dr,Jenopaul et all book publisher international vol 16 pp11issn 978-93-9125.
- Book chapter entitled “Hybrid Voltage Control Model for Hybrid Renewable Energy System published on NEWEST UPDATES IN PHYSICAL SCIENCE RESEARCH vol 135 By book publisher international ref num 978-93-9125.
- Authors Dr,Jenopaul et all published a Book chapter entitled “Instrument used for Measurement of Frequency and Phase System published on The Opportunities Of Uncertainties: Flexibility And Adaptation Needed In Current Climate ,Volume II (ICT and Engineering) Page 234 By Lulu Publication 2021 ,ISBN: 978-1-300-39582-9. Authors Dr,Jenopaul et all
- Authors Dr,Jenopaul et all Book chapter entitled “Review on DC Bridges in Measuring Instrumentation published on the Opportunities of Uncertainties: Flexibility and Adaptation Needed In Current Climate ,Volume II (ICT and Engineering) .Page 209 , International publication By Lulu Publication 2021 Authors Dr,Jenopaul et all, ISBN: 978-1-300-39582-9.
5 )New Approaches in Engineering Research gomathy.s,Dr.tony george,anitha .p,Dr subramaniyan,Dr.p.jenopaul book publisher international ISBN 978-93-91882-89-1Phase-Locked Loop Controller-for Three Phase Unified Power Quality Conditioner for Non linear and Voltage Sensitive Loads volume 14 Page 1-11 2021
6) Current Topics on Mathematics and Computer Science Dr,Jenopaul et all book publisher international 978-93-9125- Two State of Art Image Segmentation Approaches for Outdoor Scenes Vol. 11, 20 September 2021 , Page 84-92
7) Bridgeless Rectifyer & Dc Converter Based Pfc And Thd International publication By Lulu Publication 2021 accepted for publication
1) Participated in district science fair district science center, Tirunelveli. During the year of 1996
2) Anti cable theft device for windmill invented by P.Jenopaul, Jayakumar, Godwin.,in the year of 2006 .Date:20/04/2006 news published by the Hindu URL: ttp://
3) Rail- way man less crossing alert system .Article Published by Thina Murasu news paper
(Feb25, 2006) TN/WPP-102/SR/2006,RNI NUM 55424/88
4. Improved Efficient Night Cooling System for Home- News Published by Thina Murasu news
Paper Page num 4, Sep 2, 2013.TN/WPP-102/SR/2013,RNI NUM 55424/88
5. Intelligent mosquito killing system – presented to the P.S.N college of engineering and
Technology (D.S.T sponsored project exhibition)
6. Battery Operated Improved Marine Engine- News Published by Thina Murasu news paper
Page num 4, Sep 28, 2013.TN/WPP-102/SR/2013,RNI NUM 55424/88
7. “Novel cooling system for two wheeler riders” - News Published by Thina Murasu news paper
Page num 2, May 26, 2014.TN/WPP-102/SR/2014,RNI NUM 55424/88
8. Guided and Participated yuva master mind program entitled "central control alert system for disaster alert" conducted by Malayala manorama ,kerala.2015 .
