Ms. Rajitha A R is an Assistant Professor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, where she has served since 01/07/2009. She obtained her Bachelor of Technology degree from Kerala University in 2006, followed by Master’s degree in Power Electronics from MG University in 2013. Currently she is pursuing her PhD (Part Time) from APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University.
Ms. Rajitha’s research interests are focused on EV Battery -Management,Modelling,control, Improving battery life and charging algorithms.She has shared her expertise by publishing research papers in various national and international journals and conferences. Ms.Rajitha has a wealth of experience in teaching, having devoted 16 years for educating students.she also conducted class in the area of EV Battery.
Furthermore, Ms.Rajitha A R is a Member of The Institution of Engineers (India) and has participated in various hand-on training, workshops, seminars, conferences and Faculty Development Programs. She has also organized conferences and workshops demonstrating her leadership and organizational skills in the academic community.Ms Rajitha also has ISSE professional society membership.
1. Pursuing PhD under Kerala Technological University
2.Completed M Tech from M G University in 2013.
3.Completed B Tech from Kerala University in 2006.
Journal and Conference Publications
1.Rajitha A R,Govind A, Rajalakshmy S (2022 April,)“Design And Development of a High-Gain Bidirectional DC-DC Converter With Reduced Ripple For Ups Application” in Stochastic Modeling & Applications,UGC CARE approved journal,issn: 0972-3641,Vol. 26 No. 3.
2.Rajitha A R,Govind A (2022 August ) “ A Review of High-Gain Bidirectional DC-DC Converter with reduced ripple current ” in 3rd International Conference on “Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT-2022)”
3.Rajitha A R,Sneha George,(May 2020)”A Modified Non-Isolated Bidirectional DC-DC Converter Implementing V2G Technology” in International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded And Secure Systems (Access’ 20).
4.Rajitha A R,Leena Thomas (October 2013) “One Cycle Control of Bridgeless Buck Converter” in the International conference on Emerging Trends in Electrical Systems,(ICETES-2013).
5.Rajitha A R,Remya K P, , Dr. Jeno Paul(May 2021) “Novel Predictive Current Controller for DSTATCOM to Improve Power Quality “ in International Journal of Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, Volume. 25, No. 5. May 2021
6.Rajitha A. R,Deepa SankarByshaniya Ghosh , Abhijith C S , Fathima Nooriya, Ananthu V S,(August 2021)”12.Improved Bidirectional DC-DC Converter Control Scheme For EV Application” in International Journal of All Research Education & Scientific Methods- Volume 9, Issue 8 ,ISSN: 2455-6211.
7.Rajitha A R,Sneha George (April 2020) “A Novel Non-Isolated Bidirectional DC-DC Converter with V2G Capability, in International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science” Volume 2,Issue 7,PP 1509-1523,ISSN 2582-5208.
8.Rajitha A R,Sneha George (April 2020) “DC-DC Converter Topologies For Battery-Electric Vehicles Interface”, in International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science,Volume2, Issue 7,Page 2582-5208.
9.Rajitha A R,Rajitha Rajan,Sarath Prasad.Amrutha O,Reshma Nair”Isolated Switched Boost Push Pull DC-DC Step-up Converter"on ERTEE;18,Global Research And Development Journals, pp. 2455,March 2018,e-ISSN: 2455-5703.
10.Rajitha A R.,Leena Thomas (October 2013)‘A Novel Control Method for Bridgeless Voltage Doubler PFC Buck Converter’ in IJERT, Volume 2,Issue 10 (October-2013).
11.Rajitha A R,Varsha l Lenin,Helan Bevera,Archana P J(May 2015) “Robust Railway Track Crack Detection using MEMS Technology” in IJSTE - International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering , Volume 1 , Issue 11 ,May 2015
12.Rajitha A R, Varsha CS(August 2015) ‘Hybrid Multilevel H-Bridge Converter Based STATCOM’ in International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Volume 02, Issue 5 August 2015.
13.Rajitha A R,Gayathri G (July 2015) “A Review of Modulation Techniques for Chopper cell based Modular Multilevel Converters’ in IRJET Volume 2, Issue 4 July 2015
14.Rajitha A R,Leena Thomas (July 2013)”Published a paper on ‘Simulation of Bridgeless Buck Converter’ in IJERT, Volume 2,Issue 7 (July -2013)
1.Best Teacher Award for securing 100% Result in University Examination.
