
In recent times, technology has produced many innovations of holistic nature and scientists and researchers in its quest to conquer nature, have evolved various dangerous concepts threatening the very existence of mankind. These pose a big challenge to the meaning and principle of humanity. In this regard, students should play a strong and positive role in determining emerging trends of technology. It is with this thought in mind, that "Adi Shankara Young Scientist Award" is conceived and designed.

The objective of Adi Shankara Young Scientist Award is to recognize the potential of promising young aspiring scientists who dedicate themselves to solve the most pressing problems the world faces. This award aims to recognise and reward quality workmanship, inspire scholarship and support researchers to pursue their passion in creating technological innovations beneficial to mankind.

What awaits the winners of Adi Shankara Young Scientists Award is the unique privilege to visit NASA, Silicon Valley, and several prestigious universities in the United States. This ten-day trip gives a tremendous exposure to the winners and signals a major turning point in their lives. In addition to the jackpot, master-brains behind the best 20 projects become eligible for scholarships that earn them opportunities for higher studies in all the educational institutions run by Adi Shankara Trust.