9. Guided and Participated YUVA MASTER mind program entitled "automatic railway station identification system for train toilet closing system" conducted by Malayala manorama ,kerala.2016
10. Guided and Received best electrical project award in national level project competition SRISTI 2016 program entitled " Updated central control alert system for disaster alert in rural areas" conducted by saingits college of engineering and technology,kerala.2016
11. Guided and Participated in national level project competition SRISTI 2016 program entitled "cooling helmet for two wheeler rider" conducted by SAINTGITS college of engineering and technology,kerala.2016
12 . “Electronic Mirror For Two Wheelers” - News Published by Thina Murasu news paper Page
num X May 22, 2016.TN/WPP-102/SR/2016,RNI NUM 55424/88
13. Guided and Participated in national level project competition yojna 2016 and got first
prize(25000) project entitled "Active House Toilet Safety Exhaust System " conducted by
aeronautical society of india,kerala.2017
14. Guided and Participated in national level project competition sristhi 2017 project entitled
" Electronic Mirror For Two Wheelers with bump detection" conducted by Saingits college of engineering and technology,kerala.2017
15. Guided and Participated in national level project IEEE competition project entitled
" Hot current to cold current converter system" conducted by SVS College Of Engineering kanjipuram 2018(first prize 10000).,F&dt=2018_05_05#currPage=27

16) Guided and Participated YUVA MASTER mind program entitled "Zero Discharge Sea Water To Drinking Water System" conducted by Malayala manorama ,kerala.jan 19 2019
17) Guided and Participated in FISAT tech meet competition project entitled
" NANO technology based house toilet safety exhaust system" conducted by federal institute of engineering and technology 2018(first prize 10000)
18) Guided and Participated in FISAT tech meet competition project entitled
" Anti Mosquito Capsule For Travelers" conducted by federal institute of engineering and technology 2018(runner-up prize 2000)
19) Guided and Participated in kerala Maker League Make-a-thon is a working prototype design
Contest organized as part of ICT Academy of Kerala's 3rd International Conclave (ICSET
2018national level competition project entitled " Anti Mosquito Capsule For Travelers"
conducted by federal institute of engineering and technology 2018(second prize 25000)
20) Guided and participated SRISHTI 2019 national level techfest in saintgits college of engineering Kottayam on 18-19 feb 2019
21) Participated Dr Preedep P Thovannoor Innovation competition under the project tile “active toilet cleaning system in Indian rail coach” 16/17 nov 2018
22) Received best social relevance project in APJ Innovation Challenge 2019 Anti Mosquito Capsule for Travelers with cash prize 5000 inr
Guided and Participated in FISAT tech meet competition project entitled
23) Quadra jet toilet disinfector system for covid care centers " I2P conducted by adi shankara institute of engineering and technology kerala 2021(first prize 8000 June 2021
Guided and Participated in FISAT tech meet competition project entitled
24) Active ventilator face mask with oral feedback limited " conducted by adi shankara institute of engineering and technology kerala 2021(second prize 5000 June 2021
- P.Jenopaul, T.Ruban Deva Prakash, I. Jacob Raglend “Matrix Converter Power Quality Issue Compensation Using Unified Power Quality Conditioner” Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, sage publication. vol. 34, no.5,pp. 585-593,2012Impact factor 0. 692.Anna university list(Axn 2) reference num:18819. (Science Citation Indexed issn-0142-3312)
- P.Jenopaul, T.Ruban Deva Prakash, I. Jacob Raglend “Universal Power Line Manager for Wind Turbine Generator (FSIWTG) connected with micro Grid” Electric Power Components and System,vol.40,pp1390-1404. 2012. Anna university list (Axn 1) reference num:2366. Science Citation Indexed- issn 1532-5008
- P.Jenopaul, T.Ruban Deva Prakash, I. Jacob Raglend “Universal Power Line Manager for Wind Turbine Generator connected with micro Grid” Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, sage publication. Published online.2012 Anna university list (Axn 2) reference num:18819. (Science Citation Indexed issn-0142-3312).
- Anitha P,Jenopaul.p ect ‘Gastrointestinal tract diseases classification from wireless endoscopy images using pretrained deep learning model ‘Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine hindawi Volume 2021, Article ID 5940433, 12 pages 2021 Science Citation Indexed expanded
- Effects of novel material field effect transistor for Heterogeneous Energy and Traffic-Aware Secure Applications ,jenopaul.p ect hindawi ISSN / eISSN:1687-8434 / 1687-8442 pp 1-9 vol 2021 (scie)
- Majunathan ,Jenopaul p Multi Processor Environment Support With W-HART Stack Using Laxity Time Algorithm Bulletin Of Electrical Engineering And Informatics Accepted For Publication(scopus)
- P.Jenopaul, T.Ruban Deva Prakash, I. Jacob Raglend “Constant Frequency -Unified Power Quality Conditioner” (IEEE, conference) “International Conference on Emerging Trends in emerging trends in electrical and computer technology” pp1-8 ,2011.,doi:10.1109/ICETECT.2011.5760078 ,ISBN: 978-1-4244-7923-8(indexed by Scopus).
