Rose Mary Varghese is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Department, where she has served since 19 th July 2017.She obtained her Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech) in Computer Science and Engineering from Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology (ASIET) in 2013, followed by a Master’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology (ASIET) in 2015.
Rose Mary Varghese has more than 5 years of experience in teaching and has taught subjects such as C Programming, Java Programming, Android application ,Digital System designs, Business analytics, Discrete mathematics Structures, Management information System,Sustainable Engineering,Computer Vision. She has participated in more than 10 faculty development programs related to areas such as AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Network Security etc. She has five publications and one patent.
M-TECH | MGU | 2015 |
B-TECH | MGU | 2013 |
Journals and Conference Publications:
“A Survey on An Unsupervised User Behaviour Prediction Algorithm Based on Machine Learning and Neural Network FOR SMART HOME”,International Conference - ICRTAI21- ISBN Book of Proceedings ISBN No 9788194769064.
“Driver Drowsiness Detection System Based On Eye Closure”,International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM) Volume 3, Issue 7 July 2021, pp: 2371-2375
"An Automated Landslide Detection System" in the Volume -9 issue 3 of IJRES JOURNAL.
”Offline Mobile Application for Train Time Prediction” ,IEEE 2019 International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES), Coimbatore, India
“Efficient Pattern-Based Query Search in Text Documents”, The International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research (IJMTER).
Patent Publications:
Aquaponics using IOT and web based interface Application number -202141033498, Publication date-21/8/2020
Course Instructor in cloud computing for Adi Shankara Digital Academy.
Participated in the Online AICTE Recognized Faculty Development Programme on Linux Applications in Engineering Education.
AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy FDP on "Blockchain"
Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation an online non-credit course authorized by Google Cloud and offered through Coursera
Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure an online non-credit course authorized by Google Cloud and offered through Coursera
Reliable Cloud Infrastructure: Design and Process an online non-credit course authorized by Google Cloud and offered through Coursera
AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on "Robotics"
Faculty development program on Network Security challenges.
Participant of national level hands own workshop conducted in Cloud Computing,
Faculty development program on Discrete Mathematics and graph theory
Participated in Android Development Workshop, network simulation workshop,Data mining Workshop,Participated in Hadoop and Big Data workshop
Participated in faculty development program in applied mathematics and Fuzzy logic systems
Research Interests:
Data Analytics
Artificial Intelligence
Significant Research Project Guidance:
Sentiment Analysis of Twitter.
Companion app-mental health tracker
Dr. For You
Gas Cylinder Tracking management System
Enhanced prediction and control of Heart attack using Genetic Algorithm
Efficient pattern Based Query Search In Text Documents
Distributed Pattern Indexing model for Map-Reduce in Text Mining
Phone | Date Of Joining | |
rosemary.cs[@]adishankara.[ac].[in] | 0484-2463825 | 19-07-2017 |
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