Faculty Profile
Dr. Sarika S
Dr. Sarika S
Associate Professor & HOD

Dr. Sarika S is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering(AI) since June 2024. Received her Ph.D. from Bharathiar University in 2019, M.Tech from Karunya University in 2008 and B.Tech from M G University in 2005 and qualified UGC NET. She is a dedicated and passionate teacher with 18 years of teaching experience. Published more than 25 papers in various reputed journals like SCI, Scopus and UGC care listed journals. She is also an active member in the review panel of quality journals including IEEE. She has also served as the chief editor of ISSN journals.

She has been a resource person to more than 25 International/National/State level workshops and seminars in different colleges for the topics like Document Preparation using LATEX, Artificial Intelligence, Potential Career opportunities in Computer Science and Mathematics, core subject topics in Computer Science etc. She has also played the role of Chief guest and Keynote speaker and session chair for International Conferences organized by different colleges sponsored by IEEE and other agencies.

An approved research supervisor at Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Karnataka.  She has authored one book and 5 book chapters. Organized several events in administrative and department level including National and International Conferences. Her efforts have received best faculty award from previous institution.

She has participated in various hands-on training, workshops, seminars, conferences, and Faculty Development Programs. The research interests include Security, Networks, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

Qualification details

Certifications/Trainings completed

  1. AI for Everyone
  2. A Basic Course in Machine Learning for all
  3. Two weeks industrial training on Deep learning, Computer Vision,NLP and Chatgpt with python
  4. Workshop on Academic Research writing with AI tools
  5. Outcome Based Education and Application of Generative AI in Teaching and Research.

Books Published

1. The Impact of Generative AI”Innovations and Applications in the Modern World”

2. Distributed Software Agents for Antiphishing

Research Paper Publications

  1. Sarika S (June,2024),LUNGCAREAI:Innovating Respiratory Diagnosis through Advanced Deeplearning Techniques,Journal of Technology,Vol 14,Issue 6
  2. Sarika S (june 2024),Automating Tomorrow:The Convergence of AI and Robotics,International Journal of Intelligent Sstems and Applications in Engineering,Vol 12,Issue 4
  3. Sarika S(2022,June),An Approach to perceive session hijacking IoT Healthcare, Lecture Notes on Network and Systems,Vol 401,Chater 51.(Scopus Indexed).
  4. Sarika S (2020, January)Browser Security Attacks and Detection Techniques:A case of Tabnabbing, Science and Technology Journal, Mizoram University,8(1),January 2020.(UGC care).
  5. Sarika S (2020, June)Browser Security: Attacks and Detection Techniques, GEDRAG & ORGANISATIE,33(2)April-June 2020(UGC care).
  6. Sarika S, Amal Antony(2020,May) “A Review on IoT Operating Systems”, International Journal of Computer Applications,176(24), pp 33-40, Peer reviewed
  7. Sarika S(2019,November), A Heuristic Model to Detect Malicious URLs using Case Based Reasoning, Journal of Information and Computational Science,9(11), 1066-1079(UGC care).
  8. Sarika S, Fathima Beevi (2019). On The Effectiveness of Various Techniques to Resist Shoulder Surfing Attack, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR),6(2),pp. 106-110, Peer reviewed
  9. Sarika S, Paul V (2018). Intelligent Agents in Securing Internet. Journal of Internet Technology, 19(3),753-763. (SCIindexed)
  10. Sarika, S., & Paul, V. (2017, April). Parallel Phishing Attack Recognition using Software Agents. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 32(5), pp. 3273-3284. (SCI Indexed).
  11. Sarika, S., & Paul, V. (2016, January). Efficiency of Intelligent Agents in AntiTabnabbing. IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR - JCE), pp. 40-45. .Peer reviewed
  12. Sarika, S., & Paul, V. (2016, January). An Agent Based Approach for AntiTabnabbing.International journal of latest trends in engineering and technology, 6(3),pp. 83-88. .Peer reviewed
  13. Sarika, S., & Paul, V. (2015, April). Agenttab: An Agent Based Approach to Detect Tabnabbing Attack. Procedia Computer Science, 46, pp. 574-581. (Scopus Indexed)
  14. Sarika, S., & Paul, V. (2013, May). Distributed Software agents for antiphishing. International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI), 10(3), pp. 125- .Peer reviewed