- P.Jenopaul, T.Ruban Deva Prakash, I. Jacob Raglend “Design And Simulation Of Universal Power Line Manager” Sustainable energy and intelligent system conference, IET Sustainable energy and intelligent system conference., pp.52-57,2011. (Indexed by Scopus)
- P.Jenopaul, T.Ruban Deva Prakash, I. Jacob Raglend “Universal Power Line Manager for Micro Grid” ICON REAC IEEE xplore. . pp.30-35,2011. (Indexed by Scopus)
- P.Jenopaul, T.Ruban Deva Prakash, I. Jacob Raglend “Constant Frequency-Unified Power Quality Conditioner for Wind Turbine Generator connected with Micro Grid” ICON REAC IEEE xplore digital liberary. Pp150-155,2011( Indexed by Scopus)
- P.Jenopaul, T.Ruban Deva Prakash, I. Jacob Raglend “Universal Power Line Manager for Wind Turbine Generator connected with Strong Grid” IEEE xplore digital library. ( indexed by Scopus)
- Geethu Chandran,Jenopaul.P “Enabling Efficient Localized Broadcasting In Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks” International Conference On Informatics ,Computics And Networks.Vol5,Pp143-148,2013.
- Anju.J.A,P.Jenopaul “Outdoor Object Detection Based On Background Recognition And Adaptive Global Maximum Clustering” International Conference On Informatics ,Computics And Networks.Vol5,Pp79-84,2013.
- Eugin.E,Jenopaul.P “An improved low complexity full rate soft detection of terrestrial Digital VideoBroadcasting. international conference on computing and communication technology.pp546-552,2013.
- Sankarayya.S,Jenopaul.P “iterative limited feed based SVD beam forming mechanism for MIMO OFDM system” International conference on informatics ,computes and networks vol3 no 5pp23-28, 2013
- Vigneshwari.R,Jenopaul.P “design of a hybrid adder using QCA in MAC unit” international conference on informatics SEM, pp36-41, 2013
- Nurul hidaya.s ,Jenopaul.P “Microchip propertiary wireless protocol based physiological parameter monitoring system, International conference on emerging trends in electrical engineering pp55-61, 2013
- Nurul hidaya.s ,Jenopaul.P ‘Wireless Embedded Device Based on MiWi Technology For. Monitoring Physiological. Parameters” Fourth international conference Computing, Communications and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT),2013 pp1-6
- Krishnapriya Vinod, . P Jeno Paul, Anna Baby, Modified Bridgeless High Efficiency Single Power Conversion Battery Charger for Light Electric Vehicles, Second IEEE International Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies [ICICICT 2019] Kerala, IEEE Kannur Section, July2019. DOI:10.1109/ICICICT46008.2019.8993132Corpus ID: 211206358
- Lakshmipriya K J.Jenopaul,Rajalakshmimenon, A novel fuzzy controlled interleaved sepic power factor preregulator with reduced ripples,4thScopus-Indexed IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems [ICICCS 2019] Tamil Nadu, IEEEMadras Section, ISBN: 978-1-5386-8113-8, May 2019
- LakshmipriyaKJ, P J e n o P a u l , T o n y G e o r g e , A n i t h a P , R a j a l a k s h m i m e n o n ,A novel interleaved sepic power factor preregulator for high power amplifier applicationsSecond IEEE International Computing,Instrumentation and Control Technologies [ICICICT 2019] Kerala, IEEE KannurSection, July2019
- Rajalakshmi Menon, P Jeno Paul,GomathyS, Modified high gain boost converter for PV in DC microgrid for AC and DC applications , Second IEEE International Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies [ICICICT 2019] Kerala, IEEE Kannur Section, July2019.
- Sanju B, P Jeno Paul, Sreehari S, Rejoice Thomas Paul, Krishnapriya vinod.Modified Buck boost converter with reduced current ripple using delta to starimpedance network, 4th Scopus-Indexed IEEE International Conference on, InteligentCommunication and Electronics System[ICCES 2019] Tamil Nadu, July2019.
- Rejoice Thomas Paul, P .J e n o P a u l , Sijo George, Krishnapriya Vinod, SanjuB, “Modified three phase multilevel inverter with reduced number of dc sources and switches,” 2nd IEEE International Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies [ICICICT 2019] Kerala, IEEE Kannur Section, July2019.
- Amina Ka Gomathi/jenopaul A Modified, Reduced Harmonics Cascaded Multilevel Inverter With An Elevation Factor Of 1:10 June 2020.
