Siji Jose Pulluparambil is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering in Artificial Intelligence Department. I am currently doing Ph.D. program in Computer Science at Srinivas University, Mangalore. This pursuit reflects my dedication to advancing research and contributing to the academic discourse in my field. Prior to my doctoral studies, I completed my MCA from Nirmala College of Information Technology, Chalakudy in 2010. I am proud to have been recognized as the University First rank holder during my postgraduate studies, reflecting my commitment to academic excellence. My academic journey began with a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics from Carmel College, Mala, from 2004 to 2007.
She has more than 9 years of experience in teaching and has taught subjects such as Data Structures, Software Testing, Software Engineering, Compilers, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Discrete Mathematics, Database Management Systems(DBMS), Computer Organization and Architecture, Operations Research(OR), Professional Business Skills, Office Automation Tools. Her research areas include Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning. She has presented various technical papers at International and National Conferences and participated in several International and National Seminars, workshops and Faculty Development Programmes. She has also published many research papers in reputed journals. She has written 2 books titled Learn C –The Complete C Programming Concepts, Computer Fundamentals and HTML.
Journals and Conference Publications
Siji Jose Pulluparambil,Dr.Netravathi P.S(2023), A Comparitive Study on Medical Image Denoising Methods,Indian Journal of Natural Sciences(Web of science),ISSN- 0976-0997
Siji Jose Pulluparambil,Fredy Varghese,Laiby Thomas(2022), Learn C –The Complete C Programming Concepts, ISBN-979-88-883377-4-5
Siji Jose Pulluparambil, Stanely John,(2022), Analysis of optimization Techniques in Machine Learning Algorithms, International Conference (VIGYAAN) on “Advanced and Emerging Trends in Computer Science”.
Siji Jose Pulluparambil, Fredy Varghese(2021),A Study on Internet of Things - Based Energy Management System, Frame work and Challenges in Smart Cities, NaiVigyan-A Collection of Multidisciplinary Research Papers –Volume 2 Issue 2 pp 26-28.
Siji Jose Pulluparambil, Fredy Varghese (2021), Bitcoin-Applications In Modern Era and Its Methodology-An Overview Vigyaan 2021-2022(Proceedings of Sixth National Conference on Emerging Trends In Cloud Computing.ISBN-978-81-949892-5-7 .
Siji Jose Pulluparambil, Fredy Varghese(2021) ,A Comprehensive Study on the Current Trends and Future Scope of Machine Learning in Education Sector, Vigyaan 2020-2021(Proceddings of Sixth National Conferenceon Technological Advancements in Computational Intelligence, ISBN-978-81-949892-0-2
Ms.Siji Jose Pulluparambil,Dr.Subrahmanya Bhat(2021), Survey of Applications of Deep Learning in Medical image Processing, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND ANALYTICAL REVIEWS (IJRAR), E-ISSN 2348-1269,P-ISSN 2349-5138
Ms.Siji Jose Pulluparambil,Dr.Subrahmanya Bhat(2021), Application of Machine Learning in Google Services- A Case Study, International Journal of Case Studies in Business, IT, and Education (IJCSBE), ISSN: 2581-6942
Ms.Siji Jose,Dr.Subrahmanya Bhat(2021), Medical Image Processing: Detection And Prediction Of Pcos – A Systematic Literature Review, International Journal of Health Sciences and Pharmacy (IJHSP), ISSN: 2581-6411.
Research Interests:
Machine Learning
Deep learning
Phone | Date Of Joining | |
siji.cs[@]adishankara.[ac].[in] | 0484-2463825 | 24-06-2024 |
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