International/National Conferences

  1. Sarika S(2021,December),An Approach to perceive session hijacking in IoT healthcare,6th International conference on Information and communication Technology for Competitive strategies.
  2. Sarika S,(2021,April), Passphrase Based Authentication to Prevent Shoulder Surfing Attack,9th International conference on contemporary Engineering and Technology.
  3. Sarika, S., & Paul, V. (2014, March). An Antiphishing Framework to Defend Tabnabbing Attack. In International Conference on Security and Authentication, pp. 132-135. (Citations-5)
  4. Sarika S, Fathima Beevi (2020,February) “Passphrase Based Authentication to Prevent Shoulder Surfing Attack”, Proceedings of National Conference on IOT , Naipunnya College -ISBN-978-93-5406-047-2
  5. Sarika S, Fathima Beevi (2020,February) “A study on the role of Artificial Intelligence in IoT healthcare”, Proceedings of National Conference on Technological advancements in Computational intelligence , Naipunnya College - ISBN-978-8194-9892-0-2
  6. Sarika S, Fathima Beevi (2020,February) “Multi agent systems in securing IoT healthcare”, Proceedings of National Conference on Technological advancements in Computational intelligence , Naipunnya College - ISBN-978-8194-9892-0-2

Trainings/Workshops conducted as resource person

  1. Resource Person, Foundations on AI at ASIET Kalady,July 2024
  2. Resource Person,Two days workshop on LATEX at ASIET Kalady, July 2024
  3. Resource Person, Document Preparation using LATEX(3 days International Workshop organized by A2Z edulearning hub)-May 2024
  4. Session Chair, IEEE International Conference(RAICS) at MACE Kothamangalam, May 2024
  5. Resource Person, Hands on Workshop on Document Preparation using LATEX at VJCET Vazhakulam -April 2024
  6. Session Chair, International Conference at NIMIT Pongam,January 2024
  7. Chief Guest and Keynote Speaker at International Conference organized by Abhiyaman Arts and Science college Krishnagiri,Salem-October 2023
  8. Resource Person ,Hands on Workshop on Document Preparation using LATEX at VJCET Vazhakulam -October 2023
  9. Resource Person ,Document Preparation using LATEX(3 days International Workshop organized by A2Z edulearning hub)-August 2023
  10. Resource Person , International workshop on Document Preparation using LATEX, Conducted by Govt.College Rajahmundry,Andhrapradesh in association with A2Z Edulearninghub LLP, April 2023.
  11. Resource Person, Workshop on LATEX, NIMIT Pongam, March 2023.
  12. Resource Person , Potential Career Opportunities(Mathematics and Computer Science),St.Joseph’s College for Women,Alappuzha,February 2023.
  13. Resource Person , National Level workshop on Latex for research and technical writing",Conducted by Sree Narayana Gurukulam College of Engineering, Kolenchery,February 2023.
  14. Resource Person , Design of memory circuits, Mangalam College of Engineering, Ettumanoor,December 2022
  15. Resource Person , International workshop on Document Preparation using LATEX,Conducted by A2Z Edulearninghub LLP, November 2022
  16. Session Chair, International Conference on Advanced and Emerging Trends in Computer Science, November 2022.
  17. Session Chair, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Cloud Computing, February 2022.
  18. Resource Person , Workshop on LATEX, SNGIST Paravur, July 2022
  19. Resource Person , Introduction to LATEX, SNGIST Paravur,June 2022
  20. Resource Person, LATEX Training, NIMIT Pongam, February 2021.
  21. Resource Person, LEAP-Language Efficiency Acquisition Programme conducted by HSST Odakkali, November 2020.
  22. Resource Person, “Data Structures using C”, Bharata Mata College of Commerce and Arts Choondi, August 2020
  23. Talk on “Intelligent Agents in Securing Internet” in the FEP, NIMIT Pongam, August 2020
  24. Talk on “Research Paper Writing” for UG and PG students, NIMIT Pongam, January 2020

Research supervisor at Manipal Academy of higher Education, Karnataka

Research Interests:

  1. Web Security

  2. Networking

  3. Artificial Intelligence

Research projects handled:

  1. LungcareAI:Respiratory disease detection through advanced deeplearning techniques

  2. Technique to handle shoulder surfing attack

  3. Electronic Health record using blockchain

  4. Digital Signature in ITR filing

Email Phone Date Of Joining
sarikas.cs[@]adishankara.[ac].[in] 0484-2463825 10-06-2024