- Sneha Antony Rajitha A R /Jenopaul Title A Modified Non-Isolated Bidirectional DC-DC Converter Implementing V2G Technology June 2020
- Mayuri Grace Nayana/jenopaul High Gain Modified Multiport Dc-Dc Converter Based On Coupled Inductor & Voltage Multiplier Cell For High Step-Up Applications June 2020
- Anjali Mohanan Srehari/jenopaul Modified high gain converter with Switched Inductor-Capacitive Network for PV applications June 2020
- S. M jenopaul et al., "DC-DC Converters based Integration of Grid Stability Estimation for PV Systems," 2022 International Conference on Sustainable Computing and Data Communication Systems (ICSCDS), 2022, pp. 891-898, doi: 10.1109/ICSCDS53736.2022.9760810
- P.Jenopaul, T.Ruban Deva Prakash “Adaptive Based Controller for Three Phase UPQC for Power Quality Improvement in non linear Load” Research Journal Of Applies Science vol5, no 4 ,pp 303-305,2010,ISSN 1815-932x 2010 Anna university list (Axn 2) reference num: 16505.
- P.Jenopaul, T.Ruban Deva Prakash, I. Jacob Raglend” Intelligent Controller Based Shunt Active Filter for Power Quality Improvement of Matrix Converter” International Journal Of electrical and Power engineering. Vol4 No 4 Pp209-217 Dec 2010. Issn 1990-7958 DOI: 10.3923/ijepe.2010.209.217
- P.Jenopaul, T.Ruban Deva Prakash, I. Jacob Raglend “matrix converter disturbance compensation using shunt and series active filter” International Journal Of Signal System Control And Engineering Application vol3, no 3 ,pP 40-48,2010,ISSN;1997-5422,2010 DOI: 10.3923/ijssceapp.2010.40.48
- P.Jenopaul, T.Ruban Deva Prakash, I. Jacob Raglend “Power Quality Improvement using Series Active Filter For Matrix Converter Controlled Load” International Journal Of Signal System Control And Engineering Application vol 3 no 2 p 28-33,2010,ISSN;1997-5422,2010(cited by Scopus)
- P.Jenopaul, T.Ruban Deva Prakash, I. Jacob Raglend “Matrix Converter Power Quality Issue Compensation Using UPQC” Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences , 2011, Vol 6 ,no: 1 ,pp. 96-103 DOI: 10.3923/jeasci.2011.96.103 (cited by Scopus)
- M.sreedevi,P.Jenopaul, ,”Comparison of two power system stabilizer for power system stability” International Journal Of Signal System Control And Engineering Application vol 3 no 4 p 70-76,2010,ISSN:1997-5422,2010. DOI: 10.3923/ijssceapp.2010.70.76
- M.sreedevi,P.Jenopaul, ,”Design and optimization of high performance low power CMOS flex cell” International Journal Of Signal System Control And Engineering Application vol 3 no 4 p 65-69,2010,ISSN:1997-5422,2010. DOI: 10.3923/ijssceapp.2010.65.69
- M.sreedevi and P.Jenopaul “Image enhancement using spatial filtering technique” Journal of engineering and applied sciences vol 6 no2 pp180-184,2011ISSN :1816-949x .DOI: 10.3923/jeasci.2011.180.184
- M.sreedevi and P.Jenopaul “New Intelligent Technique For Estimating The Parameter Of Wind Energy Conversion System” International Journal Of Soft Computing Vol:6 No :1pp6-10 2011,ISSN :1816-9503. DOI: 10.3923/ijscomp.2011.6.10 ,Anna university list (Axn 2) reference num: 8825
- M.sreedevi and P.Jenopaul “Fuzzy PI Based Grid Connected PV System” International Journal Of Soft Computing Vol:6 No: 1pp11-15 2011,ISSN: 1816-9503 DOI: 10.3923/ijscomp.2011.11.15, Anna university list (Axn 2) reference num: 8825
- M.sreedevi and P.Jenopaul “Analytical Model For The High Performance Si Channel N-MOS Process” Journal Of Engineering And Applied Science Vol.6, No.3 ,Pp.210-215,2011. ISSN 1816-949x DOI: 10.3923/jeasci.2011.210.215,
- M.sreedevi and P.Jenopaul “stator fault detection and diagnosis of a induction motor using neuro fuzzy logic” International Journal Of electrical and Power engineering. Vol5 No 2pp102-107. DOI: 10.3923/ijepe.2011.102.107 2011 .Issn: 1990-7958
