1. M.Tech in Embedded Systems from Amritha Viswa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore with a CGPA of 8.88 (2011)
2. B.Tech in Electronics and Communication from Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kalady, Ernakulam, M.G University (2009)
1. 'Sensor based Waste segregation', Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), © 2019 JETIR May 2019, Volume 6, Issue 5
2. ‘Real Time Waste Segregation’, National Conference on Recent Trends in VLSI, Communication and Networks 2018 (RTVCN2K18), ISSN: 2454-4248, Volume: 4 Issue: 5, 70 – 72
3. Brain Tumor Detection and multiclass classification from MR images, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, IJIRSET, Volume 6, Issue 4, April 2017
4. Reducing the number of context switches in real time systems, International Conference on process automation, Control and Computing, 2011
5. Arya Paul, “A Novel IoT-Based Solution for Respiratory Flow Diagnosis”, Internet of Things and Its Applications. EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing. Springer, Cham, 2021
6. Arya Paul, "A Review on RPL Objective Function Improvements for IoT Applications," 2021 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems (ACCESS), 2021, pp. 80-85
7. Patent publication: Design of a single smart handheld device for controlling and diagnosis of asthma - Published 5 June 2020
Academic Year | Project Title |
2021-2022 | Real Time Crowd Monitoring and face mask detection |
2020-2021 | Smart Intrevenous drip system |
2019-2020 |
IoT based Smart Inhaler - Funded by The Institution of Engineers (India) Development of a smart portable IoT device for better diagnosis and control of asthma and COPD -Funded by CERD, KTU Doily - Funded by CERD, KTU |
2018-2019 | Real Time Waste Segregation - Funded by The Institution of Engineers (India) |
2017-2018 | Brain Tumor Detection and multiclass classification from MR images |
AY: 2021-2022
Attended FDP on 3D Printing & Additive Manufacturing conducted in association with Indian Society of Technical Education (ISTE) - Kerala Section (18/4-22/4/2022)
Attended FDP on AI enabled IoT Networks, ASIET, Kalady (September 2021)
AY: 2020-2021
Attended 6 days AICTE sponsored FDP on IoT and data science (28/12/2020 -2/1/2021)
Attended 2 days FDP on Introduction to Machine learning using python (August 2020)
Attended ATAL FDP on Robotics (7/9/2020 -11/9/2020)
FDP on Pervasive Industrial Competence (August 2020)
AICTE STTP on Trends in Antenna design (August 2020)
AY: 2019-2020
Completed a self-paced training course on " MATLAB Onramp " By MathWorks
Completed a course on “Cybersecurity and Internet Of Things " On Coursera
Completed a self-paced training course on “Machine learning Onramp" By MathWorks
Participated 3days Student/ faculty training program on Data science under IEEE CS, IEEE Hyderabad section held between 23rd- 25th April 2020
Completed a course on “Introduction to the Internet of things and Embedded systems" On Coursera
Completed a course on “ Step into Robotic Process Automation” conducted by AICTE
One day Industrial Training on ONEDI- Intelligent transport management systems conducted by Technovia solutions Pvt Ltd, Kakkanad on 05/12/2019
Faculty development program on “DSP and its applications” from 25th July to 27th July 2019 at Sahrdaya College of engineering, Kodakara.
Faculty development program on “Industy 4.0 Technological advances and implications” at ASIET from 17th to 21 st June 2019
Resource person for Laboratory Staff Skill Upgradation Workshop(LSSUW”19) ”Fundamentals of System Designing Using Micrcontrollers For IoT and Robotics” at ASIET from 25th- 27th June 2019.
Resource person for "Uddyotana 2k20" , one day workshop for Mathematics Teachers on 25th January 2020 at ASIET
AY: 2018-2019
One day seminar on”Value Engineering” organised by The Institution of Engineering Society at IEI Bhavan, Kochi on 23rd February 2019
Organized and attended Faculty development program on “Artificial intelligence and machine learning” from 14th to 19th Dec 2018 (ASIET).
Industrial training on Solar power system and power electronics from 09/07/2018 to 13/07/2018 (Evergreen Energy Technologies, Kakkanad).
Organized and attended FDP on IoT, Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics in July 2018 at ASIET(funded by KSCSTE)
AY: 2017-2018
Workshop on MATLAB and Simulink applications from 3rd to 4th July 2017 at ASIET
Faculty development program on " Active Learning" at ASIET conducted by IIT Madras from 28th to 30th June 2017
FDP on Emerging Trends in Nano Science and Nano Technology from 17/04/18 to 21/04/2018
FDP on microprocessor and microcontrollers from 27/06/18 to 29/06/18.
Attended tutorials and conference sessions of National Conference on Recent Trends in VLSI, Communication and Networks 2018 on 4/5/18 and 5/5/18.
Phone | Date Of Joining | |
---|---|---|[@]adishankara.[ac].[in] | 0484-2463825 | 02-07-2012 |
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