Ms. Harshananda T N is an Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering Department, where she has served since 16th August 2019. she obtained her Bachelor of Technology (BTech) from SCMS School of Engineering and Technology(MG University) in 2015, followed by a Master's degree in Environmental Engineering from Government Engineering College Thrissur (APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University) in 2017.
The research interests of the faculty include Climate change, surface and groundwater quality analysis. Ms.Harshananda has a teaching experience of 5.5 years. Furthermore, she has participated in several workshops and conferences including the training course for young teachers delivered by National Initiative for Technical Teachers Training (NITTT). In addition, she has organized Faculty Development Programmes, Webinar Series and Expert talks demonstrating her leadership and organizational skills.
Journal and conference publications
1. Harshananda,T.N. and Neera, A.L. (2017). Treatment of Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical
Wastewater by Electrocoagulation, International Journal of Advance Research in Science and
Engineering, 6(5), 606-619.
2. Harshananda T.N. (2019). Analysis of quality parameters of groundwater in Laloor, 10th
International congress on environmental research
3. TN Harshananda, TM Ayisha, PR Janani Priyanka, Dildar Mather KN, Rakhi
Vijayakumar(2020), Removal of colour from textile effluent by adsorption using banana stem
coffee husk: A Review, IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering,17(4),32-41
4. Harshananda T N, Jineesha George, Swathy Krishna(2021). Design of Solid Waste
Management System for Angamaly Muncipality IJERT 10 (6)
5. Harshananda T N, Dr. P K Suresh and Clydin P A(2023). Sea water intrusion studies of
Cochin coastal line, International Conference on Sustainable Practices and Innovations in
Civil Engineering (SPICE 2023), ISBN: 978- 93-84389-35-2
1. Completed National Initiative for Technical Teachers Training Modules
2. Mentor - project proposal entitled „Roof Top Rainwater Harvesting and Electricity
Generation‟ state level participation in Kerala State Council for Science, Technology, and
Environment Techfest
3. Completed Consultancy work for Water Resources Department Kerala on River
Rejuvenation project for Periyar River
4. CERD Project funding for the Academic Year 2022-2023 for Project titled Landslide
Prediction and warning model
5. First prize in Annual All India Essay writing (English) Competition by Sriram Chandra
mission (United Nations Information Centre for India and Bhutan).
6. Qualified Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) 2015.
Research Interests:
1. Analysis of stability of soil slopes
2. Assessment of Extent of Salt water intrusion in Coastal Aquifers
3. Optimization of Solid waste management systems
4. Exploration of new materials for improving surface water quality
Significant Research Project Guidance (Graduate Level):
1. Development of a Landslide Prediction Model
2. Salt water intrusion in coastal aquifers – Mapping using QGIS
3. Development of plant based natural coagulants for water treatment
Significant Funded Research Projects:
“Development of landslide prediction system”- Funded by KTU CERD funding- Academic year
Significant Consultancy Works:
Consultancy Work for Water Resources Department of Kerala – Pollution Abatement and River
Rejuvenation project for Periyar River
Phone | Date Of Joining | |
harsha.ce[@]adishankara.[ac].[in] | 0484-2463825 | 16-08-2019 |
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