- P.Jenopaul and T,Ruban Deva Prakash“fuzzy based constant frequency unified power quality conditioner” International Journal Of electrical and Power engineering. Vol5 No 2 2011 Issn 1990-7958 DOI: 10.3923/ijepe.2011.108.115
- P.Jenopaul, T.Ruban Deva Prakash, I. Jacob Raglend “matrix converter power quality issue compensator using adaptive PLL based controller in unified power quality conditioner” International Journal Of electrical and Power engineering. Vol .5, No. 2 , 2011 .Issn 1990-7958 DOI: 10.3923/ijepe.2011.84.91
- M.sreedevi and P.Jenopaul “Improving Transmission Rate In Single Mode Fiber Through Code Divition Multipule Access Technique” Journal Of Mobile Communication Vol 5 No 2 Pp25-30 2011,ISSN:1990-794x DOI: 10.3923/jmcomm.2011.25.30
- M.sreedevi and P.Jenopaul “Analysis Of Power Transmitter For Wireless Micro Sensor Network” Journal Of Mobile Communication vol .5, no. 2 ,pp.31-36, 2011,ISSN:1990-794x DOI: 10.3923/jmcomm.2011.31.36
- M.sreedevi and P.Jenopaul “An Efficient Image Segmentation Using Hough Transform” Asian Journal Of Information Technology. Vol 10 No 3 Pp108-112 2011 Issn 1682-3915 DOI: 10.3923/ajit.2011.108.112
- M.sreedevi and P.Jenopaul “Morphological Filtering And Structural Coding Analysis Of An Image” Asion Journal Of Information Technology. Vol 10 No 3 Pp113-118 2011 Issn 1682-3915 DOI: 10.3923/ajit.2011.113.118
- M.sreedevi and P.Jenopaul “Additive Whit Goussion Noise Removal Using Viterbi Algotithim ” Asian Journal Of Information Technology. Vol 10 No 3 Pp119-121 2011 Issn 1682-3915 DOI: 10.3923/ajit.2011.119.121
- P.Jenopaul, T.Ruban Deva Prakash, “ANN based constant frequency unified power quality conditioner” Journal Of Engineering And Applied Science. Vol 6 No 4 2011 Issn 1816-949x pp 250-257 DOI: 10.3923/jeasci.2011.250.257
- P.Jenopaul, T.Ruban Deva Prakash, I. Jacob Raglend” Adaptive PLL Controller Based Shunt Active Filter For Power Quality Improvement In Matrix Converter” International Journal Of Applied Engineering Research ,Volume 1, No 4, 2011 .ISSN - 0976-4259 ,pp883-898.
- P.Jenopaul and T.Ruban deva prakash” Neuro-Fuzzy Based Constant Frequency-Unified Power Quality Conditioner “International Journal of Signal System Control and Engineering Application , 2011 ,Vol: 4 ,no: 1 ,pp. 107 DOI: 10.3923/ijssceapp.2011.10.17
- M.sreedevi and P.Jenopaul “Expert System Based Power Loss Analysis Of A Distribution System “Journal Of Engineering and Applied Science” vol6 issue 5 pp227-281,2011
- Jenopaul.P, T.Ruban Deva Prakash, I. Jacob Raglend “Matrix Converter Is An Efficient Frequency Regulator” Journal Of Engineering And Applied Science. Vol 6 ,No 5 , 2011. Issn 1816-949x pp289-294.
- Jenopaul, P., Ruban Deva Prakash, T.and Jacob Raglend, I. “Universal Power Line Manager for distributed generation” International Journal of Systems Signal Control and Engineering Application. Vol. 6, No .4, pp. 250-257, 2011.
- P.Jenopaul Matrix Converter Power Quality Issue Compensation using Series and Shunt Active Filters” Advances in Power Electronics. Hindawi Publication. 2011 ,pp1-9.doi:10.1155/2011/930196
- P.Jenopaul, T.Ruban Deva Prakash, I. Jacob Raglend and R. Priyadarsini “Adaptive Based Controller for Three Phase UPQC as Solution for Power Quality Improvement in Sensitive Load”, Journal Of Computing, Volume 2, Issue 9, 2010, ISSN 2151-9617
- M. Muneeswaran , P. Jenopaul , R. Sundaraguru , G. Sridhar , J. Deny and M. Sreedevi”Real Implementation of Arm 9 Processor Based Digital Private Branch Exchange “Journal of Mobile Communication, 2012 Vol: 6 Issue: 3 pp 38-42 DOI: .3923/jmcomm.2012.38.42
- Geethu Chandran,Jenopaul.P “Efficient Localized Broadcasting Using Connected Dominating Set In Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks”International Journal Of Emerging Trends In Electrical And Electronics,Vol1,Issue 3,Pp27-38,2013.