2.Coordinated Hands on Training programme on the topic “LATEX for Effective Professional Writing” at Adi Shankara institute of Engineering and technology in January 2017.
3.Co ordinated the Power Quiz 2019 conducted by KSEB Officers Association and EEE Department of ASIET on 3rd October.
4.Conducted expert talk on the topic Electric Vehicle Battery Charging & Control Algorithms sharing knowledge and skills with students and professionals.
5.Published 14 research papers in prestigious National & International Journals and Conferences
6.Mentored graduate students who have gone on to successful careers in academia and industry
7.Attended FDP on Recent Developments in Nano Research and Nanomaterials for Future Applications, organized by the Department of Chemical Engineering, Government Engineering College Thrissur,
8.Attended Faculty Development Programme on ‘Transition to Electric Vehicles: Challenges and Opportunities’ jointly organized by the Division of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Division of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering, Cochin University of Science and Technology under the aegis of TEQIP phase II .
9.Attended Online Short-Term Training Programme titled "Power Electronics for the EV Age and Beyond" sponsored by “TEQIP-II” and organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering, Government Engineering College Thrissur.
10.Attended workshop on 'Modeling Chemical Reactions and Reacting Flows with COMSOL Multiphysics conducted by COMSOL Multiphysics Pvt Limited.
11.Attended online FDP on “Power Electronics for Electric Vehicles - Control and Challenges” conducted by ASIET.
12.Attended AICTE sponsored online STTP Series-3 "Design of Drive Train & Charging Station for Electric Vehicle Applications organized by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering of SAINTGITS College of Engineering.
13.Attended "5 day Online Faculty Development Programme on “Practical Challenges in the Design and Development of Electric Vehicles” organized by the Electrical Engineering Department, NIT Calicut.
14.Attended One week online FDP on “Current affairs and Research scope In Renewable Energy “ Organized by Dept. of EEE, Chennai Institute of Technology.
15.Attended Five day Online Faculty Development Program (FDP) on "System Modelling and Control Methods" organized by Department of EEE, SSET.
16.Attended National level 5 day online Faculty Development Programme on 'Real time Applications of Power Electronics-Research Scope and Challenges'.
17.Attended a Three Day workshop on ‘The Art of Technical Writing and Publishing in the Pursuit of Academic Excellence’ at SCMS School of Engineering and Technology, Karukutty.
18.Attended and successfully completed AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy FDP on Block Chain at ASIET,Kalady.
19.Attended a five day KTU sponsored Faculty Development Program on ‘Advances in Electric Vehicle Technology’ at Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology .
20.Attended Faculty Development program on Emerging Trends in NANO Science & NANO Technology (KTU Sponsored) .
21.Attended Five Day Faculty Development Program on ROBOTICS and IoT- A Promise to Modern Era at FISAT .
22.Attended Workshop on “Latex for effective professional writing” at Adi shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology .
23.Attended Workshop on ‘Energy Conservation, Management And Challenges in A Deregulated System’ at ASIET.
24.Attended Workshop on ‘Control System Design And Simulation Using Lab view at ASIET.
25.Attended Short Term Training Programme (STTP) on Industrial Automation at ASIET,Kalady
26.Attended Workshop on 'Intel Galileo & Arduino Platform'at ASIET,Kalady
27.Attended Short Term Training Programme on Power Electronics for Smart Grid at ASIET, Kalady
28.Attended ISTE Approved Short Term Training Programme, PRABHAAVA-A Novel Approach to Control System and its Applications Days at ASIET, Kalady
Research Interests
1.EV Battery Management
2.Modelling of Li ion battery
3.Converters used in Battery Charging
ProjectsGuidance (Master Level)
1.Design and Development of a High-Gain Bidirectional Converter With Reduced
Ripple for UPS Application
2.A Modified Non-Isolated Bidirectional DC-DC Converter Implementing V2G
3.Hybrid Multilevel H-Bridge Converter Based STATCOM
4.Modulation techniques for Multilevel Inverters
Phone | Date Of Joining | |
rejitha.eee[@]adishankara.[ac].[in] | 8547699787 | 01-07-2009 |
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