- Anju J.A, P. Jenopaul “Adaptive Multiple Region Segmentation Based On Outdoor Object Detection” International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ,Vol. 2 Issue 4, pp586-5932013. ISSN: 2278-0181.
- Anju J.A, P. Jenopaul “Two State of Art Image Segmentation Approaches for Outdoor Scenes” Global Journal of Computer Science and TechnologyGraphics& Vision, Vol 13 ,Issue 2, no1, 2013 Online ISSN: 0975-4172& Print ISSN: 0975-4350
- Anju.J.A,P.Jenopaul “Adaptive Multiple Region Segmentation Bsed On Outdoor Object Detection” International journal of engineering research &techonology.Vol2,no4,pp586-593,2013.
- Eugin.E,Jenopaul.P “low complexity full rate soft detection of terrestrial Digital TV Broadcasting, international journal of emerging trends in electrical and electronics.vol1,no 3,pp78-83,2013.
- Sankarayya.S,Jenopaul.P “Novel Iterative Superliner Convergence SVD Mechanism For MIMO OFDM”International Journal Of Multidisciplinary Research Academy Pp600-615,2013
- Vigneshwari.R,Jenopaul.P “Design Of A Hybrid Adder Using QCA In MAC Unit” International Journals In IT & Engineering ,Vol1,Issue 1,Pp29-42,2013.
- Nurul Hidaya.S,Jenopaul.P “Wireless Embedded Device Based On MIWI Techonology For Monitoring Physiological Parameter”International Journal Of Research And Techonology.Vol 2,Issue 5, Pp1915-1920,2013.
- Geethu Chandran,Jenopaul.P “Secured Localized Broadcasting in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks” global journal of computer science and technology network, web and security,Vol13,Issue 8,Pp1-7,2013.
- P.Jenopaul and M.sreedevi “Parameter Based Kalman Filter Training in Neural Network” International Journal of Soft Computing. Vol 8 No 5 Pp352-355 2013 Issn 1816-9503 DOI: 10.3923/ijscomp.2013.352.355
39. P.Jenopaul , Rahul.R , Barvinjegan.P , and Sreedevi.M,A Fast Converging MPPT Technique for PV System under Fast Varying Solar Irradiation and Load Resistance International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences, ISSN 2250-0588, Impact Factor: 6.452, Volume 07 Issue 05, May 2017, Page 1-10
40. P.Jenopaul, Jeffin Abraham , Barvinjegan.P , and Sreedevi.M 'A Transformerless Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System Based on the Coupled Inductor Single-Stage Boost Single-Phase InverterInternational' Journal of Research in Engineering and Social Sciences, ISSN 2249-9482, Impact Factor: 6.301, Volume 07 Issue 05, May 2017, Page 1-9
41. P. Jenopaul, Jikku James Kurian , Barvinjegan.P , and Sreedevi.M 'Online Monitoring and Sensorless Temperature Measurement of Electrical Machines' International Journal of Research in Engineering and Social Sciences, ISSN 2249-9482, Impact Factor: 6.301, Volume 07 Issue 05, May 2017, Page 10-18P.
42. Jenopaul , Ajith K Varughese , Barvinjegan.P , and Sreedevi.M 'Design of a Power Electronic Assisted OLTC for Grid Voltage Regulation' International Journal of Research in IT, Management and Engineering, ISSN 2249-1619, Impact Factor: 6.123, Volume 07 Issue 05, May 2017, Page 8-13
43. Design and Implementation of Solar Powered Electric Vehicle for MultitaskingApplication in Agriculture Karthikeyan P , , Dr.P.Jenopaul et all Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 2, 2021, Pages. 923 – 930
44. Content based image retrieval method using fuzzy heuristics’ Pubini P, P.Jenopaul et all Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 3, 2021, Pages. 2254 – 2263
45. An Efficient Power Management of Rooftop Grid Connected Solar Photovoltaic System Using Micro FACTS Devices P.Jenopaul , R.Sagayaraj R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 4, 2021, Pages. 2718 – 27353( scopus indexed)
46. Non Destructive Testing of Milk adulteration using Ultrasound P.Jenopaul , et al R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 4, 2021, Pages. 8912 - 8919( scopus indexed)
47. . Novel LMS-Neural Network based DSTATCOM for Improving Power Quality P.Jenopaul , et al R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 4, 2021, Pages. ( scopus indexed)
48.. P.Jenopaul et all Digital Design Systems Controlling Using FPGA Realization Annals of R.S.C.B., Vol. 25, Issue 4, Pages. 570-582 2021.
49. P.Jenopaul et all Numerical Analysis of S-Shaped Micro-Strip Patch Antenna Using FDTDAnnals of R.S.C.B.Vol. 25, Issue 4, Pages. 583-5882021.
50 . .P.Jenopaul et all Design of Micro-strip Patch Antenna for Future 5G WCSAnnals of R.S.C.B., Vol. 25, Issue 4, , Pages. 602-2021.
51. P.Jenopaul et allNovel LMS-Neural Network based DSTATCOM for Improving Power QualityAnnals of R.S.C.BPages. Annals of Vol. 25, Issue 4, , 13524 - 135352021.
52. P.Jenopaul et allDigital Design Systems Controlling Using FPGA Realization Annals of R.S.C.B., Vol. 25, Issue 4, 570-582 2021.
53. P.Jenopaul et allLi-Fi (Light Fidelity) and Blockchain Based Warplane Secure Communication Annals of R.S.C.B.,Vol. 25, Issue 4, , 1348 - 1359 2021.
54. P.Jenopaul et allClassification of Medical Images using Deep and Handcrafted Visual Feature-based Algorithm nnals of R.S.C.B.,Vol. 25, Issue 4, 2021.
55 P.Jenopaul et al lLBMM in Cloud Computing Annals of R.S.C.B., Vol. 25, Issue 4, Pages. 1530 - 1536
56. P.Jenopaul et allBlock Chain (Binary Relevance Method) Using Machine Learning Technique Annals of R.S.C.B.,Vol. 25, Issue 4, Pages. 1537 - 1548 2021.
57. P.Jenopaul et Space Vector PWM Based Matrix Converter With Wind energy conversion system Using Doubly fed induction generator international journal of aquatic science Vol.1 2, Issue 2, Pages. 2404-2414 ( WOS indexed) 2021.
58. "Eco-Friendly Regenerative Burners: GlobalEffects & Significance"
Anna Baby Anitha P Jenopaul. P " international journal of aquatic science 2008-8019ISSN volume 12 issue 2 4776-4783 sep20201( WOS indexed) 2021
59.Rajakaxmi Jenopaul .P Hybrid AP Filter Design To Reduce Power Quality Issues In Power Systems Linguistica Antverpiensia/ ( Scopus Indexed) 2021 issue 3page 6542 - 6553
- P.Jenopaul, T.Ruban Deva Prakash, I. Jacob Raglend “Design and Simulation of Phase Locked Loop Controller Based Three-Phase Unified Power Quality Conditioner for Non-linear and Voltage Sensitive Loads, International Journal Of Applied Engineering Research, Volume 1, No 2, 2010, ISSN - 0976-4259
- P.Jenopaul, T.Ruban Deva Prakash, I. Jacob Raglend and R. Priyadarsini “Power Quality Improvement for Matrix Converter using Shunt Active Filter” International Journal of Computer Applications ,ISSN (0975 – 8887) Volume 11– No.2, Dec 2010
- Jenopaul, P., Ruban Deva Prakash, T and Jacob Raglend, I “Efficient Utility Frequency Regulator” Trends in Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol.1,no.1,pp.15-22, 2011.
- Justin Sunil Dhas.D, Jenopaul, P., Ruban Deva Prakash, T. “ANN based Voltage Sag Mitigation Using Dynamic Voltage Restorer and Distribution Static Compensator” Trends in Electrical and Computer Engineering ,vol.2,no.1,pp. 2-13, 2012.
- Justin Sunil Dhas.D, Jenopaul, P., Ruban Deva Prakash, T., “ Voltage Sag Source Location Using Artificial Neural Network” International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.2, No.1 pp.206-211, 2012
- Justin Sunil Dhas.D, Jenopaul, P., Ruban Deva Prakash, T. “A Robust Control Strategy for UPFC to Mitigate Voltage Flicker Using Fuzzy Bang-Bang Control” Trends in Electrical and Computer Engineeringvol. 3, no.2, pp43-53, 2012.
- Justin Sunil Dhas.D, Jenopaul, P., Ruban Deva Prakash, T. “Sensitivity Analysis of Pv Inverters Used In Space Vehicles to Voltage Sags” Trends in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Trends in advance science and engineering vol.3, no.2, pp72-78, 2012,.
- Justin Sunil Dhas.D, Jenopaul, P., Ruban Deva Prakash, T. “Simulink Model and Artificial Neural Network for Voltage Flicker Estimation” Trends in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Trends in Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol.3, no.2, pp79-93, 2012.
- Sankarayya.S,Jenopaul.P “Iterative Superliner Convergence SVD beam Forming Algorithm For MIMO OFDM Systems” Journal Of Environmental Science,Computer Science And Engineering And Technology,vol2,no 3 6,pp 586- 596, 2013, E-ISSN: 2278–179X
- Arun k.a,Jenopaul.P “Authorization In HSV-DWT-DCT - For Depth-Image-Based Rendering 3D Images” ,International Journal On Advance Electrical And Electronics Engineering ISSN (Print): 2278-8948, Volume-2, Issue-4,pp 2013
- P.jenopaul,sreehari,sree devi 'Protection Scheme for Low Voltage DCMicro-Grid System', Global Research and Development Journal for Engineering, Volume 1, Issue 5,pp32-39, April 2016,ISSN: 2455-5703
- P.jenopaul 'Improved Night Cooling System for Home, Global Research and Development Journal for Engineering, Volume 1, Issue 5 ,pp48-54, April 2016,ISSN: 2455-5703
- P.jenopaul, Akhilesh Raj and ,sree devi "Integration Of Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithms With Sepic Converter For Solar Power System “Journal International Journal Of Research In IT, Management And Engineering, Volume 6, Issue 4 , April 2016,pp35-47, ISSN 2249-1619
- P.jenopaul, T. Kurian Varghese and ,sree devi " Real Implementation Of 7 Level Cascaded Multilevel Inverter With Reduced No Of Switches Internationa l Journal of Research in IT, Management and Engineering “ISSN 2249-1619, Volume 6 Issue 05, May 2016, Page15-25
- Prithviraj Pillai ,Jenopaul,Sreedevi "real Implementation Of Multiport Dc–Dc Converter For Simultaneous Power Management Of Different Energy Sources"nternational Journal of Research in Engineering and Social SciencesISSN 2249-9482, Volume 6 Issue 05, May 2016, Page 55-64
- P.jenopaul, sreehari "Real Implementation of a Single Sensor based PFC with Novel Converter Fed BLDC Motor Drive' Global Research and Development Journalfor Engineering . Volume 1 . Issue 8 . July 2016ISSN: 2455-5703
1. P.Jenopaul “Damping of low frequency Oscillation using FACTS” National conference on Recent trends in communication Technology “NATCON 07” -Feb 8 2007
2. P.Jenopaul, S.Priyadarshini”Assessment of Performance of UPQC as a solution for power quality improvement in TNEB primary distribution lines” National conference on communication VLSI and signal processing” NCCVSP” pp35-42,2010.
3.Eugin.E,Jenopaul.P “low complexity full rate soft detection of terrestrial DVB using Turbo codes”National Conference On Emerging Trends In Communication.Pp94-104,2013.
4. Eugin.E,Jenopaul.P “low complexity full rate soft detection of terrestrial Digital Video Broadcasting.6th national conference on recent advances in communication system technology.pp25-31,2013.
5. Sankarayya.S,Jenopaul.P “Iterative Superliner Beam Forcing Algorithm For MIMO OFDM System” National Level Conference On Innovative Engineering,vol1,pp5-13,2013.
6. Sithu sithra, Jenopaul.P ‘An Intelligent Approach To Humanoid Robot Imitation By ImageRecognition” National Conference On Computer Science And Intelligent System (NCCSIS’ 13),vol2,pp8-17,2013.
7. Tom mathwes, Jenopaul.P “Embedded System Based Novel Battery Charging Algorithm in a SolarPowered Robotic Vehicle” National Conference On Computer Science And Intelligent System.(NCCSIS’ 13),vol2,pp18-23,2013.
8. Jenifier akila, Jenopaul.P “Minimal Grasper for Pick-and-Place Tasks” National Conference On Computer Science And Intelligent System (NCCSIS’ 13),vol2,pp1-7,2013.